By going through this chapter, you will understand the Mobile Portal App’s features by each menu category, the tasks that a user can perform on the Mobile Portal App, and how to perform such tasks.
“Using the Mobile Portal App” explains the following topics:
Starting the Mobile Portal
Managing Processes
Using Dashboard
Checking Notices
Managing the System
Managing Personal Information
Starting the Mobile Portal
This part explains the basic procedures you must take before using the Mobile Portal App.
“Starting the Mobile Portal” explains the following topics:
Mobile Device Requirements
Sign up
Logging In
Logging Out
Checking Tenant
Checking Server Status
Mobile Device Requirements
Mobile Portal is optimized for the vertical screen of the mobile Chrome browser with a resolution of 412 * 869 (Galaxy Note 10) or higher. Therefore, an abnormal operation may occur if the connection environment differs.
Sign Up
Access the Mobile Portal. The Mobile Portal access link is available to the site manager.
Click Sign Up at the bottom of the login page. You will be directed to the "Sign up" page.
Enter the personal information required for registration. The tenant can check with the site manager about the additional information items.
4. Click Save . An initial password will be sent to the email address you entered.
Membership registration is applied only to
users who have SMTP enabled, and users who do not have SMTP settings do not see membership sign-up .
In this case, an administrator must register account information.
Logging In
You can log into the Mobile Portal App by entering your account ID and password on the login page. Tap the sign-in link for your first login. To log in to the Mobile Portal App, complete the following steps:
Go to the login page of the Mobile Portal in your web browser. For the exact address of the login page, contact your system administrator.
Enter your account ID and password.
To have your app remember your account ID for the next login, select the Save ID checkbox.
Select a tenant.
Click Login
If you have forgotten your account ID or password, click Find ID/Password .
• Session timeout is set to 30 minutes by default. You can change the set timeout on Tomcat.
• Supports designer and SSO connection.
Find ID
Enter your name and email address to find the account ID you have forgotten.
Find Password
Enter your account ID and email address to find the password you have forgotten.
When you log in successfully into the Mobile Portal App, the main page will be displayed.
2-Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication is possible according to the server settings (Using Tenant Portal - 10. Manage Settings) option (Administration Policy - 2-Factor Authentication).
Email is provided as the primary authentication method. SMS and KakaoTalk are displayed depending on your settings and whether the mobile phone is authenticated.
To use 2-Factor Authentication , SMTP linkage setting is absolutely necessary.
If you use 2-Factor Authentication when SMTP is not set, you cannot log in.
Logging Out
Click Menu > Logout.
Changing Tenant
You can change the tenant.
Click Menu > [Current Tenant Name]
Checking Server Status
You can have an overview of version information of all currently running servers. This information is defined by dividing each service's module-specific certificate name.
Click Menu > About
Checking Notice
If the administrator registers a notice, you can check the notice.
Click the Notices button at the top right of the Mobile Portal. If there is a new notice, a number is displayed below.
If there are two or more notices, you can check them through the arrow below.
If there is no registered notice, the button is not exposed.
Checking Dashboard
A dashboard function is provided so that users can understand the current status. When you log in, the initial screen is displayed. Click Menu > [Brity RPA] Logo
"Dashboard" consists of:
Bot operating statistics
Weekly job success status
Process statistics
Job success rate
Real-time job status
Process performance status per bot
Process execution time statistics
You can move by selecting the left and right arrows on the screen or dragging the screen. Also, depending on the type of dashboard, you can choose a date to view the data.
Managing Processes
The users can activate the projects and process flows designed via RPA Designer, and deploy them. An activated process can be assigned to an RPA Bot and be executed as a new job. The Mobile Portal provides two features that enable users to activate and distribute projects/process flows: Project List and Process flow List.
“Managing Processes" explains the following topics:
Managing Project List
Managing Process Flow List
Managing Project List
You can perform a wide range of tasks to manage projects. For example, you can test the projects after viewing the process details under the project.
Project List
You can check the list of projects added to the server.
Click Menu > Project List
You can check the list of projects.
Viewing Process Details
You can select a project and search specific details via the search feature. After selecting a project, you can use the search function to search for resources within the selected project.
You can check the overall details of a process or task by clicking the process tile.
Executing the Project
You can execute the project by clicking on the blue rocket icon in the process tile.
Managing Process Flow List
You can perform various actions to manage the process flow. For example, you can test the projects after viewing the process details under the process flow.
Process Flow List
You can check the list of projects added to the server.
Click Menu > Process Flow List
You can check the list of process flows.
Viewing Process Details
After selecting a process flow, you can use the search option to search for resources within the process flow chosen.
You can check the overall details of a process or task by clicking the process tile.
Executing the Process Flow
You can execute the process flow by clicking on the blue rocket icon in the process tile.
As in the Admin/User Portal, when the security parameter function is activated, the security option is displayed in the form of a switch to the right of the value and can be set if necessary.
For the security parameter function , refer Job 실행하기 .
You can monitor the operation status of RPA process, and manage bots through Mobile Portal App. By monitoring the execution, you can have an overview of process/bot execution status, check errors, and improve work automation efficiency. “Monitoring" explains the following topics:
Monitoring Bot Operation Status
Monitoring Job Execution
Monitoring Process Flow
Monitoring Bot Operation Status
You can monitor the status of operating bots and control the bots. Click Menu > Bot Status
Bot Status
View Bot Details
Select a bot displayed in the list to view the bot details.
Bot info
Bot Performance History
You can see the performance history of the bot by clicking the below highlighted icon.
Pausing Bot
You can pause the bot by clicking the pause button of the running bot.
Monitoring Job Execution
You can monitor the job execution history of all jobs performed.
Click Menu > Job Execution History
A stop button is exposed to stop the running job if the job is running.
Check Job Details
Click the job execution history to check the detailed information about the job.
Monitoring Process Flows
You can monitor the process flow execution status.
Click Menu > Process Flow History
View Process Flow Details
You can check the details of the process flow. Click a process flow in the Process flow history to view the details.
Checking Process Flow History
You can check the details of the process flow. To check the process, select Process Flow History.
Checking Process Flow Script
You can check the process flow script code. Click the process flow Script in the details window to check the process flow.
Managing the System
The User can manage necessary assets for operating RPA solution.
"Managing the System" explains the following topics.
Managing Shared Resources
Click Menu > Shared Resource
Managing Shared Resources
You can manage common resources that RPA designers and RPA bots can use in common. Shared resources can be managed according to group permissions, and secure data is encrypted.
Click on Shared resource under System to enter the shared resource management.
Shared resource management
You can view the list of shared resources.
Adding Shared Resources
You can add shared resources to use in RPA Solution. To add a shared resource, complete the following steps:
Click System > Shared Resources > Add . The "Add Shared Resource" pop-up window will be displayed.
Enter the properties, and then add the resource by clicking Select File.
File or string types are supported for shared resources and can be set to Secure data or Credential.
If you select string or credential among classification and security data among types, special symbols can be entered in the value input field. When selecting the general type, some special symbols (<, >, &, ", ') cannot be entered.
Use tag for searching.
Click Save.
Click OK on the save complete pop-up window
The shared resource has been added.
Searching Shared Resources
You can enter conditions and search registered shared resources.
To search a shared resource, complete the following steps:
1. Click System > Shared Resource > Detail Search . 2. Enter search conditions.
3. Click Search
Shared resources that match the set conditions are displayed. To reset the search conditions, click Reset.
For details about each shared resource, click the name of the shared resource in the list.
Managing Shared Resource Permissions
Shared resources displayed on the Shared resource management screen are those within your permissions. You can set permissions for the resources on the list.
From the list of resources displayed on the "Shared Resource," select the resource owner to change the permissions. The "Change Owner" pop-up window will be displayed.
Editing Personal Information
You can change your personal information, such as name, position, phone number, and password.
"Editing personal information" explains the following topics.
Checking Personal Information
Editing Personal Information
Deleting Account
Checking Personal Information
Follow the steps below to view personal information.
In the Mobile Portal, select Menu > [Profile] .
The "Personal Information" pop-up window is displayed.
Editing Personal Information
Follow the steps below to edit personal information.
In the Mobile Portal, select Menu > [Profile] .
The "Personal Information" pop-up window is displayed. Click Update.
Edit information you want to change.
To change Messaging Service, photo, and password, click Messaging Service, Change photo, Change password, respectively.
4. Click Save . 5. Click OK on the save Confirmation pop-up window . 6. Click OK on the save complete pop-up window.
Your personal information has been updated.
If you do not fill in the mandatory fields indicated with an asterisk (*), a notification pop-up window will be displayed and the changes you have made will not be saved.
Change phone
Depending on the server settings, authentication may be required when entering a mobile phone. (For setting method, refer to setting management of tenant portal)
The input part is deactivated with text showing whether the mobile phone is verified or not.
Mobile phone authentication via SMS is possible.
Messaging Service
You can get a messaging service for each situation. The menu displayed may vary depending on SMS and KakaoTalk settings, mobile phone authentication status, permissions, etc.
Deleting Account
To delete your account, please follow the steps below.
In the Mobile Portal, click Menu > [Profile] .
The "Personal Information" pop-up window is displayed. Click Delete account.
Click OK on the "User Delete" pop-up window .
If you delete your account, all personal information will be deleted and cannot be reused or restored.