You can control SAP GUI using the features provided by the SAP library. You can enter data into SAP GUI or import the entered data and change and handle the data.
The features provided by the SAP library are as follows:
Mouse action features: Click, DoubleClick, RightClick, MouseHover
Keyboard action features: SetText, GetText
Features related to the target UI object recognition: IsExist, WaitSAPAppear, WaitSAPDisappear, SearchInGrid
Features related to the SAP Grid: SelectGridRow, GetGridData, GetGridColumnID, GetGridRowCount, GetGridColCount, GetTableData, GetTableRowCount, GetTableColCount
Features related to SAP Table: GetTableCell, SetTableCell
Features related to the combination box: SelectComboItem
Features related to node: SelectTreeNode, DoubleClickTreeNode, ExpandTreeNode, CollapseTreeNode
Macro execution feature: SAPRunMacro
Credential feature: CredentialSetText
Other features: GetStatusInfo, SelectMenu
Use Designer or File Explorer to refer to the samples of the SAP library.
• On Designer: > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP
• On File Explorer: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Brity Works Designer\samples\SAP
[SAP sample project names and related activity cards]
• Get Grid Detail
: GetGridColCount, GetGridColumnID, GetGridData, GetGridRowCount, SearchInGrid, GetGridRow
• Mouse Action
: Click, DoubleClick, MouseHover, RightClick
• SAP_Tree_Control
: CollapseTreeNode, DoubleClickTreeNode, ExpandTreeNode, SelectTreeNode
• SAP_Wait
: IsExist, WaitSAPAppear, WaitSAPDisappear
• Text Action
: GetText, SetText
• Wait SAP Target
: WaitSAPAppear, WaitSAPDisappear
• Other Samples
: GetStatusInfo, GetStatusType, SelectComboItem, SelectMenu
Setting SAP Option
To start using the SAP library features, complete the following steps:
No. | Description |
1 | Click the option button on SAP toolbar. |
2 | Select Options... in the menu. |
3 | Select the Enable scripting option and leave the rest of the options unselected. |
Setting SAP GUI Scripting Enable (Server)
If the Script Recording and Playback... menu is disabled in the Options menu, the server settings are required.
If the system administrator edits the application program server profile on the SAP system and changes the sapgui/user_scripting
to "True," scripting is enabled by default when the server is restarted.
Run the RZ11 transaction.
On the “Maintain Profile Parameters” screen, enter “sapgui/user_scripting” in the “Param_Name” field.
Click Display.
On the "Display Profile Parameter Attributes" screen, click Change value.
In the New value field, enter “TRUE,” click Save and exit the setup.
Common Properties
Common Properties
Enter information related to SAP objects.
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Type | Text | Y | - | N | SAP object type is automatically populated. |
SubType | Text | N | - | N | SAP object sub-type is automatically populated. |
ID | Text | Y | - | N | Enter SAP object ID. |
Name | Text | N | - | N | SAP object name is automatically populated. |
Text | Text | N | - | N | SAP object text is automatically populated. |
Image | Image | N | - | N | SAP object image is automatically populated. |
Bounds | Number | N | - | N | SAP object bound is automatically populated. |
SelectIndex | Number | Y | - | N | Enter the index of the combination box item. |
Enter setting values related to transactions.
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Done(Enter) | Toggle button | N | - | N | Set to automatically press the Enter key after executing an activity. |
Input Text | Text | Y | - | N | Enter text. |
Enter error processing methods.
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
On Error | Combination box | N | - | N | Specify an action to carry out when an error occurs at the time of execution. - If not specified: Output errors and exit the task. - --Ignore--: Ignore the error. - --Retry--: Try the activity one more time. - --Goto--: Try the scenario for the specified time if the activity fails. - _Event: Select an event created within the project. |
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
DESCRIPTION | Text | N | - | N | Enter the description for the activity card. The description entered in the DESCRIPTION field is used as the description of the activity. A representative value will be displayed in the absence of the DESCRIPTION input. |
This activity card clicks target UI objects on SAP.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Hover the pointer over the target UI object to click. Next, tap it to select after a red border has been displayed around it.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Timeout | Text | Y | Second | Y | Enter the maximum waiting time to search for the SAP object. |
N | Click Point | Other | N | - | Y | Coordinates for the click is entered. |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
Click the SAP menu and tree objects.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > Mouse Action > P_Click_Test_SAP
Used variables
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
This activity card double-clicks the target SAP UI objects.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Hover the pointer over the target UI object to double-click and click it to select after a red border has been displayed around it.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Timeout | Text | Y | Second | Y | Enter the maximum waiting time to search for the SAP object. |
N | Click Point | Other | N | - | Y | Coordinates for the click is entered. |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
Double-click the table tree objects in SAP menus.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > Mouse Action > P_DoubleClick_Test_SAP
Used variables
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
This activity card right-clicks the target SAP UI objects.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Hover the pointer over the target UI object and right-click it to select after a red border has been displayed around it.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Timeout | Text | Y | Second | Y | Enter the maximum waiting time to search for the SAP object. |
N | Click Point | Other | N | - | Y | Coordinates for the click is entered. |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
Right-click the SAP combination box test object to open the context menu.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > Mouse Action > P_RightClick_Test_SAP
Used variables
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
This activity card hovers the pointer over a target SAP UI.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Hover the pointer over the target UI object to hover the mouse pointer and click it to select after a red border has been displayed around it.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Timeout | Text | Y | Second | Y | Specify the maximum waiting time to search for the SAP object. |
N | Click Point | Other | N | - | Y | Enter the maximum waiting time to search for the SAP object. |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
After hovering the pointer over the tab menus at the top, run the additional features with the Click activity card.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > Mouse Action > P_MouseHover_Test_SAP
Used variables
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
This activity card enters a text in a target SAP UI object.
Application procedures
This activity card can be used only if the target UI object supports ValuePattern, and is not read-only.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the SAP object to enter a text.
In the Input Text field, enter a text.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Timeout | Text | Y | Second | Y | Specify the maximum waiting time to search for the SAP object. |
N | Input Text | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the text string for the target object between two single quotation marks (‘’). If the test string has been assigned to a variable, enter the variable name. - Normal: Input normal text. - Secure: Encrypt the input text. Select this option for values requiring encryption, such as passwords. |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
On a screen where the default value, "SU52," has been searched with the SetText activity card, enter the detailed information using multiple SetText activity cards.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > Text Action > P_SetText_Test_SAP
Used variables
tCode = Variable that stores the text input (Default: 'SUS1')
Used properties
Input Text =
Related/Similar activities
This activity card enters credential data in a target SAP UI object.
Application procedures
Only a credential resource can be used as input data. Objects without password properties cannot be specified.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the SAP object that has the password property.
In the Input Text field, select a credential-type shared resource.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set to display a box (border) to identify the object. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
The procedures are identical to those for the SetText activity card except that a credential resource is used.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card fetches the text in a target SAP UI object.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the SAP object you want.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | String | - | Returns the text read from the target SAP UI object. | 'Value1' |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Timeout | Text | Y | Second | Y | Enter the maximum waiting time to search for the SAP object. |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
Read the text on a SAP screen, store it in a variable, and then output the data in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > TextAction > P_GetText_Test_SAP
Used variables
Used properties
[Output] Result =
Related/Similar activities
This activity card verifies if the target SAP UI object exists on a screen.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the target SAP UI object to verify the existence on the screen.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Result | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable to assign the verification result for the target SAP UI object. (Default: RESULT) “True” is returned if the target object is found within the specified time, and “False” is returned otherwise. |
N | Timeout | Text | Y | Second | Y | Enter the maximum waiting time to search for the SAP object. |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
Verify whether the specified SAP object exists on the screen and proceed with the subsequent process according to the verification result.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > Wait SAP Target > P_IsExist_Test_SAP
Used variables
isExist = Variable to store the verification result of whether the object exist on the screen.
Used properties
[Output] Result =
Related/Similar activities
This activity card waits until the target SAP UI object appears on the screen. This can be useful for changing the screen.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the SAP object to wait for the appearance.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Result | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable to store the verification result of whether the target SAP UI object appeared on the screen. (Default: RESULT) “True” is returned if the target object is found, and “False” is returned otherwise. |
N | Timeout | Text | Y | Second | Y | Enter the maximum waiting time to search for the SAP object. |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
On the SAP screen, verify whether the object appeared on the screen and proceed with the subsequent process, such as navigation, to another screen according to the verification results.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > Wait SAP Target > P_WaitSAPAppear_Test_SAP
Used variables
waitAppear = Variable to store the verification result of whether the target object appeared
tCode = Variable that stores the text input (Default: 'SUS1')
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
This activity card waits until the target SAP UI object disappears from the screen. This can be useful for changing the screen.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the SAP object to wait for the disappearance.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Result | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable to store the verification result of whether the target SAP UI object disappeared on the screen. (Default: RESULT) “True” is returned if the target object is found, and “False” is returned otherwise. |
N | Timeout | Text | Y | Second | Y | Enter the maximum waiting time to search for the SAP object. |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
On the SAP screen, verify whether the object appeared on the screen and proceed with the subsequent process such as navigation to another screen according to the verification result.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > Wait SAP Target > P_WaitSAPDisappear_Test_SAP
Used variables
waitdisAppear = Variable to store the verification result of whether the target object disappeared
tCode = Variable that stores the text input (Default: 'SUS1')
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
This activity card searches for a specific item on an SAP Grid.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the SAP UI object to search for specific items.
In the SearchRow and SearchCloumn fields, enter the row and column to search for.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example result |
Result | One-dimensional array | String | Cells matching the search criteria are returned in row:column format. ※ In case of multiple, it is returned as a list. | 0: "5:A" 1: "5:B" 2: "5:C" |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | SearchText | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the target text to search for. |
N | SearchRow | Number | Y | - | Y | Specify the search target column. |
N | SearchColumn | Text | Y | - | N | Specify the ID of the row to search. The ID can be acquired with the GetGridColmnID activity. |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
Among the data in the fifth row of the SAP grid object, output the cells that correspond to “N/A” in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > Get Grid Detail > P_SearchInGrid_Test_SAP
Used variables
colID = Variable that stores the searched column ID
sthGrid = Variable to store the search result for the item
Used properties
[Output] Result =
SearchText = 'N/A'
SearchRow = 5
Related/Similar activities
This activity card selects an entire row of a SAP grid object.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the SAP object to select the entire row.
In the SelecRow field, enter the row number to select. (Starts from 0)
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | SelectRows | Number | Y | - | N | Enter the row number of the grid to select. (Starts from 0) |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
Selects the sixth row of the SAP grid.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > Get Grid Detail > P_SelectGridRow_Test_SAP
Used variables
tCode = Variable that stores the text input (Default: 'ZLP3COC6000')
Used properties
SelectRows = '5'
Related/Similar activities
This activity card fetches all data in a SAP grid object.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the SAP object to fetch all data in the grid.
In the [Output] Result field, enter the variable to store the fetched data.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | 2D Array | String | Returns all data from the imported SAP Grid. | 0: A | B | C1: 1 | 2 | 32: 4 | 5 | 6 |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
Output the data fetched as an array from the SAP grid object in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > Get Grid Detail > P_GetGridData_Test_SAP
Used variables
getGridData = Variable to store the fetched grid data
tCode = Variable that stores the text input (Default: 'ZLP3COC6000')
Used properties
[Output] Result =
Related/Similar activities
GetGridColumnID, GetGridRowCount, GetGridColCount
This activity card fetches the ColumnID of a SAP grid area.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the SAP object to fetch the ColumnID.
In the [Output] Result field, enter the variable to store the fetched ColumnID.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | String | - | Returns the Column ID of the imported SAP Grid. | 'LVL2NM' |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | SearchColumn | Variable | Y | - | N | Enter the name of the column to fetch the ColumnID. |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
N | IsTitle | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether the designated target UI object is a title or not. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
In the SAP grid area, fetch the ColumnID of the cell searched with “Type” and output the data in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > Get Grid Detail > P_GetGridColumnID_Test_SAP
Used variables
colID = Variable that stores the searched column ID
sthGrid = Variable to store the search result for the item
Used properties
[Output] Result =
Related/Similar activities
This activity card fetches the number of rows in an SAP grid area.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the SAP object to fetch the number of rows in the grid area.
In the [Output] Result field, enter the variable to store the fetched number of rows.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | Int | - | Returns the number of rows in the imported SAP Grid. | 9 |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
Fetch the number of rows in the SAP grid area and output the data in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > Get Grid Detail > P_GetGridRowCount_Test_SAP
Used variables
colID = Variable that stores the searched column ID
rowCnt = Variable to store the searched number of rows
colCnt = Variable to store the searched number of columns
Used properties
[Output] Result =
Related/Similar activities
This activity card fetches the number of columns in the SAP grid area.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the SAP object to fetch the number of columns in the grid area.
In the [Output] Result field, enter the variable to store the fetched number of columns.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | Int | - | Returns the number of columns in the imported SAP Grid. | 9 |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Timeout | Number | Y | Second | Y | Enter the maximum waiting time to search for the SAP object. |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
Fetch the number of columns in the SAP grid area and output the data in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > Get Grid Detail > P_GetGridColCount_Test_SAP
Used variables
colID = Variable that stores the searched column ID
rowCnt = Variable to store the searched number of rows
colCnt = Variable to store the searched number of columns
Used properties
[Output] Result =
Related/Similar activities
This activity card fetches data values in an SAP table.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the SAP object to fetch all the data in the table.
In the [Output] Result field, enter the variable to store the fetched data.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | 2D Array | String | Returns all data from the imported SAP table. | 0: A | B | C 1: 1 | 2 | 3 2: 4 | 5 |6 |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Timeout | Number | Y | Second | Y | Enter the maximum waiting time to search for the SAP object. |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Related/Similar activities
GetTableRowCount, GetTableColCount, GetTableCell
This activity card fetches the number of rows in an SAP table.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the SAP object to fetch the number of rows.
In the [Output] Result field, enter the variable to store the fetched number of rows.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Decription | Example |
Result | Int | - | Returns the number of rows in the imported SAP table. | 9 |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Timeout | Number | Y | Second | Y | Enter the maximum waiting time to search for the SAP object. |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Related/Similar activities
GetTableData, GetTableColCount, GetTableCell
This activity card fetches the number of columns in a SAP table.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the SAP object to fetch the number of columns.
In the [Output] Result field, enter the variable to store the fetched number of columns.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | Int | - | Returns the number of columns in the imported SAP table. | 9 |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Timeout | Number | Y | Second | Y | Enter the maximum waiting time to search for the SAP object. |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Related/Similar activities
GetTableData, GetTableRowCount, GetTableCell
This activity card fetches the content in a specific cell in a SAP table.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the SAP object to fetch the cell content.
In the [Output] Result field, enter the variable to store the fetched cell content.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | String | - | Returns the contents of a specific cell in an imported SAP table. | 'GildongHong' |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Timeout | Number | Y | Second | Y | Enter the maximum waiting time to search for the SAP object. |
N | Tabel Row | Number | Y | - | Y | Enter the location of the row to import content. |
N | Tabel Column | Number | Y | - | Y | Enter the location of the column to import content. |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Related/Similar activities
GetTableData, GetTableRowCount, GetTableColCount
This activity card enters content in a specific cell in an SAP table.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the SAP object to enter the cell content.
In the [Output] Result field, enter the variable to store the cell content that will be entered.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Result | Variable | Y | - | Y | Enter the variable to store the content that will be entered in the specific cell of the SAP table. (Default: RESULT) |
N | Timeout | Number | Y | Second | Y | Enter the maximum waiting time to search for the SAP object. |
N | Tabel Row | Number | Y | - | Y | Enter the location of the row to enter content. |
N | Tabel Column | Number | Y | - | Y | Enter the location of the column to enter content. |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Related/Similar activities
This activity card searches for and selects a node of a specific tree in SAP.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the SAP object to select.
In the Node Text field, enter the name of the note to search for.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | NodeText | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the name of the tree node to search. Regular expressions can be used. |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
N | IsPath | Toggle button | Y | - | Y | Select whether to use the path to search for the target tree node. - On: A complete path is required for the search. - Off: Only the name of the last node will be searched. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
Searches a node with a specific keyword and selects it in the SAP tree area.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > SAP_Tree_Control > P_SelectTreeNode_Test_SAP
Used variables
Used properties
NodeText = '\\:SU3'
Related/Similar activities
This activity card searches for and selects a node of a specific tree in SAP.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select a SAP object to double-click.
In the NodeText field, enter the name of the note to search for.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | NodeText | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the name of the tree node to search. Regular expressions can be used. |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
N | IsPath | Toggle button | Y | - | Y | Select whether to use the path to search for the target tree node. - On: A complete path is required for the search. - Off: Only the name of the last node will be searched. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
Searches a node with a specific keyword and double-clicks it in the SAP tree area.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > SAP_Tree_Control > P_DoubleClickTreeNode_Test_SAP
Used variables
Used properties
NodeText = '\\:SM04'
Related/Similar activities
This activity card expands the node of a specified SAP tree.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the SAP object to expand the node.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
Expands the node of the specified SAP tree.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > SAP_Tree_Control >P_ExpandTreeNode_Test_SAP
Used variables
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
This activity card collapses the node of a specified SAP tree.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the SAP object to collapse the node.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
Collapses the node of the specified SAP tree.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > SAP_Tree_Control > P_ColapseTreeNode_Test_SAP
Used variables
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
This activity card outputs the status of an SAP StatusBar.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select a StatusBar to output the status.
In the [Output] Result field, enter the variable to output the SAP StatusBar status.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | String | - | Returns the status of the imported SAP StatusBar. ※ If there is no value, an empty value is output. | 'S' |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
Double-click a specified node and output the StatusBar status in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > Other Samples > P_GetStatusType_Test_SAP
Used variables
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
This activity card fetches all data in a StatusBar into a list.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the StatusBar to fetch the entire data.
In the [Output] Result field, enter the variable to fetch the entire data in the SAP StatusBar.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | Object | Dictionary<string, object> | Returns all information from the imported SAP StatusBar. | Result.Type: 'S' Result.Number: '12' Result.Id: 'MsgId' Result.Param: ['value1', 'value2'] Result.Msg: 'MsgContent' |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
Double-click a specified node and output the entire StatusBar data in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > Other Samples > P_GetStatusInfo_Test_SAP
Used variables
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
This activity card selects an SAP menu without a click.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the SAP object to select a menu.
In the MenuPath field, enter the path for the menu to select.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | MenuPath | Text | Y | - | N | Specify the order of each menu by numbering them and separate the menus with slashes (/) when entering them. (Starting number: 0) |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
On the SAP menu, select “System” > “User Profile” > “OwnData” (the fourth, second, and third menu items) without clicking them. (Menu path: '4/2/3')
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > Other Samples > P_SelectMenu_Test_SAP
Used variables
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
This activity card selects a value in a combination box-type SAP UI object.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Select the SAP combination box for making a selection.
In the SelectIndex field, enter the index of the item to select. (Starting number: 0)
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | DrawBounds | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Set whether to display a box (border) to identify the object during the operation. |
N | FocusBefore | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to bring the target object to the front for operation. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Example of utilization
In the combination box title menu, selects “Employee (Index 0),” and in the Language menu, selects “Korean (Index 23).”
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > SAP > Other Samples > P_SelectComboItem_Test_SAP
Used variables
tCode = Variable that stores the text input (Default: 'SUS1')
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
This activity card runs a macro in SAP.
Application procedures
In the MacroFilePath field, enter the path for the macro to run.
In Parameters, enter the necessary parameters in the macro.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | MacroFilePath | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the path for the target file to run the SAP Macro. |
N | Parameters | Text | N | - | N | Enter the parameters required by the macro to run. If you do not have a parameter to enter, you do not have to enter it. - Enter each parameter in ''. - If you enter characters and numbers in '', it will be processed. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the SAP library. |
Related/Similar activities