You can control the program screen using the features provided by the App library. These features identify the UI object on the screen using the UI automation technology provided by Windows and find the target UI specified by the user to perform the specified actions.
The features provided by the App library are as follows:
UI object recognition features: Find, FindAll FindElement, RunAction, SetCheckState, GetBounds, GetCheckState, WaitAppear, WaitDisappear, IsExist, IsVisible, IsRadioSelected, IsCheckState, etc.
Mouse action features: Click, RightClick, DoubleClick, MouseHover, MouseScroll, DragDrop, MouseDrag, MouseDrop, MouseLongPress, SelectListItem, MouseEvent, etc.
Keyboard operation features: SetText, TextInput, KeyInput, KeyboardEvent, GetText, etc.
Run and close features: OpenApp, ActivateApp, CloseApp, CloseAll, OpenWindow, CloseWindow, etc.
Credential-related features: CredentialSetText, CredentialTextInput
Send Windows Messag
: SendWindowsMessage, SendWindowsCopyData
Some activity cards support finding a UI object using image-based navigation when the object is not found by UI automation technology.
Supports Image based Navigation: Click, RightClick, DoubleClick, MouseHover, MouseScroll, DragDrop, MouseDrag, MouseDrop, MouseLongPress, GetText, SetText, TextInput, GetCheckState, SetCheckState, IsCheckState, IsRadioSelected, Find, IsExist, IsVisible, GetHiearchyInfo, GetListItems, SelectListItem, GetGridItems, GetBounds, OpenWindow, CloseWindow, WaitAppear, WaitDisappear, SendWindowsShortCut, SendWindowsMessage, SendWindowsCopyData etc.
For non-standard UI that cannot be found by UI automation technology, the non-standard UI object recognition function can be used by an additional installation of GuiDetector.
Non-standard UI object recognition: GuiDetectorFindAll, GuiDetectorClick, GuiDetectorDoubleClick, GuiDetectorRightClick, GuiDetectorMouseHover, GuiDetectorTextInput, GuiDetectorGetBounds
The App library may not operate as intended if the target app has been developed with a non-standard development method.
Use Designer or File Explorer to refer to the samples of the APP library.
• On Designer: Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application
• On Windows Explorer: Access C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Brity RPA Designer\samples\Application
[Application sample project names and the related libraries]
• App
: DragDrop, MouseDrag, MouseDrop, MouseLongPress
• Find Target
: Find, FindElement, FindAll
• Get Target Detail
: GetBounds, GetGridItemIndex, GetGridItems, GetHierachyInfo, GetListItemIndex, GetListItems, GetText
• Keyboard Action
: KeyInput, KeyboardEvent, SetText, TextInput
• Manage Application State
: GetCheckState, SetCheckState, IsCheckState, IsRadioSelected
• Manage Application
: ActivateApp, CloseAll, CloseApp, OpenApp
• Manage Window
: CloseWindow, OpenWindow
• Mouse Action
: Click, DoubleClick, MouseEvent, MouseHover, MouseScroll, RightClick
• Wait Application Target
: WaitAppear, WaitDisappear
• Other Samples
: IsExist, IsVisible, RunAction, SelectListItem
Specifying objects
For libraries that specify UI objects, in the right area of the activity card, a targeting button is displayed that allows you to specify the target UI object.
If you double-click the button, it switches to UI object designation mode, which minimizes the designer, and you can use the mouse to designate the desired target UI object.
In the UI object designation mode, the following functions are provided through shortcut keys, and basic information about the object is provided.
If you hover the mouse over the desired target UI object, the area of the target UI object is displayed as shown below. If you click the mouse, the information of the UI object is recorded as an activity property.
If the [Settings > Object Designation > Show Object Information Tooltip] option is enabled, the currently specified target UI object information and suitability information are displayed together with the target UI object area display.
For stable automation execution, it is important to designate a target with information that can uniquely identify it when designating the target UI object.
In addition, the lower-level UI object with Name or Value information and no more sub-contents in the screen structure is more likely to find the target UI object more accurately.
Compare Target UI Objects
You can compare the target UI object information of the activity with the information of the UI object selected on the screen by double-clicking the object designation button of the activity where the target UI object is specified and executing [Compare Object].
App Libraray Compare objects
Overriding Target UI Objects
If you double-click the object designation button of the activity where the target UI object is assigned, you can reassign the target UI object. Next, click the Override button and select and change the target UI object in the same way when initially designating the UI object.
Add target UI object
By double-clicking the object designation button of the activity to which the target UI object is assigned, information about the target UI object can be compared or reassigned to change or specify.
App Libraray Target UI objects
If there is more than one object information of the activity, the object is searched using the property information of the page displayed in the property window. If the object is not found, the object is searched again using the property information on the next page.
For example, in the case of the above picture, the UI object is searched using the Name property of 'Form (O)' in the notepad program with the title of 'Memo.txt - Windows Notepad' in the 2nd-page property. Depending on the property, the target UI object can be searched with the 'Form (O)' Name property regardless of Title.
Common Properties
Common Properties
This activity card specifies properties related to the target (UI object).
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Application | Text | Y | - | Y | The Windows app name of the target object is automatically populated. |
Type | Text | Y | - | Y | The Windows class type of the target object is automatically populated. Ex.) Button, Calendar, Grid, Image, Page, MenuItem, etc. |
Index | Number | N | - | Y | Enter the index number to identify the target object from a list of objects with identical information.* When specifying the target object, it will be automatically populated if you select Yes in the pop-up window asking if you want to check the index. *Identical information refers to the Application, Type, Title, Name, Value, Object Path, and Legacy Value properties of the activity card. |
Title | Text | Y | - | Y | The title of the app window where the target object is located will be automatically populated. If multiple apps are running simultaneously, the window that matches this value will be selected. You can enter the JavaScript coding keyword and variable. |
Name | Text | Y | - | Y | Refers to the name of the target object property. Depending on the operating method of the app, this value may not be displayed even when it exists. You can enter the JavaScript coding keyword and variable. |
Value | Text | Y | - | Y | The value of the target object is displayed. Depending on the operating method of the app, this value may not be displayed even when it exists. You can enter the JavaScript coding keyword and variable. |
Image | image | N | - | Y | The image of the target object and the screen around it will be displayed. |
Size | Number | N | Pixel | Y | The location and size of the target object is displayed in coordinates, based on the top-left corner of the app screen. (Unit: Pixel) X: Horizontal, Y: Vertical, W: Width, H: Height Height |
TreeScope | Combination box | N | - | Y | Set the search scope for the target object. - Descendants: All subordinate objects - Child: Subordinate object - Parent: Preceding object - Ancestors: All preceding objects |
Class Name | Number | N | Pixel | N | Set the class name for searching the target object |
* If the target (UI object) cannot be found with UI automation technology. In that case, the target object can be searched for in an image-based comparison method on the entire screen image displayed on the current screen. To do this, when targeting, the user must precisely adjust the Image property to specify the shape of the image to be explored.
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Use Image Match | Combo box | N | - | Y | Sets the criteria for using image-based object navigation. - NotUse: Always disable image-based navigation - Always: Always use image-based navigation - WhenFailed: Use image-based navigation only when finding an object fails with automation technology. |
Image Index Method | Combo box | N | - | Y | Sets how to sort the results when there are multiple results of image-based object search: - JustBest: Use only one with the highest comparison score - RowFirst: Sort by row-first order on the screen (Top->Bottom) - ColumnFirst: Sort by column priority order (Left->Right) - ScoreOrderRow: Sorts in order of highest comparison score, and in case of a tie, in the order of row priority (Top->Bottom). - ScoreOrderColumn: Sorts in the order of the highest comparison score, and in case of a tie, the column is prioritized (Left->Right). |
Select Image Index | Number | N | - | N | When there are multiple results of image-based object search, set the index order of the last result to be used in the sorted list. It is an integer value starting from 0. Values outside the result count range are automatically converted and operated according to the result count. |
• Image-based object search occurs at the end of the search process, as it is executed when object search fails with automation technology. Therefore, if the value of the Timeout property is too small to expire before the image-based search starts, the image-based search cannot be used, and the object search fails.
• If possible, set the Timeout time in MORE OPTION to a sufficient value.
To precisely set the image shape of the Image property for image-based navigation, double-click the picture part of the Image property to open the image property detail view window.
APP Libarry fig 7
In the image detail view window, you can redefine the image area to be used for actual image comparison and specify where to click with the mouse. If the image area is inappropriate, you can capture the screen area again based on the current screen.
For accurate image-based comparisons, set the image area to be compared as precisely as possible.
You can set other properties than for the target object (UI object) property, including those related to executing the activity card feature (action).
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Timeout(Sec) | Number | Y | Second | Y | Enter the search time for the target object in seconds. If the target object can be searched within the set time, “True” will be returned. If the target object cannot be searched within the set time, “False” will be returned. |
Object Path | Text | Y | - | Y | The Windows path information of the target object is automatically populated. Use this property to search for and identify an object with the path information. For more information about the Windows path information, see Tool > Inspector in the Designer menu. If “@” is entered, it will be regarded as an Xpath syntax. |
Focus Before | Toggle button | N | - | Y | You can set the focus on the target object before the activity card is operated. If the focus cannot be set on the target object, the focus is set to the main screen of the target app. If multiple target apps are running, the app at the front is scanned first. If the target object cannot be found, the app in the back is brought to the front for a rescan.- |
Draw Bounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set to display a box (border) to identify the object. |
Invoke/Click | Toggle button | N | - | Y | If the target object supports API formats, such as a button or a link, you can select either the Invoke API call or mouse click method. |
onError | Combination box | N | - | Y | Select the processing method for occurred errors. - --Ignore--: Ignore the error and proceed. - --Retry--: Try the task one more time. - --GoTo--: Try the scenario for the specified time if the activity fails. - _Event: Select an event created within the project. |
GotoStep Relative Position | Number | N | - | N | Select an activity to move relative to that activity. After checking the activity number by pressing Ctrl + F, enter the value of [corresponding activity number] - [target activity number]. (Default: 0) |
GotoStep Retry Count | Combination box | N | - | N | The move is repeated the specified number of time if the activity fails. (default: 1) |
Origin Point | Combination box | N | - | Y | Set the origin point used to calculate the relative coordinates of the Click Point property. - LeftTop: Top-left corner - RightTop: Top-right corner - LeftBottom: Bottom-left corner - RightBottom: Bottom-right corner - Center: Center |
Relative Origin | Combination box | N | - | Y | Set origin used to calculate the relative coordinates for edge of objects. - LeftTop: Top-left corner - RightTop: Top-right Corner - Left Bottom:Bottom-left Corner - Right Bottom:Bottom-Right Corner - Center: Center |
Click Point | Text | N | Pixel | Y | Enter the relative coordinates of the mouse pointer based on the Origin Point property as a string in the form of 'x, y'. (Unit: Pixel) X: Horizontal, Y: Vertical |
Relative point | Text | N | - | Y | Enter relative point based on the origin point of the target object. |
Raw Event | Toggle button | N | - | Y | This property can be used with software that utilizes a keyboard security program in an environment where general API key inputs for certificates are blocked. To utilize the Raw Event property, the Keyboard Device Driver must be installed on the computer. |
BeforeDelay (ms) | Number | N | msec | Y | Enter the delay time before executing the shortcut key. |
AfterDelay (ms) | Number | N | msec | y | Enter the delay time after executing the shortcut key. |
ShortCutName | Text | N | - | Y | Enter the shortcut name. |
Legacy-related properties can be set among the legacy properties of the target (UI object) or the function execution (Action) related properties of the activity card.
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Legacy Name | Text | N | - | N | Legacy Name property of the object. |
Legacy Value | Text | N | - | N | Legacy Value property of the object. |
Legacy Description | Text | N | - | N | Legacy Description property of the object. |
Legacy Help | Text | N | - | N | Legacy Help property of the object. |
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
DESCRIPTION | Text | N | - | N | Enter the description for the activity card. The description entered in the DESCRIPTION field is used as the description of the activity. A representative value will be displayed in the absence of the DESCRIPTION input. |
Click left-clicks the target UI object.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Hover the pointer over the target UI object to click and click it to select after a red border has been displayed around it.
• When searching for the target UI object, check that the UI object information recorded at the mouse's location when designating the target UI object matches the target UI object information. If the information does not match, you must find the target UI object using the method of moving down the upper path of the target UI object. If you are still unsuccessful in finding the target UI object using this method, collect all UI object information on the target app and compare it with the designated target UI object information to find the UI object.
• When you move the mouse over a UI object with a sub-object, an orange border will appear. To search for a target UI object without issues, choose a target UI object that does not have sub-UI objects. It may be challenging to find the target if it has sub-objects due to the difference in the recording time and the automation time. If you must designate a sub-UI object, keep in mind that the screen configuration may change during automation.
• If you must select the target UI object after selecting another UI object or designate the target UI object after moving to another screen, you can press the Ctrl key on the keyboard to pause the designation and press the Ctrl key again to resume.
• When designating a target UI object, the object with a border displayed when clicking the mouse becomes the search target. The position at the time of releasing the mouse button is recorded as relative coordinates based on the top-left area of the target UI object. If the information of the target UI object is unclear, you can use this to designate a nearby object that can be specified and click on the mouse using the relative coordinates.
• If a pop-up window disappears or the target app malfunctions due to the UI object border, you can press the Alt Key on your keyboard once to hide the object borders and press the Alt Key again to show boundaries again.
• If the border is displayed on a UI object different from the UI object with the mouse cursor, press the Shift key on the keyboard once to activate the Search Around option and try again. For more information, see the description of the Search Around item in the common properties.
To view, change, or add the target UI object, double-click the capture screen of the specified target UI object and click Run This Step, Reassign Object, or Append Object in the "Click" pop-up window.
Run This Step: You can test for the designated target UI object. The red border will flicker for three seconds on the target UI object and will disappear again.
The test cannot be performed if a variable is entered in the object information on the properties screen. In this case, right-click the node and click Run step to execute the selected node only.
Reassign Object: You can reassign the designated UI object.
Append Object: You can add the designated UI object. Once an object has been added, you can select the added UI object in the Properties window.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Click a UI object. Run the Notepad app, click the File menu, and then click the Exit menu.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Mouse Action > P_Click_Test_Notepad
Used variables
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
This activity card right-clicks the target UI object.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Click a target object that supports right-click.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Select an object, right-click it, and run the relevant feature. Run the Notepad app and right-click the content area to open the menu.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Mouse Action > P_RightClick_Test_Notepad
Used variables
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
This activity card double-clicks the target UI object.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the target object to double-click.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Select an object and run the relevant feature by double-clicking it. Run Notepad, enter text, and select the entered text with a double-click. Then, perform a copy-and-paste and close Notepad.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Mouse Action > P_DoubleClick_Test_Notepad
Used variables
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
This activity hovers the mouse pointer over the target UI object.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the target object over which to hover the mouse pointer.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Locate the mouse pointer at the desired location. Open Notepad and place the mouse pointer at the desired location.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Mouse Action > P_MouseHover_Test_Notepad
Used variables
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
MouseDrag, MouseDrop, MouseLongPress
This activity card performs mouse scrolling on a target UI object in the set intervals for the set number of times.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the target object to scroll.
In the Wheel Value field, enter the number for the up or down scrolls.
In the Wheel Interval(ms) field, enter the interval for executing the scrolling.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Wheel Value | Number | Y | - | Y | Enter the number of up or down scrolls. Only integers can be entered. - Positive number: Scroll down - Negative number: Scroll up |
N | Wheel Interval(ms) | Number | Y | ms | Y | Enter the scroll interval. (Unit: ms) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Perform mouse scroll. Open a browser, scroll down to the bottom area of the screen, and then close the browser.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Mouse Action > P_MouseScroll_Test_Web
Used variables
Used properties
Wheel Value = 3
Wheel Interval(ms) = 500
Related/Similar activities
This activity card drags a target object and drops it at a specified location.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select a target object to drag and drop.
In the Hold Time(ms) field, enter the hold time between the mouse button down (press) and up (release) operations.
In the Drop Point field, enter the coordinates to drop the target object.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Hold Time(ms) | Number | N | ms | Y | Enter the hold time between the mouse button down (press) and up (release) operations. (Default: 100) |
N | Drop Point | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the coordinates to drop the target UI object after dragging it. The center point is used after the boundary information (x, y, width, height) is provided. The boundary information can be fetched by using the GetBounds activity. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Drag a target object and drop it at a specified location. Open a Web page, select the “Brity Works” text string, drag-and-drop it at the “Drop it here” area, and then close the web page.
How to select the drop point value: just take the mouse point value in the message box : 1) If the location of the target is clear, use the GetBounds card to extract the value. 2) If the location of the target is unclear, place the mouse cursor on the desired location and then take the Mouse. Position value with the MessageBox card.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > App > P_DragDrop_Test
Used variables
point = Information of the boundary to drop the target object
Used properties
Hold Time(ms) = 100
Drop Point =
Related/Similar activities
This activity card moves a target object by dragging it.
Application procedures
This activity card is used with the MouseDrop activity card.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the target object to drag.
In the Hold Time(ms) field, enter the hold time after the mouse button down (press) operation.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Hold Time(ms) | Number | N | ms | Y | Enter the hold time after the mouse button down (press) operation. (Default: 100) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Open a web page, select a part of the page, and drag it.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > App > P_MouseDrag_MouseDrop_Test
Used variables
Used properties
Hold Time(ms) = 100 (Default)
Related/Similar activities
This activity drops the dragged object over a specified object.
Application procedures
This activity card is used with the MouseDrag activity card.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the target object to drop.
In the Hold Time(ms) field, enter the hold time before the mouse button-up (release) operation.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Hold Time(ms) | Number | N | ms | Y | Enter the hold time before the mouse button up (release) operation. (Default: 100) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
On a web page, select a part to move the chosen object with the MouseDrag activity and move the object to the chosen location.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > App > P_MouseDrag_MouseDrop_Test
Used variables
Used properties
Hold Time(ms) = 100 (Default)
Related/Similar activities
This activity card clicks and holds (long-presses) the target UI object.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the object to place the mouse pointer.
In the Hold Time(ms) field, enter the time to hold the mouse button press.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Hold Time(ms) | Number | N | ms | Y | Enter the time to hold the mouse press. (Default: 1000) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Use this activity card to display a menu or move an object. Open a web page, select an object, and move it to another location.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample >Sample > Application > App > P_DragDrop_Test
Used variables
Used properties
Hold Time(ms) = 1000 (Default)
Related/Similar activities
MouseHover, MouseDrag, MouseDrop
This activity card selects a specific item from a combination box or a list.
Application procedures
This activity card can only be used if the object has the ListItem type property.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the target object (a combination box or a list box).
In the Name field, enter the item to select from the specified object.
In the Value field, enter the item to select a value.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Open the Notepad app, select a font and a font size from the Format > Font menu, and then close Notepad.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Other Samples > P_SelectListItem_Test_Notepad
Used variables
Used properties
Note that this activity may not operate, or the information may not change depending on the implementation method of the target app, even if the target UI object is a ListItem type.
Related/Similar activities
GetListItems, GetGridItemIndex
This activity card inputs text in the target UI object.
Application procedures
This activity card can be used only if the target UI object supports ValuePattern, and is not read-only.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the target object to enter text.
In the Input Text field, enter a text.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Input Text | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the text string for the target object between two single quotation marks (‘’). If the test string has been assigned to a variable, enter the variable name. - Normal: Input normal text. - Secure: Encrypt the input text. Select this option for values requiring encryption, such as passwords. |
N | Done(Enter) | Toggle button | N | - | N | Set whether to press the Enter key after text input. (Default: Not used - gray) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Run Notepad, specify the content area as the target, and then enter "Set Text."
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Keyboard Action > P_SetText_Test_Win10_Notepad
Used variables
Used properties
Input Text = 'Set Text'
Related/Similar activities
This activity card inputs text in the target UI object.
Application procedures
Text unsupported by Unicode may not be input.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the target object to enter text.
In the Input Text field, enter text.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Input Text | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the text string for the target object between two single quotation marks (‘’). If the test string has been assigned to a variable, enter the variable name. - Normal: Input normal text. - Secure: Encrypt the input text. Select this option for values requiring encryption, such as passwords. |
N | Clear Before | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Select whether to delete the text in the text box before entering text. (Default: Used - blue) |
N | Done(Enter) | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to press the Enter key after text input. (Default: Not used - gray) |
N | Before Delay(ms) | Number | N | ms | Y | Enter the delay time before the text input. (Default: 0) |
N | After Delay(ms) | Number | N | ms | Y | Enter the delay time after the text input. (Default: 0) |
N | Interval(ms) | Number | N | ms | Y | Set the interval between character inputs. (Default: 0) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
The Rerty Count property does not work when the text field to be input is a field for entering a password, and the property is not visible.
Example of utilization
Run Notepad, specify the content area as the target, and then enter "Input Text."
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Keyboard Action > P_TextInput_Test_Win10_Notepad
Used variables
Used properties
Input Text = 'Input Text' (Normal)
Clear Before = False
Done(Enter) = False
Before Delay(ms) = 0
After Delay(ms) = 0
Interval(ms) = 0
Text unsupported by Unicode may not be input.
You can generate a keyboard event in between strings using the {{KeyCode}} type of keyword. For example, {{Enter}} is an action for pressing the Enter key, while {{+Enter}} and {{-Enter}} are for the up and down key operations. For more information on the keyword to enter in between {{}}, go to the link below:
If the input is retried because it did not complete normally, the character input interval time ( Interval property) is automatically increased.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card enters credential data into the object for the specified password properties. Only a credential resource can be used as input data. Objects without password properties cannot be specified.
Application procedures
The credential-type resource must first be registered on the System > Shared resource menu of the portal server.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select an object that has the password property.
In the Input Text field, select a credential-type shared resource.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Input Text | Combination box | Y | - | N | Select a credential-type shared resource to input. |
N | Done(Enter) | Toggle button | N | - | N | Set whether to press the Enter key after text input. (Default: Not used - gray) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
The procedures are identical to those for the SetText activity card except that a credential resource is used.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card enters credential data into the object for the specified password properties. Only a credential resource can be used as input data. Objects without password properties cannot be specified.
Application procedures
The credential-type resource must first be registered on the System > Shared resource menu of the portal server.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select an object that has the password property.
In the Input Text field, select a credential-type shared resource.
Set the Clear Before, Before Delay(ms), After Delay(ms), and Interval(ms) properties.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Input Text | Combination box | Y | - | N | Select a credential-type shared resource to input. |
N | Clear Before | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Select whether to delete the text in the text box before entering text. (Default: Used - blue) |
N | Done(Enter) | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to press the Enter key after text input. (Default: Not used - gray) |
N | Before Delay(ms) | Number | N | ms | Y | Enter the delay time before text input. (Default: 0) |
N | After Delay(ms) | Number | N | ms | Y | Enter the delay time after text input. (Default: 0) |
N | Interval(ms) | Number | N | ms | Y | Set the interval between inputting characters. (Default: 0) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
The procedures are identical to those for the TextInput activity card except that a credential resource is used.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card generates keyboard events such as pressing or releasing keys on the keyboard. This can be used even in case of pressing multiple buttons simultaneously, such as Ctrl+Shift+C. A keyboard event is generated on the UI object where the focus is set without designating the target UI object.
Application procedures
In the Properties window, click
(REC button) next to the Key Events field. The button turns gray when the recording begins.
Enter the key input you want.
After the key input, click the record button to end the recording. The button will turn from gray to red.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Key Events | Button | N | - | N | Click |
N | KeyCode | Text | N | - | N | View the recorded keyboard events. If you record after selecting an event item, a new event is added above the selected item. If you press Delete on the keyboard after selecting an event, the event is deleted. You can Click here to add new item, then enter the values for the KeyCode and Type fields to manually add a keyboard event. In the Type field, you can specify types of key events: Press (normal input), Down (key is pressed down), Up (key id released), Text (text string), Variable (variable), Delay (wait time). |
N | Before Delay(ms) | Number | N | ms | Y | Set the delay before generating a keyboard event. (Default: 1000) |
N | After Delay(ms) | Number | N | ms | Y | Set the delay after generating a keyboard event. (Default: 500) |
N | Interval(ms) | Number | N | ms | Y | Set the interval of the key press. Depending on the target app, shortcut keys may not operate if the interval is too short. (Default: 100) |
N | Restore KeyState | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to initialize Ctrl, Alt, and Shift key status after the KeyInput activity. (Default: Used - blue) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Generate a keyboard event, such as pressing or releasing keys on the keyboard. Enter a text string in the content area of Notepad using the KeyInput activity card. Then perform a copy-and-paste operation with the text input.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Keyboard Action > P_KeyInput_Test_Win10_Notepad
Used variables
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
This activity card selects or unselects a checkbox.
Application procedures
This activity card can be used only if the target UI object is a checkbox.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select an object you want.
In the Command field, select Checked or Unchecked.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Command | Combination box | N | - | Y | Select Checked (selected) or Unchecked (unselected) as the checkbox status. (Default: Checked) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
In a browser settings window, select (mark ✓) or unselect checkboxes for specific option items.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Manage Application State > P_CheckState_Test
Used variables
Used properties
Command = Checked (first SetCheckState card)
Command = UnChecked (second SetCheckState card)
Related/Similar activities
This activity card fetches the text in the target UI object. You can select the item to fetch from either Name or Value.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select an object you want.
Select Name or Value to decide the item to fetch.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | String | - | Specify the variable to assign the text read from the target UI object. | 'Help' |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Read | Combination box | N | - | Y | Select the text type to read from the target UI object. (Default: Auto) If you select Auto, and if the target UI object is Edit or Document type, the Value data is read by default. Otherwise, the Name data is read by default. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Open a browser with the OpenBrowser activity card, store the “text” and “address” on the screen in variables, and then display a message. This activity card is useful when utilizing text-type data.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Get Target Detail > P_GetText_Test_Web_Auto
Used variables
browser = Variable to specify the browser to open
GetVal = Variable to store the text read from the object
Used properties
[Output] Result =
Related/Similar activities
This activity card fetches the boundary information of the target UI object area. The result will be returned as a string in the form of x, y, width, and height. The returned string can be used after conversion into a numerical array using JavaScript.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select an object you want.
In the [Output] Result field, specify the variable to store the boundary information of the object.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | String | - | Specify the variable to store the boundary information of the searched object. ※ X, Y, Width, Height | '774,575,52,19' |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Run Notepad, fetch the boundary information of the File (F) menu, display the information in a message box, and then close Notepad. The boundary information of the object will be returned as a string in the form of x, y, width, and height.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Get Target Detail > P_GetBounds_Test_Notepad
Used variables
browser = Variable to specify the launched Notepad
getBounds = Variable to store the fetched boundary information
Used properties
[Output] Result =
The returned strings can be used after converting them into numerical arrays using the "eval" function in the Assign or ExecuteScript activities. Also, it can be used as the Bounds Input for the Image Recognition library activities.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card fetches the status information of a specified checkbox as a text string. The status information can be classified into three types: “Checked,” “UnChecked,” and “Indeterminate.”
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the checkbox to check the status.
In the [Output] Result field, specify the variable to store the status information.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | String | - | Specify the variable to store the status information. (Default: RESULT) The result value can be “Checked,” “UnChecked,” or “Indeterminate.” | "Checked" |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Open Internet Explorer with the OpenBrowser activity card, check the checkbox status with the GetCheckState activity card, and then output the result in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Manage Application State > P_CheckState_Windows10_Test
Used variables
BrowserID = Variable to specify the launched browser
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
This activity card waits until the target UI object appears on the screen. This can be useful for changing the screen.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select an object you want.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | Bool | - | Specify the variable to store the result of target object appearance. “True” is returned if the target object is found, and “False” is returned otherwise. | True |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Open the “google.com” page with the “OpenBrowser” activity card and close the browser when the Google UI is displayed on the screen.
If a prolonged wait time is required, add the Delay activity card for the minimum waiting time before the WaitAppear activity card.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Wait Application Target > P_WaitAppear_Test_win10_Notepad
Used variables
Used properties
The operation may slow down or malfunction depending on the target app because the UI object information of the target app is searched for repeatedly.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card waits until the target UI object disappears on the screen. This can be useful for changing the screen.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select an object you want.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | Bool | - | Specify the variable to store the result of target object disappearance. “True” is returned if the target object disappeared, and “False” is returned otherwise. | True |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Close the “google.com” page with the CloseBrowser activity card and open a new browser when the Google UI disappears from the screen.
If a prolonged wait time is required, add the Delay activity card for the minimum waiting time before the WaitDisappear activity card.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Wait Application Target > P_WaitDisappear_Test_Win10_Web
Used variables
Used properties
The operation may slow down or malfunction depending on the target app because the UI object information of the target app is searched for repeatedly.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card checks whether the target UI object exists on the screen. This activity card may be utilized for screen transitions and conditional statements that are dependent on the object's existence on the screen.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select a target object you want.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Result | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable to store the verification result of the target existence. (Default: RESULT) “True” is returned if the target object is found within the specified time, and “False” is returned otherwise. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Open the "google.com" site with the OpenBrowser activity card, check if the Google object is on the screen with the IsExist activity card, and then output the result in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Other Samples > P_IsExist_Test_Web
Used variables
browser = Variable to specify the launched browser
Used properties
"True" is returned as long as the object information exists, even if it is not visible on the screen when it is hidden or outside the visible area of the screen. In this case, the Bounds information of the object may be displayed as 0. You can use the IsVisible activity card if this is the case.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card checks whether the target UI object is visible on the screen. This activity card may be utilized for screen transitions and conditional statements dependent on the object's existence on the screen.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select an object you want.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Result | Variable | N | - | Y | Specify the variable to store the verification result of the target visibility. (Default: RESULT) “True” is returned if the target object is visible, and “False” is returned otherwise. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Open the Amazon website with the OpenBrowser activity card, check if the selected object is visible on the screen with the IsExist activity card, and then output the result in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Other Samples > P_IsVisible_Test
Used variables
browser = Variable to specify the launched browser
Used properties
The IsVisible activity card verifies the Bounds information of the target object and the target information verified with the IsExist activity card. "True" is returned if the Bounds information exists. "True" is also returned if Bounds information exists even if another screen hides the object.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card checks whether the target radio button is selected.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select a target object (radio button).
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Result | Variable | N | - | Y | Specify the variable to store the verification result of the specified radio button status. (Default: RESULT) "True" is returned if the specified radio button is selected, and "False" is returned otherwise. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Open Internet Explorer with the OpenBrowser activity, check if the radio button for the “Startup” option is selected in the Internet Options window, and then display the result as a message. Use this activity card to verify the radio button selection status on a web page and select specific properties.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Manage Application State > P_IsRadioSelected_Test
Used variables
BrowserID = Variable to specify the launched browser
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
This activity card checks whether the target checkbox is selected.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the target object (checkbox).
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Result | Variable | N | - | Y | Specify the variable to store the verification result of the specified checkbox status. (Default: RESULT) "True" is returned if the specified checkbox is selected, and "False" is returned otherwise. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Open Internet Explorer with the OpenBrowser activity, check if the “Delete browsing history on exit” checkbox is selected in the Internet Options window, and then display the result as a message. Use this activity card to verify the checkbox selection status on a web page and select specific properties.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Manage Application State > P_IsCheckedState_Window10_Test
Used variables
BrowserID = Variable to specify the launched browser
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
This activity launches the target app (program). Once the app is established, the process ID (PID) of the launched app is returned.
Application procedures
In the Command field, enter the name of the app to run.
In the Properties window, specify the required property values.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] PID | Variable | Y | - | Y | Enter the variable to store the PID of the launched app. (Default: RESULT) |
N | Command | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the execution command of the app to launch. Enter the entire path. |
N | Arguments | Text | N | - | N | Enter an execution argument that is required for launching the app. If there is no execution argument to send, enter an empty string (‘’). Ex.) The start URL in case of a browser |
N | DrivedApp | Text | N | - | N | Specify the app's name to be launched if another app that is not specified in the Command field is launched. If you enter null, the execution status of the target app will not be checked. |
N | WaitTime(Sec) | Number | N | Second | Y | Set the duration of time to check whether it was appropriately executed after launching the app. |
N | Maximize | Toggle button | Y | - | Y | Set whether to change the screen size to run the app in full screen after it is launched. (Default: Not used - gray) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Run Notepad, store the PID (process ID) in the "padID" variable, and close Notepad.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Manage Application > P_OpenApp_Test_win10_notepad
Used variables
padID = The variable to specify the launched Notepad
Used properties
[Output] PID =
Command = 'notepad'
WaitTime = 3
Related/Similar activities
OpenWindow, ActivateApp, CloseAll, CloseApp
This activity card brings the specified app to the front and activates it.
Application procedures
Ensure that the app you want to activate has been launched.
In the [Input] Application field, enter the PID or name of the app to activate.
Set the Maximize property to select whether to maximize the window size after activating the app.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Input] Application | Variable | Y | - | N | Enter the name or PID of the app to activate. The app name can be used only when there is only one app in that name. |
N | Maximize | Toggle button | Y | - | Y | Set whether to change the screen size to run the app in full screen after it is activated. (Default: Not used - gray) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Launch two Notepad apps, sequentially activate the two Notepad apps, enter text, and close them.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Manage Application > P_ActivateApp_Test_Win10_Calc
Used variables
padID1, padID2 = PIDs of the launched Notepad apps
Used properties
[INPUT] Application =
Maximize = False
Related/Similar activities
This activity card closes the app with the specified PID or app name.
Application procedures
Ensure that the app you want to close has been launched.
In the [Input] PID field, enter the PID or name of the app to close.
Set the Force property to select whether to close the app forcibly.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Input] PID | Variable | Y | - | N | Enter the name or PID of the app to close. The app name can be used only when there is only one app in that name. |
N | Force | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Select whether to close the program regardless of the program status forcibly. (Default: Used - blue) If it is set to "True (On)," the program is closed regardless of the program status. If it is set to “False (Off),” the close command is sent to the program only once. In this case, the program may not close depending on the program status. For example, when a close command is sent to Notepad is being edited, the app will not be closed because a pop-up message is displayed asking if you want to save the edited file. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Launch two Notepad apps and sequentially close them.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Manage Application > P_CloseApp_Test_Win10_Notepad
Used variables
padID1, padID2 = PIDs of the launched Notepad apps
Used properties
Force = ON(True)
Related/Similar activities
OpenApp, ActivateApp, CloseAll, CloseWindow
This activity card closes all apps with the specified PID or app name.
Application procedures
Ensure that the app you want to close has been launched.
In the Properties window, enter the PID or name of the app to close in the Application field.
Set the Force property to select whether to close the app forcibly.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Application | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the name or PID of the app to close. All launched apps with the specified app name will be closed. If you enter a PID, only the program that matches the PID will be closed. |
N | Force | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Select whether to forcibly close the program regardless of the program status. (Default: Used - blue) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Launch two Notepad apps and close them at once.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Manage Application > P_CloseAll_Test_Win10_Notepad
Used variables
padID1, padID2 = PIDs of the launched Notepad apps
Used properties
Application = 'notepad'
Force = ON(True)
Related/Similar activities
OpenApp, ActivateApp, CloseApp
This activity runs an app and opens the app window. Using this activity, you can open programs that use launchers, which cannot be opened with the "OpenApp" activity, and other regular programs.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select a target object you want.
In the Properties window, specify the required property values.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Command | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the execution command of the program to launch. Enter the entire path. |
N | Arguments | Text | N | - | N | Enter the arguments required for the execution of the program. If there is no execution argument to send, enter an empty string (‘’). Ex.) The start URL in case of a browser |
N | Maximize | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to change the screen size to run the app in full screen after it is launched. (Default: Not used - gray) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Launch Notepad and close it.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Manage Window > P_OpenWindow_Test_Notepad
Used variables
Used properties
Command = 'notepad'
Related/Similar activities
This activity card closes the selected program window.
Application procedures
Ensure that the app you want to close has been launched.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select an object you want.
Set the Force property to select whether to forcibly close the app.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Force | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Select whether to forcibly close the program regardless of the program status. (Default: Not used - gray) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Launch Notepad and close it.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Manage Window > P_CloseWindow_Test_Notepad
Used variables
Used properties
Force = OFF(False)
Difference between the CloseApp, CloseAll, and CloseWindow activity cards
- CloseApp: You can specify the PID of the program to close.
- CloseAll: You can specify the app name or the PID to close multiple instances of the same program at once.
- CloseWindow: You can select one program window on the screen and close it without specifying the PID.
Related/Similar activities
CloseApp, CloseAll, OpenWindow
This activity searches for the reference information of all objects that have the same properties as the target UI object specified by the user.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select an object you want.
Specify a value in the Properties window.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | One-dimensional array | The elements of the array are determined by the Result Type . | Enter the variable to store the list of objects that match the search condition. | Result Type is 'Name', 0: Heading 1: Heading 2: Heading |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Result Type | Combination box | N | - | Y | Returns information based on the selected type. (Default: Object) If it is set as an Object, all target information that meets the condition is returned as an array. If it is set as other types, information is returned based on the selected type. ※ Types - Object: A text string that includes all of the following reference information - Bounds, ControlType, Name, Value, LegacyValue, and RangeText |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Open the “https://www.layoutit.com” page in a browser, click “Bootstrap Builder” to move to the page. On the page, read all text-type objects whose "Name" property is "Heading" and display the result in a message box. Click OK on the message box to close the web page.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Find Target > P_FindAll_Test
Used variables
browser = = Variable to specify the launched browser
findObj = Variable to store the FindAll operation result (reference information of all objects whose "Name" property is "Heading")
Used properties
[Output] Result =
Result Type = Name
Related/Similar activities
This activity card searches for the UI object specified by the user.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select an object you want.
Specify a value in the Properties window.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | Object | UI object | Enter the variable to store the UI object specified by the user. | Bounds:-1904,785,113,50, ControlType:Hyperlink, Name: Amazon, Value:https://www.amazon.com/-/ko/ref=nav_logo,LegacyValue:https://www.amazon.com/-/ko/ref=nav_logo, RangeText: |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Returns the object information of Open (O): to the RESULT variable. Press the “Windows + R” key to launch the “Run” window, find the text field object in the Open(O): field. Then, enter “notepad” in the text field and click the close icon.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Find Target > P_Find_Test_Notepad
Used variables
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
This activity card searches for the target UI object from the sub-level of the object entered in the [Input] Target field. It is often used with the Find activity card.
Application procedures
Specify a value in the Properties window.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | Object | UI object | Enter the variable to store the reference information of the searched object. | Bounds:-1904,785,113,50, ControlType:Hyperlink, Name: Amazon, Value:https://www.amazon.com/-/ko/ref=nav_logo,LegacyValue:https://www.amazon.com/-/ko/ref=nav_logo, RangeText: |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Input] Target | Variable | N | - | N | Select the starting object to start the search. If not specified, the most recently searched object will be used. |
N | All or First | Button | N | - | Y | 'If it is set as “All,” all target information that match the condition is returned as an array. If it is set as “First,” only the information of the first discovered target is returned. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Run Notepad and search for the File (F) menu. Then, identify the first element, output it in a message box, and close Notepad.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Find Target > P_FindElement_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Output] Result =
[Input] Target = 'notepad'
All or First = First
Related/Similar activities
This activity card generates events, such as a click on the target UI object entered in the [Input] Target field or searches for nearby objects.
Application procedures
In the [Input] Target field, enter the reference object for generating an event or performing a search.
Set the Command property to select the event (operation method).
In the Properties window, specify the required property values.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Result | Variable | N | - | Y | Enter the variable to store the execution result of the event. (Default: RESULT) |
N | [Input] Target | Variable | N | - | N | Enter a variable for an object to generate or search for an event. If not specified, the most recently searched object is set as the input value. |
N | Command | Combination box | Y | - | Y | Select event (how it works) to generate. See Remarks below for the events that can be executed. |
N | Arguments | Text | N | - | N | Enter the arguments required for the execution of the app. Ex.) The start URL when the browser is open. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Open Notepad, search for the File (F) object and execute a click event.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Other Samples > P_RunAction_Test_Check
Used variables
Used properties
[Output] RESULT =
[Input] Target =
Command = Click
Command that can be used to specify events:
- Click, DoubleClick, RightClick, LeftDown, LeftUP, MouseMove, GetCurrentPattern, Invoke, ScrollIntoView, IsChecked, GetCheckState, Check, Uncheck, IsSelected, Select, AddToSelection, RemoveFromSelection, GetExpandState, Expand, Collapse, GetName, GetBounds, GetValue, SetValue, IsValue, GetLegacyValue, SetLegacyValue, SetLegacySelect, DoLegacyDefaultAction, GetLegacyInfo, GetLegacy/AccessiblePattern, GetTextPattern, GetRangeText, GetChildNames, GetChildValues, GetGridSize, GetRowHeader, GetColumnHeader, GetGridItem, GetGridItemNames, GetGridItemValues, GetParentElement, GetChildElement, GetNextElement, GetPreviousElement, GetElementFromPoint, GetHierachyInfo
Related/Similar activities
Based on the specified menu object, the menu is selected and executed along the menu path.
Application procedures
Available only when the class type of the target UI object is MenuBar, Menu, or MenuItem.
Double-click No Target on the activity card .
Select the desired object.
Specify the menu path relative to the target object in Menu Path.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Menu Path | Text | Y | - | N | If you enter a menu name by separating the menu sequence with '\\', the menu containing that name will be found and executed. To find menus that match the entire name, enclose the menu name in quotation marks, such as '"menu name"'. If there are multiple menus with the same condition, you can specify an index by using '{ }' after the menu name, such as 'Open{0}' to select one of the searched menus. |
N | Expand Menu | Toggle Button | N | - | Y | Expand and expand each step of the menu in the Menu Path. This property should be enabled for apps where sub-menus are created after the top-level menu is expanded. In most cases except for some exceptional cases, this setting must be applied to search the menu. |
N | Expand Latency(ms) | Number | N | - | Y | Set the wait time from expanding the menu until the submenu is displayed within the range of 100 to 10000 (ms). Default values apply if not specified. (default: 300) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Run Notepad's "Edit>Time/Date" menu, "View>Zoom In/Out>Zoom", "View>Zoom In/Out> Restore Zoom In/Out" menus.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Samples > Sample > Application > Find Target > P_SelectMenu_Test
Used variables
appID: PID of the executed notepad
Used properties
Menu Path = 'Edit\\Time' (1st SelectMenu card)
Menu Path = 'Zoom\\Zoom {0}' (2nd SelectMenu card)
Menu Path = 'Zoom\\Restore' (3rd SelectMenu card)
Related/Similar activities
Select and execute the target item based on the combo box object that you specify.
Application procedures
It can only be used if the class type of the target UI object is ComboBox.
When clicking the combo box, the ListItem may be visible when specifying the object.
In this case, if you move the mouse a little, you can make the ComboBox be recognized again.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the desired object.
Specify the menu path relative to the target object in Menu Path.
Card properties
Common | Property | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Item Name | Text | Y | - | N | Enter a name; it finds and launches the combo box item that contains that name. To find an item with a full name, write the item name in double quotation marks, such as "Item Name". If multiple items have the same condition, you can specify the index by using '{ }' after the item name, such as 'Item{0}', to select one of the retrieved items. |
N | Expand Latency(ms) | Number | N | - | Y | Set the maximum wait time within the range of 100~10000 (ms) until the display of the combo box pop-up is complete. If not specified, the default value applies. (Default: 300) |
Y | TARGET | - | - | - | - | Common properties of the App Library. |
Y | IMAGE OPTION | - | - | - | - | Common properties of the App Library. |
Y | MORE OPTION | - | - | - | - | Common properties of the App Library. |
Y | DESCRIPTION | - | - | - | - | Common properties of the App Library. |
Example of utilization
Change > combo box item in Notepad's "TemplateFont" settings window. Change it to 'Hangul' once, then back to 'English'.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Find Target > P_SelectComboBox_Test
Used variables
appID: PID of the executed notepad
Used properties
Item Path = 'Hangul' (first SelectComboBox card)
Item Path = 'English' (second SelectComboBox card)
Related/Similar activities
This activity card returns the information of the sub-object in XML format based on the specified object or app. This activity card can be used to handle the information on the screen all at once.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select an object you want.
Specify a value in the Properties window.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | Object | Xml Document | Returns the result of the screen structure as an object. | <Hierarchy> <Window name = "Untitled-Notepad" class = "Notepad" ...> ... </Window> </Hierarchy> |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Target / App | Button | N | - | Y | Select the range for extracting information. Select either the specified object information (Target) or the program to which the specified object belongs (App). (Default: Target) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Open Notepad, fetch the information of the Notepad subordinate object with the GetHierachyInfo activity card, and then output the information in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Get Target Detail > P_GetHierachyInfo_Test
Used variables
Used properties
Target / App = Target
Result Type = XML
The returned object information is expressed as an XMLDocument object.
For more information about the XMLDocument, see the link below:
Related/Similar activities
This activity card returns the items on the same path as the target UI object from the list, tree, or menu.
Application procedures
Ensure that lits, trees, or menu items have been selected as the object.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select an object you want.
Specify a value in the Properties window.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | One-dimensional array | String | Select a variable to store the search result.The resulting data is an array of text strings specified with the Data Type property. | If Data Type is 'Name', 0: Clear gothic 1: Background 2: Batang body |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Data Type | Combination box | N | - | Y | Select the data type. (Default: Name) ※ Types - Name, Value, Bounds, LegacyValue, and RangeText |
N | Delimiter | Text | N | - | Y | If subordinate items exist under the search target, specify the separator to compose the data. (Default: ';') |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Open Notepad, fetch the value of the font list in the Format > Font menu with the GetListItems activity card, and then output the value in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Get Target Detail > P_GetListItems_Test
Used variables
padID = The variable to specify the launched Notepad
Used properties
[Output] Result =
Data Type = Name
Delimiter = ';'
Related/Similar activities
GetListItemIndex, SelectListItem
This activity card returns items in grids (table).
Application procedures
Ensure that grid (table) items have been selected as objects.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select a target object (grid).
Specify a value in the Properties window.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | 2D Array | String | Returns the results for the screen structure as a two-dimensional array of objects.The elements of the array are determined by the Result Type . | If Data Type is 'Name', 0 : Company | Contact | Country 1 : Alfreds Fultterkiste | Maria Anders | Germany 2: Moctezuma Shopping Center | Francis Chang | Mexico |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Data Type | Combination box | N | - | Y | Select the data type. (Default: Name) ※ Types - Name, Value, Bounds, LegacyValue, RangeText |
N | Delimiter | Text | N | - | Y | If subordinate items exist under the search target, specify the separator to compose the data. (Default: ';') |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Open a website that contains a grid (table), fetch the value with the GetGridItems activity card, and then output the value in a message box. (Double “for” syntax is used for the array.)
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Get Target Detail > P_GetGridItems_Test_Web
Used variables
browserid = Variable to specify the launched browser
griditems = Variable to store the grid value
Used properties
[Output] Result =
Data Type = Name
Delimiter = ';'
Related/Similar activities
This activity card fetches the order of the selected item from the list.
Application procedures
Ensure that a list item has been selected as the object.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select an object you want.
card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | Int | - | Enter the variable to fetch the list order. The index starts from 0. | 0 |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Open a website that contains a list, fetch the list order value with the GetListItemIndex activity card, and then output the value in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Get Target Detail > P_GetListItemIndex_Test_Web
Used variables
browserid = Variable to specify the launched browser
listitems = Variable to store the list order
Used properties
[Output] Result =
Related/Similar activities
This activity card fetches the order of the selected item from the grid (table).
Application procedures
Ensure that a grid (table) item has been selected as the object.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select an object you want.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | Object | Dictionary<string, int> | Returns a Dictionary object with an order of Grid items. ※ RESULT['Row'] = RESULT.Row = RESULT[0] RESULT['Column'] = RESULT.Column = RESULT[1] | { 'Row' : 1, 'Column' : 2, '0' : 1, '1' : 2 } |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Open a website that contains a grid (table), fetch the order of the selected item with the GetGridItemIndex activity card, and then output the value in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Get Target Detail > P_GetGridItemIndex_Test_Web
Used variables
browserid = Variable to specify the launched browser
gridindex = Variable to store the grid order
Used properties
[Output] Result =
Related/Similar activities
This activity card generates a mouse event, such as a click on the specified location.
Application procedures
Select the event (operation method) to generate with the Action property.
In the Click Point field, enter the coordinates to locate the mouse pointer.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Action | Combination box | N | - | Y | Select a mouse event (operation method). (Default: Click) ※ Types - Click, DoubleClick, RightClick, Move, Down, Up, Scroll, DragDrop |
N | Click Point | Text | Y | - | Y | Enter the coordinates to locate the mouse pointer.(Default: '0,0') Enter the “Mouse.Position” to click the current location of the mouse cursor. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Open Notepad and click the File menu with the MouseEvent activity card.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Mouse Action > P_MouseEvent_Test
Used variables
pid = Variable to specify the launched Notepad
Used properties
Action = Click
Click Point =
RESUL.TX + 10, RESULT.Y + 10
Related/Similar activities
MouseHover, MouseScroll, MouseDrag, MouseDrop, MouseLongPress, DragDrop
This activity card generates a keyboard event regardless of the target UI object. A keyboard event is generated on the UI object where the focus is set without designating the target UI object.
Application procedures
In the Input Type field, select the keyboard event (keyboard operation) to execute.
In the Input Data field, enter the content of the keyboard input data.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Intput Type | Combination box | N | - | Y | Select a keyboard event (operation method). (Default: SendText) - SendText, SendKeys, KeyPress, KeyDown, KeyUp |
N | Intput Data | Text | Y | - | N | Enter data when an event occurs. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. |
Example of utilization
Open Notepad and enter “key0A” with the KeyboardEvent activity card.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > Keyboard Action > P_KeyboardEvent_Test
Used variables
inputData = Data input variable
calcID = Variable to specify the launched Notepad
Used properties
Input Type = SendKeys
Input Data =
Related/Similar activities
This activity card sends a window message to the target UI object.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Click a target object that supports right-click.
card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | Int | - | Message delivery result | 0 |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
N | WMessage | Number | Y | - | N | Enter a window message. |
N | WParam | Number | Y | - | N | Enter specific information related to the window message. |
N | LParam | Number | Y | - | N | Enter specific information related to the window message. |
N | Response Timeout | Number | Y | sec | N | Enter the maximum time waiting for a response from the window. |
Example of utilization
Execute any application and send a window message to the application. Execute the Notepad application and send a WM _ CLOSE message to the application and terminate it.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > SendWindowsMessage > P_SendWindowsMessage_Test_Notepad
Used variables
Used properties
[Output] Result = RESULT
WMessage = 16
WParam = 0
LParam = 0
Response Timeout = 5
Related/Similar activities
This activity card send a window message (WM_COPYDATA) to the target UI object.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Click a target object that supports right-click.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | Int | - | Message delivery result | 0 |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
N | Data | Text | Y | - | N | Enter specific information related to the window message. |
N | Response Timeout | Number | Y | msec | N | Enter the maximum time waiting for a response from the window. |
Example of utilization
Execute the window application and it sends a window message (WM_COPYDATA) to the application. Execute the WndMsgTest application and send the WM_COPYDATA message to the application.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > SendWindowsMessage > P_SendWindowsCopyData_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Output] Result = RESULT
Data = 'Hello!'
Response Timeout = 5
Related/Similar activities
This activity card executes a shortcut key on the windows.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Click a target object that supports right-click.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App library. | |
N | ATL | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Enter whether to use the ALT key. |
N | CTL | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Enter whether to use the CTL key. |
N | SHIFT | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Enter whether to use the SHIFT key. |
N | WIN | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Enter whether to use the WIN key. |
N | Keys | String | Y | - | N | Enter whether to use Key. |
Example of utilization
After running the Windows application, send shortcut keys (CTRL + ALT + A) and (CTRL + ALT + X) to the application to select all strings and cut them.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Application > SendWindowsShortCut > P_SendWindowsShortCut_Test
Used variables
Used properties
ALT = False
CTRL = True
SHIFT = False
WIN = False
Keys = 'AX'
Related/Similar activities
This activity card runs the Remote Desktop Connection application.
Application procedure
In the Output PID field, enter a variable to store the PID of the remote desktop connection application executed.
Enter the name or IP address of the remote computer to access the Host.
In the ID field, enter the user ID of the remote computer to access.
In the Port field, enter the Port for remote desktop connection.
In the Password field, enter the user password of the remote computer to access.
Select the Resolution of the Remote Desktop Connection viewer.
Select whether to maximize the window of the remote desktop connection application.
In the WaitTime field, enter the amount of time to wait for the remote desktop connection application to run.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | Int | - | The PID of the Remote Desktop Connection application. | 0 |
Card input properties
Common | Property | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | PID | Number | Y | - | Y | Enter a variable to store the PID of the Remote Desktop Connection application. |
N | Host | String | Y | - | N | Enter the name or IP address of the remote computer. |
N | ID | String | Y | - | N | Enter your user ID. |
N | Port | Number | Y | - | N | Enter the port to connect to Remote Desktop. |
N | Password | String | Y | - | N | Enter your user password. |
N | Resolution | Combo box | Y | - | Y | Select the resolution of the remote desktop connection. |
N | Maximize | Toggle button | - | - | Y | Select whether to maximize the window of the Remote Desktop Connection application. |
N | WaitTime | Number | N | Sec | Y | Enter the amount of time to wait for the Remote Desktop Connection application to start. |
Example of utilization
Launch the Remote Desktop Connection application and wait for 30 seconds.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Samples > Sample > Application > RemoteDesktopWindow > P_ExecuteRemoteDesktopWindow_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Output] Result = RESULT
ID = "test"
Port = 3389
Password = "xxxxxxxx"
Resolution = 1920 x 1080
Maximize = true
WaitTime = 20
Related/Similar Activities
Non-standard UI Object Recognition (GUIDetector)
In non-standard UI objects not recognized by UI automation technology, it is difficult to specify the object, so the existing library cannot be used. Therefore, by installing an additional function called GUIDetector, it can help to recognize unrecognized objects through a learning-based model.
Since this function helps to recognize non-standard UI, it cannot be executed by recognizing an object perfectly. Still, it can perform non-standard UI tasks along with the existing ImageRecognition.
GUIDetector is only available for 64-bit designers and bots for v3.0.
You can install 64-bit by selecting 64-bit mode during the installation process, as shown below.
Starting from v3.0, the name of the folder that stores the learning model has been changed.
To run GUIDetector, create an ObjectDetector folder in the processing designer or bot path, as shown below.
App Lib3
Download each learning model and execution engine, and extract and save them inside the ObjectDetector folder, as shown in the figure below.
App Lib4
Specifying Non-Standard UI Objects
You will see a targeting button in the right area of the activity card that lets you specify a non-standard UI.
Double-click the target button, and it switches to UI object designation mode, which minimizes the designer, and you can use the mouse to designate the desired target UI object.
Place the mouse on the screen so a box is drawn over the non-standard UI. When specifying a non-standard UI object, as shown in the figure above.
When the object recognition process (time required) passes after designation, the recognized object is drawn as a box on the pop-up screen. Only the type specified by the combo box on the upper right can be drawn as a box. Next, click the screen to select the desired control area and press the Apply button to enter the specified properties, as shown below.
App Lib 2
This activity card finds all control information recognized based on the learning model in the specified non-standard UI.
Application procedure
In the [Output] Control field, enter a variable to store the recognized result.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Click the non-standard UI target object.
Check the recognized screen.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Control | List | - | List of all recognized control type information |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Control | List | Y | - | Y | Enter a variable to store the recognized result. |
N | Application | String | N | - | Y | Process information of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Title | String | Y | - | Y | Title of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Name | String | Y | - | Y | The name of the parent object of the non-standard UI. |
N | Value | String | Y | - | Y | Value of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Image | Image | - | - | Y | Target image of non-standard UI to be recognized. |
N | ControlType | Combo box | blanket | - | Y | Select the control type to search for. |
N | Timeout | Number | N | sec | Y | Enter the time to wait until the target is found and the non-standard UI is recognized and the control information is retrieved. |
Example of utilization
The non-standard UI opens the captured image and outputs the names of all recognized controls using the GUIDetectorFindAll card to a MessageBox.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Samples > Sample > Application > GUIDetector > P_GUIDetectorFindAll
Used variables
GUIControl = Variable to get name from List
GUIControlList = list of recognized GUI controls
Used properties
Control Type = All
Related/Similar Activities
In this activity card Left-click the control recognized as the learning model in the specified non-standard UI.
Application procedure
Double-click No Target on the activity card .
Click the non-standard UI target object.
Check the recognized screen.
Find the displayed control on the recognized screen, click with the mouse to specify it, and then click the Apply button.
Check the entered properties.
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Application | String | N | - | Y | Process information of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Title | String | Y | - | Y | Title of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Name | String | Y | - | Y | The name of the parent object of the non-standard UI. |
N | Value | String | Y | - | Y | Value of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Image | Image | - | - | Y | Target image of non-standard UI to be recognized. |
N | Control Type | Combo box | Y | - | Y | Select the control type to search for. |
N | Control Index | Number | N | - | N | Enter the index number of the target to be recognized among the same control type. |
N | Control Image | Image | Y | - | Y | Crop image of the selected control in the control selection screen. |
N | Control Bounds | Rect | N | - | Y | Bounds information of the selected control. |
N | Timeout | Number | N | sec | Y | Enter the time to wait until the target is found and the non-standard UI is recognized and the control information is retrieved. |
Example of utilization
A non-standard UI opens the captured image, recognizes the object using the GUIDetectorClick card, and then clicks the selected object with the mouse.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Samples > Sample >Application > GUIDetector > P_GUIDetectorClick
Used variables
Used properties
Control Type = Button
Control Index = 0
Related/Similar Activities
Double-click the control recognized as the learning model in the designated non-standard UI with the left mouse button.
Application procedure
Double-click No Target on the activity card .
Click the non-standard UI target object.
Check the recognized screen.
Find the displayed control on the recognized screen, click with the mouse to specify it, and then click the Apply button.
Check the entered properties.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Application | String | N | - | Y | Process information of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Title | String | Y | - | Y | Title of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Name | String | Y | - | Y | The name of the parent object of the non-standard UI. |
N | Value | String | Y | - | Y | Value of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Image | Image | - | - | Y | Target image of non-standard UI to be recognized. |
N | Control Type | Combo box | Y | - | Y | Select the control type to search for. |
N | Control Index | Number | N | - | N | Enter the Index number of the target to be recognized among the same control type. |
N | Control Image | Image | Y | - | Y | Crop image of the selected control in the control selection screen. |
N | Control Bounds | Rect | N | - | Y | Bounds information of the selected control. |
N | Timeout | Number | N | sec | Y | Enter the time to wait until the target is found and the non-standard UI is recognized and the control information is retrieved. |
Example of utilization
A non-standard UI opens the captured image, recognizes the object using the GUIDetectorDoubleClick card, and double-clicks the selected object with the mouse.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Samples > Sample >Application > GUIDetector > P_GUIDetectorDoubleClick
Used variables
Used properties
Control Type = Number
Control Index = 4
Related/Similar Activities
Right-click the control recognized as the learning model in the specified non-standard UI.
Application procedure
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Click the non-standard UI target object.
Check the recognized screen.
Find the displayed control on the recognized screen, click with the mouse to specify it, and then click the Apply button.
Check the entered properties.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Application | String | N | - | Y | Process information of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Title | String | Y | - | Y | Title of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Name | String | Y | - | Y | The name of the parent object of the non-standard UI. |
N | Value | String | Y | - | Y | Value of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Image | Image | - | - | Y | Target image of non-standard UI to be recognized. |
N | Control Type | Combo box | Y | - | Y | Select the control type to search for. |
N | Control Index | Number | N | - | N | Enter the Index number of the target to be recognized among the same control type. |
N | Control Image | Image | Y | - | Y | Crop image of the selected control in the control selection screen. |
N | Control Bounds | Rect | N | - | Y | Bounds information of the selected control. |
N | Timeout | Number | N | sec | Y | Enter the time to wait until the target is found and the non-standard UI is recognized and the control information is retrieved. |
Example of utilization
A non-standard UI opens the captured image, recognizes the object using the GUIDetectorRightClick card, and right-clicks the selected object.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Samples > Sample >Application > GUIDetector > P_GUIDetectorRightClick
Used variables
Used properties
Control Type = CheckBox_Unchecked
Control Index = 0
Related/Similar Activities
In this activity card, the mouse pointer moves to the control recognized as the learning model in the specified non-standard UI.
Application procedure
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Click the non-standard UI target object.
Check the recognized screen.
Find the displayed control on the recognized screen, click with the mouse to specify it, and then click the Apply button.
Check the entered properties.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Application | String | N | - | Y | Process information of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Title | String | Y | - | Y | Title of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Name | String | Y | - | Y | The name of the parent object of the non-standard UI. |
N | Value | String | Y | - | Y | Value of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Image | Image | - | - | Y | Target image of non-standard UI to be recognized. |
N | Control Type | Combo box | Y | - | Y | Select the control type to search for. |
N | Control Index | Number | N | - | N | Enter the Index number of the target to be recognized among the same control type. |
N | Control Image | Image | Y | - | Y | Crop image of the selected control in the control selection screen. |
N | Control Bounds | Rect | N | - | Y | Bounds information of the selected control. |
N | Timeout | Number | N | sec | Y | Enter the time to wait until the target is found and the non-standard UI is recognized and the control information is retrieved. |
Example of utilization
A non-standard UI opens the captured image, uses the GUIDetectorMouseHover card to detect the object, and moves the mouse pointer over the selected object.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Samples > Sample >Application > GUIDetector > P_GUIDetectorMouseHover
Used variables
Used properties
Control Type = Tab
Control Index = 3
Related/Similar Activities
In the specified non-standard UI, input the text entered in the properties to the control recognized as the learning model.
Application procedure
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Click the non-standard UI target object.
Check the recognized screen.
Find the displayed control on the recognized screen, click with the mouse to specify it, and then click the Apply button.
Check the entered properties.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Application | String | N | - | Y | Process information of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Title | String | Y | - | Y | Title of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Name | String | Y | - | Y | The name of the parent object of the non-standard UI. |
N | Value | String | Y | - | Y | Value of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Image | Image | - | - | Y | Target image of non-standard UI to be recognized. |
N | Control Type | Combo box | Y | - | Y | Select the control type to search for. |
N | Control Index | Number | N | - | N | Enter the Index number of the target to be recognized among the same control type. |
N | Control Image | Image | Y | - | Y | Crop image of the selected control in the control selection screen. |
N | Control Bounds | Rect | N | - | Y | Bounds information of the selected control. |
N | Timeout | Number | N | sec | Y | Enter the time to wait until the target is found and the non-standard UI is recognized and the control information is retrieved. |
N | Input Text | String | Y | - | N | Enter the text string for the target object between two single quotation marks (‘’). If the test string has been assigned to a variable, enter the variable name. - Normal: Input normal text. - Secure: Encrypt the input text. Select this option for values requiring encryption, such as passwords |
N | Clear Before | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Select whether or not to delete all input strings in the specified control. |
N | Done | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to press the Enter key after text input. |
N | Before Delay | Number | N | ms | Y | Enter the delay time(ms) before key event execution. |
N | After Delay | Number | N | ms | Y | Enter the delay time(ms) after key event execution. |
N | Interval | Number | N | ms | Y | Enter the interval time(ms) between key event execution. |
Example of utilization
A non-standard UI opens the captured image, recognizes the object using the GUIDetectorTextInput card, and enters text into the selected object.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Samples > Sample >Application > GUIDetector > P_GUIDetectorTextInput
Used variables
Used properties
Control Type = EditBox
Control Index = 0
Input Text = 'GUI Detector'
Related/Similar Activities
This activity card finds the control information recognized based on the learning model in the specified non-standard UI and returns the control Bounds.
Application procedure
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Click the non-standard UI target object.
Check the recognized screen.
Find the displayed control on the recognized screen, click with the mouse to specify it, and then click the Apply button.
Check the entered properties.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | bool | - | Bounds information of recognized controls |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Application | String | N | - | Y | Process information of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Title | String | Y | - | Y | Title of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Name | String | Y | - | Y | The name of the parent object of the non-standard UI. |
N | Value | String | Y | - | Y | Value of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Image | Image | - | - | Y | Target image of non-standard UI to be recognized. |
N | Control Type | Combo box | Y | - | Y | Select the control type to search for. |
N | Control Index | Number | N | - | N | Enter the index number of the target to be recognized among the same control type. |
N | Control Image | Image | Y | - | Y | Crop image of the selected control in the control selection screen. |
N | Control Bounds | Rect | N | - | Y | Bounds information of the selected control. |
N | Timeout | Number | N | sec | Y | Enter the time to wait until the target is found and the non-standard UI is recognized and the control information is retrieved. |
Example of utilization
A non-standard UI opens the captured image, uses the GUIDetectorGetBounds card to recognize the object, and then gets the Bounds information of the selected object.
Menu > Help > Samples > Sample >Application > GUIDetector > P_GUIDetectorGetBounds
Used variables
controlBounds = bounds information of the recognized control
Used properties
Control Type = EditBox
Control Index = 0
Related/Similar Activities
Chart Recognition (ChartDetector)
Chart Recognition (ChartDetector)
Charts are not recognized by UI automation technology, and chart values cannot be extracted even with optical character recognition (OCR) because their shapes are not constant. Brity RPA can utilize AI technology to help extract information and data from charts.
This function can only recognize charts of line, pie, and bar types.
ChartDetector is only available for 64-bit designers and bots.
You can install in 64-bit by selecting 64-bit mode during the installation process as shown below.
To run ChartDetector, create ObjectDetector folder in the figure processing designer or bot path below. If it already exists, you do not need to create it.
App Lib3
Download each learning model and execution engine, and extract and save them inside the ObjectDetector folder as shown in the figure below.
It uses the same engine as GuiDetector, so if you have an existing Pyton37 folder, you only need to use the training model.
App Lib5
Recognizes and outputs the basic information of the specified chart.
Application procedure
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Click on the target chart.
Check the entered properties.
Specify the output to receive chart information.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | Object | - | Objects containing information from recognized charts |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Application | String | N | - | Y | Process information of parent object of non-standard UI |
N | Title | String | Y | - | Y | Title of parent object of non-standard UI |
N | Name | String | Y | - | Y | Name of parent object of non-standard UI |
N | Value | String | Y | - | Y | Value of parent object of non-standard UI |
N | Image | Image | - | - | Y | Target image of non-standard UI to be recognized |
N | Timeout | Number | N | sec | Y | Enter the amount of time to wait until a target is found, a non-standard UI is recognized, and control information is retrieved. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App Library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App Library. |
Example of utilization
Recognized chart information
Type: 3 chart types (Bar, Pie, Line)
Title: The title of the chart (yellow box)
MinYAxis: Minimum value of the Y coordinate of the chart
MaxYAxis: maximum value of the Y coordinate of the chart
PlotArea: Chart area (light blue box)
LegendArea : Chart label area (green box)
Example of utilization
Open the Excel file containing the chart, use the GetChartInfo card to recognize the chart and get the basic information of the selected chart.
Target Chart
Sample file
Menu > Help > Samples > Sample >Application > ChartDetection > Get_ChartInfo
Used variables
ChartInfo = A variable to output the object information of the recognized chart
Used properties
[Output]Result = this.ChartInfo this.ChartInfo.Type = Bar this.ChartInfo.Title = Sales Quantity this.ChartInfo.MinYAxis = 0 this.ChartInfo.MaxYAxis = 250 this.ChartInfo.PlotArea = 38, 49, 464, 225 this.ChartInfo.LegendArea = 118, 258, 365, 278
Recognizes the data of the specified chart and outputs it.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Click on the target chart.
Check the entered properties.
Specify the output to receive the chart data.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional Comments | Description | Example |
Result | 2D List | - | A two-dimensional list containing data from recognized charts. It is a structure that has each data under the group of the chart. For details, see the recognition example below. |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-Settings | Description |
N | Application | String | N | - | Y | Process information of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Title | String | Y | - | Y | Title of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Name | String | Y | - | Y | Name of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Value | String | Y | - | Y | Value of parent object of non-standard UI. |
N | Image | Image | - | - | Y | Target image of non-standard UI to be recognized. |
N | Timeout | Number | N | sec | Y | Enter the amount of time to wait until a target is found, a non-standard UI is recognized, and control information is retrieved. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App Library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the App Library. |
Different results are output for each type of chart: line, pie, and bar.
Recognition Example (Linear)
Recognized chart information
Group: Each line (CompanyA, CompanyB, CompanyC)
The below information appears under each Group
Color: Color of each line (RGB)
Data: Linear data list
The below information appears under each Data
Value: Value of points on each Line
DataPoint: Coordinates of points on each Line
Example of utilization
Open the Excel file containing the chart, use the GetChartData card to recognize the chart, and get the data information of the selected chart.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Samples > Sample >Application > ChartDetection >Get_LineChartData
Used variables
ChartData = A variable to output the data information of the recognized chart
Used properties
[Output]Result = this.ChartData DataSortMethod = NotUse
this.ChartData.Group(0).Color = 166, 166, 166(Gray) this.ChartData.Group(1).Color = 95, 157, 214(Blue) this.ChartData.Group(2).Color = 237, 127, 53(Orange)
this.ChartData.Group(0).Data(0).Value = 48.86 this.ChartData.Group(0).Data(0).DataPoint = 92, 374 this.ChartData.Group(1).Data(0).Value = 8.91 this.ChartData.Group(1).Data(0).DataPoint = 92, 336 this.ChartData.Group(2).Data(0).Value = 198.94 this.ChartData.Group(2).Data(0).DataPoint = 92, 194
Recognition example (circular)
Recognition example (circular)
Group: Each prototype (CompanyA), only one exists in the example above
The below information appear under each Data
Data: circular data list
The below information appears under each Data
Value: Value of each Pie area (%)
Center: The center point of each Pie area
X1: left point of each pie area
X2: right point of each pie area
InnerAngle: The inner angle of each Pie area
AccumAngle: Accumulated angle of each pie area (based on left)
Color: Color of each Pie area
Usage example (circle)
Open the Excel file containing the chart, use the GetChartData card to recognize the chart, and get the data information of the selected chart.
Target chart
Sample file
Menu > Help > Samples > Sample >Application > ChartDetection >Get_PieChartData
Used variables
ChartData = A variable to output the data information of the recognized chart
Used properties
[Output]Result = this.ChartData DataSortMethod = NotUse
Example of use
Data is located in a clockwise direction based on 0 degrees.
this.ChartData.Group(0).Data(0).Value = 18.19% this.ChartData.Group(0).Data(0).Center = 240, 145 this.ChartData.Group(0).Data(0).X1 = 240, 49 this.ChartData.Group(0).Data(0).X2 = 328, 105 this.ChartData.Group(0).Data(0).InnerAngle = 65.48Road this.ChartData.Group(0).Data(0).AccumAngle = 0.01 degrees (from left) this.ChartData.Group(0).Data(0).Color = 91, 155, 213 this.ChartData.Group(0).Data(1).Value = 9% this.ChartData.Group(0).Data(1).Center = 240, 145 this.ChartData.Group(0).Data(1).X1 = 328, 105 this.ChartData.Group(0).Data(1).X2 = 335, 158 this.ChartData.Group(0).Data(1).InnerAngle = 32.41도 this.ChartData.Group(0).Data(1).AccumAngle = 65.49 degrees (from left) this.ChartData.Group(0).Data(1).Color = 237, 125, 49
Recognition example (vertical bar)
Vertical bar (Bar)
Recognized chart information
* Group: Each line (CompanyA, CompanyB, CompanyC)
The below information appears under each Data
Color: The color of each vertical bar type (RGB)
Data: List of column-type data
The below information appears under each Data
Value: the value of each bar
BarRect: Area of each bar
Usage example (vertical bar type)
Open the Excel file containing the chart, use the GetChartData card to recognize the chart and get the data information of the selected chart.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Samples > Sample >Application > ChartDetection >Get_BarChartData
Used variables
ChartData = A variable to output the data information of the recognized chart
Used properties
[Output]Result = this.ChartData DataSortMethod = NotUse
Example of use
this.ChartData.Group(0).Color = 91, 155, 213(Blue) this.ChartData.Group(1).Color = 237, 125, 49(Orange) this.ChartData.Group(2).Color = 165, 165, 165(Gray)
this.ChartData.Group(0).Data(0).Value = 50.54 this.ChartData.Group(0).Data(0).BarRect = 64, 190, 89, 226