Upgrading Pre-Check
As a preliminary preparation for the upgrade, preparation of the installation package and backup of existing services is essential. (The pre-check process below can be performed with an ipaadm account with sudo privileges)
Downloading Installation Package
Download the installation package through the SAMSUNG SDS Support Portal. For information on how to sign up for the Support Portal and download the installation package, contact us through [Contact Us] on Brityrpa.ai. The installation package is approximately 1.7 GB in size.
Check upgradeable version
If the version you use is 2.0.1 or later, you can upgrade to 3.0.0.
If you are using version 1.6.X, you must first upgrade to 2.0.1 and then upgrade to 3.0.0.
Backup Before Upgrade
Application Backup
If you have enough disk, it's good to back up through the /rpa folder.
- Check the remaining capacity of the disk df -h - Check /rpa directory capacity (takes a long time) du -sh /rpa - /rpa directory full backup method cp -r /rpa /rpa_bak
This is a mandatory file to back up when backing up only the application setting file.
- RPA service setup /rpa/properties/application.properties /rpa/apps/gateway/application.properties /rpa/apps/comm/application.properties /rpa/apps/textrecognitionServer/application.properties - RPA service execution shell /rpa/apps/auth/run.sh /rpa/apps/comm/run.sh /rpa/apps/core/run.sh /rpa/apps/gateway/run.sh /rpa/apps/scheduler/run.sh /rpa/apps/tenant/run.sh /rpa/apps/textrecognition/run.sh /rpa/apps/workflow/run.sh - Portal Settings /rpa/apps/admin/admin/WEB-INF/classes/properties/comm.properties /rpa/apps/admin/user/WEB-INF/classes/properties/comm.properties /rpa/apps/admin/tenant/WEB-INF/classes/properties/comm.properties
DBMS Backup
The operating guide for OSS is not included in the document because it is outside the scope of technical support for the solution. Please refer to the backup method link. https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/backup-and-restore-overview/ https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-backup-excerpt/8.0/en/backup-and-recovery.html
Upgrading RPA Orchestrator
Termination of the Service in Operation
The MariaDB service must be running to perform an upgrade. Stop Tomcat, RPA Service, and ActiveMQ service.
- Shut down Tomcat, RPA Service, and ActiveMQ service. cd /rpa/bin ./tomcat-stop.sh ./stop.sh ./activemq-stop.sh - Check whether the process terminated normally. ps -ef|grep tomcat ./ps-rpa.sh ps -ef|grep activemq
If you have a single installation of Brity RPA on one server, including MariaDB, ActiveMQ, and Tomcat, everything is done on one server. Both servers (AP1/AP2) must be upgraded if application servers are duplicated. If MariaDB is installed on another server, you must upgrade the DB schema on the MariaDB installation server.
1. Run the upgrade program as follows.
cd /rpa/install ./rpa-custom-install.sh
2. In the End User License Agreement (EULA) that appears on the first screen, you must select Y to proceed with the installation.
3. Select MariaDB Database 1 to proceed.
4. Select Update Brity RPA v3.0.0_hotfix.
5. Select Update Brity RPA server ( v2.0.1 to v3.0.0_hotfix ).
6. Update the RPA Service application. Choose
7. Change the settings to suit your server environment. Enter Y to proceed with the installation, C to change settings, H to go to Home, and E to exit.
A redundant server indicates whether it is a redundant server. Enter N or Y
The redundant server type indicates whether it is AP1/AP2. 1 or 2 input
8. Proceed with the installation. If you enter Y, the installation proceeds as follows, you can set the memory of the RPA service and Update the RPA Service application will end.
9. Perform the previous sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 again.
1. Run rpa-custom-install.sh upgrade program
2. Select Y for License Agreement (EULA)
3. Select Mariadb Database 1
4. 3) Select Update Brity RPA v3.0.0_hotfix
5. 1) Select Update Brity RPA server ( v2.0.1 to v3.0.0_hotfix )
10. Update the RPA web application. Choose
11. Keep the settings the same as before. Enter Y to proceed with the installation, C to change settings, H to go to Home, and E to exit.
12. If you enter installation progress Y, the web application installation is completed as follows.
13. DB schema installation must be performed on the server where the DBMS is installed. First, perform the previous sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 again.
1. Run rpa-custom-install.sh upgrade program
2. Select Y for License Agreement (EULA)
3. Select Mariadb Database 1
4. 3) Select Update Brity RPA v3.0.0_hotfix
5. 1) Select Update Brity RPA server ( v2.0.1 to v3.0.0_hotfix )
14. Update the RPA DB schema. Choose
15. Change the settings to suit your server environment. Enter Y to proceed with the installation, C to change settings, H to go to Home, and E to exit.
Pay attention to the installation path. This is MariaDB's bin folder.
16. Installation progress If Y is entered, the required cache capacity for installation is entered. For example, set it to 14000 and press enter.
17. DB schema installation is complete and all upgrades are complete.
18. Check the configuration file inside the upgraded package for the backed up configuration file.
/rpa/apps/gateway/application.properties, /rpa/apps/comm/application.properties,
If the file name /rpa/apps/textrecognitionServer/application.properties is changed to _application.properties, change it as follows.
mv _application.properties application.properties
19. Restart ActiveMQ, RPA service, and Tomcat to check the normal operation of the server.