ProcessFlow is a scheme that represents the order and flow in which multiple processes are processed. The ProcessFlow library is similar to the library used in the process, but there are some other parts. This chapter describes libraries used only in ProcessFlow.
The functions available in the ProcessFlow library are as follows:
Time : AddDateTime, AssignDateTime
Process Control: WaitForMultipleEvent, WaitEmail, WaitHttp, WakeUp
Data Queue : QueueOpenChannel, QueueCloseChannel, QueueSendData, QueueReceiveData, QueueClearData, MakeAccessLink
Mail : SendMail, ReceiveMail
Push Message : SendSMS, SendKakaoTalk
Request: CallRestAPI
Shared Resource : RequestAsset
ProcessFlow is a library that operates on the server after distribution. Therefore, the designer cannot run or debug.
Use Designer or File Explorer to refer to the samples of the Hwp library.
• On Designer: Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > ProcessFlow
• On File Explorer: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Brity RPA Designer\samples\ProcessFlow
This activity card adds specified number of years, months, weeks, days, minutes, or seconds to the base DateTime information (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) and assigns the result to a variable.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Variable field, enter the variable to store the changed result.
Set the Time Unit to select the unit for the time to add.
In the Add field, enter the time to add.
In the Input field, enter the base time information to make the change.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Variable | String | - | Returns the result of adding Input to the standard information by Add as a unit of Time Unit. | Input: '2021-01-01 09:00:00' Time Unit: 'Hours' Add: 2 > Variable: '2021-01-01 11:00:00' |
Card input properties
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
[CONDITIONS] Time Unit | Combination box | N | - | Y | Select the time unit to add. -Years: Year - Months: Month - Days: Day - Weeks: Week - Hours: Hour - Minutes: Minute - Seconds: Second |
[CONDITIONS] Add | Number | Y | - | N | Enter the number for the time to add. |
[CONDITIONS] Input | Text | Y | - | Y | Enter the base time to add the time. |
Example of utilization
Enter the base date and time and calculate the date and time after adding five years.
Used variables
output_time = Variable to store the calculated result
Used properties
[Output] Variable =
Time Unit = Years
Add = 5
Input = '2020-01-01 00:00:00'
(Expected result) = '2025-01-01 00:00:00'
You can enter a negative integer value in the Add field subtract time.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card assigns a date to a specified variable. You can also assign the date after converting it into the UTC format.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Variable field, enter the variable to store the calculated time.
In the Time field, enter the base time information.
Set the To UTC property to select whether to convert the time in the UTC format.
Set the Locale property to select the locale of the base time.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Variable | String | - | Returns information about the time the calculation was completed. | Variable: '2021-01-01 09:00:00' |
Card input properties
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
[CONDITIONS] Time | Text | N | - | Y | Enter the date and time information. 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' |
[CONDITIONS] To UTC | Toggle button | N | - | N | Specify whether to convert the time into the UTC format. |
[CONDITIONS] Locale | Combination box | N | - | Y | Select the UTC standard. |
Example of utilization
Assume that the base time is UTC+0:00, and convert it to “(UTC+8:00) Taipei.”
Used variables
output_time = Variable to store the calculated result
Used properties
[Output] Variable =
Time = '2019-01-01 00:00:00'
To UTC = Y
Locale = (UTC+8:00) Taipei
(Expected result) = '2018.12.31 16:00:00'
Related/Similar activities
This activity card calls and executes the processes that have been distributed to the server.
Application procedures
The processes to execute must be distributed to the server in advance and added as “remote processes” under the process flow.
In the [Output] Result field, enter the variable to store the result of the execution.
Set the ProcessID property to select the ID of the process to execute.
Card properties
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
[Output] Result | Variable | Y | - | N | Specify a variable to assign the operation result information. |
[Input] ExecutionBot | Variable | N | - | N | Specify this option only if the process will be executed by the same bot that executed the previous process. Enter the result variable (Result) of the previous process. |
[CONDITIONS] ProcessID | Combination box | Y | - | N | Select the ID of the process to execute from the combination box. In the combination box, processes under the process flow are displayed. |
Example of utilization
Among the processes under the process flow, call “MyProcess” and execute it.
Used variables
process_result = Variable to store the execution result
Used properties
[Output] Result =
ProcessId = 'MyProcess'
When you select a process ID in the Properties window of the CallProcess activity card, the activity card name in the flowchart changes from “CallProcess” to “(processID).”
This activity card calls a REST API.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Response field, specify the variable to store the call result.
According to the defined protocols, set the CONDITIONS properties to specify the information required to request an API call (call type, call content type, call address, API key, proxy URL, proxy port, and header and body information). After the call, the remaining processes are performed based on the returned result.
Card properties
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
[Output] Response | Variable | Y | - | N | Enter the variable to store the message response result. |
[CONDITIONS] Method | Combination box | N | - | Y | Select the call type for the HTTP method (RESTful Service). - GET: Read - POST: Create |
[CONDITIONS] ContentType | Combination box | N | - | Y | Select the type of content to call. - Text - text/plain - application/json - application/xml - multipart/form-data |
[CONDITIONS] URL | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the URL address to call. |
[CONDITIONS] Authorization | Text | N | - | N | Enter the API key. |
[CONDITIONS] ProxyURL | Text | N | - | N | Enter the Proxy URL. |
[CONDITIONS] ProxyPort | Text | N | - | N | Enter the Proxy Port. |
[CONDITIONS] Attachments | Text | N | - | N | Enter the Attachment information. |
[CONDITIONS] Headers | Text | N | - | Y | Enter the header information. |
[CONDITIONS] Body | Text | N | - | N | Enter the body information. |
Example of utilization
Calls a REST API and send mail.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > ProcessFlow > Process Flow
Used variables
Response = Variable to store the response message of the REST API call
Used properties
[Output] Response =
Method = GET
ContentType = application/json
URL = 'https://reqres.in/api/users/2'
It performs the identical operation to the SendRequest activity card explained in “3. Net library” of “IV. library details.” However, the SendRequest activity card is used for regular processes and is executed by bots. On the other hand, the CallRestAPI activity card is dedicated to process flows and is executed on a server.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card assigns the shared resource imported from the server to variables.
Application procedures
Ensure that you have logged in and to the server and imported the shared resources in advance.
In the [Output] Variable field, enter the variable to store the imported shared resource.
Set the Asset property to select the shared resource to import.
Card properties
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
[Output] Variable | Variable | Y | - | N | Enter the variable to store the shared resource imported from the server. |
Asset | Combination box | Y | - | N | Select the shared resource to import. The list of shared resources imported from the server is displayed In the combination box. |
Example of utilization
Assign the shared resource imported from the server to a variable.
Used variables
Asset1 = Variable to store the shared resource imported from the server
Used properties
[Output] Variable =
Asset = PortalURL
This activity card is used alone, without the WaitForMultipleEvents activity card.
See WaitForMultipleEvents for more information.
Waiting for receipt of a particular email. Requesting the Orchestrator server to set up an event waiting for receipt of a particular email.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Variable field, specify the variable to store the event to wait for.
In the Protocol, select the protocol(POP3/IMAP) for the email server.
In the Server URL field, enter the URL of the server where the email message is stored within small quotation marks.
In the Receiver PW field, enter the password for the recipient’s account.
In To UTC field, Select whether to use UTC.
In Locale field, Select the locale.
In the Receiver field, enter the ID (email address) of the recipient.
In the Sender field, enter the ID (email address) of the sender.
In the Subject field, enter the email message's subject to be fetched, in small quotation marks.
In the Begin Time field, enter the time to start fetching the email message.
In the End Time field, enter the time to end fetching the email message.
Card properties
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
[Output] Variable | Variable | N | - | N | Specify the variable to store the event (email reception) to wait for. You can enter the specified variable in the Wait For field of the WaitForMultipleEvents activity card to wait for the email reception. |
Protocol | Combination Box | Y | - | Y | Select the protocol(POP3/IMAP) for the email server. |
Server URL | Text | Y | - | Y | Enter the server URL where the email is located within single quotation marks. |
Receiver PW | Other | Y | - | N | Enter password of the account to receive mail. If you selected Asset, enter the asset variable of the saved password. If you selected Input, manually enter the password of the account. |
To UTC | Toggle Button | Y | - | Y | Select whether to convert the time to UTC criteria. |
Locale | Combination Box | Y | - | Y | Select the locale to use as the reference time |
- | - | - | - | Common property of the Orchestrator library. |
Example of utilization
Wait for the reception of the specific email message for the specified time. Then, output the message content in a message box if the email message has been received.
Used variables
WaitEmailResult = Variable to store the event to wait for
Used properties
[Output] Result = WaitEmailResult
Protocol = IMAP
Server URL = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Receiver Password = xxxxxxx
To UTC = false
Locale = (UTC+09:00) Seoul
[MAIL] Receiver = 'sample@samsung.com'
[MAIL] Sender = 'sample@samsung.com'
[MAIL] Subject = 'sample title'
[MAIL] Begin Time = '2021-05-27 00:00:00'
[MAIL] End Time = '2021-05-29 00:00:00'
Use the WaitForMultipleEvents activity card to wait for the specified events. When running this activity card on Designer, the Simulation Result value is used instead of the actual server.
Related/Similar activities
WaitForMultipleEvents, WaitHttp
Send mail to the specified settings.
Application procedures
The target mail service must support SMTP.
In the [Output] Variable field, enter a variable to store the contents of the mail specified by the Mail Item property.
In the Receiver field, enter the ID (email address) of the recipient.
In the CCs field, enter the referenced mail address.
In the BCCs field, enter the email address of the secret references.
In the Subject field, enter the email message's subject to be fetched, in small quotation marks.
In the Body field, enter the body of the email.
Card properties
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
[Output] Variable | Variable | N | - | N | Specifies the variable for storing mail origination results. |
Receiver | Text | Y | - | N | Enter recipient's mail address. |
CCs | Text | N | - | N | Enter CC mail address. You can specify multiple people using ';'. |
BCCs | Text | N | - | N | Enter BCC mail address. You can specify multiple people using ';'. |
Subject | Text | Y | - | Y | Enter the mail title. |
Body | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the mail body. |
IsHtml | True/False | Y | - | Y | Specifies whether the mail body is in HTML format. |
Example of utilization
Send the mail received by ReceiveMail to the specified recipient as it is.
Used variables
sendmailEvent = Variables to save mail origination results
result_email.result.title = Received mail title
result_email.result.message = Received mail body
Used properties
[Output] Variable = sendmailEvent
[MAIL] Receiver = 'sample_receiver@samsung.com'
[MAIL] Subject = result_email.result.title
[MAIL] Body = result_email.result.message
[MAIL] IsHtml = false
Related/Similar activities
Receive your mail content and save it to the specified variable.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Variable field, enter a variable to store the contents of the mail specified by the Mail Item property.
In the Protocol field, select the protocol(POP3/IMAP) for the email server.
In the Server URL field, enter the URL of the server where the email message is stored within small quotation marks.
In the Receiver field, enter the ID (email address) of the recipient.
In the Mail Item field, enter the mail items from the mail list retrieved through WaitEmail.
In the Receiver PW field, enter the password for the recipient’s account.
Card properties
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
[Output] Variable | Variable | N | - | N | Enter a variable to store the contents of the mail specified by the Mail Item property. |
Protocol | Combination Box | Y | - | Y | Select the protocol(POP3/IMAP) for the email server. |
Server URL | Text | Y | - | Y | Enter the server URL where the email is located within single quotation marks. |
Receiver | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the recipient mail address |
Mail Item | Toggle Button | Y | - | Y | Enter the mail items to receive from the mail list retrieved through WaitEmail. |
Receiver PW | Other | Y | - | N | Enter a password of the account to receive mail. If you selected Asset, enter the asset variable of the saved password. If you selected Input, manually enter the password of the account. |
IgnoreHtml | Toggle Button | Y | - | Y | Select the HTML to be excluded from the content of the mail body. |
Example of utilization
WaitMail waits for the mail to meet the conditions waits for 1 second, and the result of WaitMail saves the first mail of waitEmailResult in the receiveMailResult.
Used variables
receiveMailResult = Variables to save read mail information
Used properties
Protocol = IMAP
[MAIL] Server URL = 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'
[MAIL] Receiver = 'sample_receiver@samsung.com'
[MAIL] Mail Item = WaitEmailResult.result.mails[0]
[MAIL] Receiver PW = xxxxxxxx
Related/Similar activities
The details are 9. QueueOpenChannel
The details are 10. QueueCloseChannel
The details are 11. QueueSendData
The details are 12. QueueReceiveData
The details are 13. QueueGetDataCount
The details are 14. QueueClearData
Generates a URL that allows the server to download uploaded files with queued data or resources.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Variable field, enter a variable to save the URL generated.
Select the type to download the file to Download Type.
Enter the message ID of the file in the Message ID.
Enter the number of downloadable times in the Max Download Count.
Enter the download validity period in RetentionPeriod.
Card properties
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
[Output] URL | Variable | Y | - | Y | Enter a variable to store the file download URL. |
Download Type | Combination box | Y | - | Y | Specify the download type. |
Message ID | Text | Y | - | Y | Enter the message ID of the file. |
Max Download Count | Number | Y | - | Y | Enter the number of downloadable times. |
RetentionPeriod | Text | Y | - | Y | Enter the download validity period. |
[CONDITIONS] To UTC | Toggle button | N | - | N | Specify whether to convert the time into the UTC format. |
[CONDITIONS] Locale | Combination box | N | - | Y | Select the UTC standard. |
Example of utilization
Send your inbox attachments to the queue and create a URL that allows you to download them through the message ID of the file. This URL is included in the body when sending a new mail so that the recipient can download the file through the link.
Used variables
downloadUrl = Variable to save the generated URL
Used properties
[Output] Variable = downloadUrl
DownloadType = Queue
Message ID = queueResult.result.messageId
Max Download Count = 10
RetentionPeriod = '2021-04-30 00:00:00'
Send SMS to the specified number.
The Orchestrator server being logged in provides SMS service and can be used.
Application procedures
Enter a variable to save the transmission results In [Output] Variable.
Enter the target phone number in the Telephone.
Enter the message to send to Message.
Card properties
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
[Output] Variable | Variable | Y | - | Y | Enter a variable to store the transfer results. |
Telephone | Text | Y | - | Y | Enter a phone number without - including the country code. You can send up to 200 people at the same time using ';'. |
Message | Text | Y | - | Y | Enter the message you want to send. (Up to 80 characters) |
Example of utilization
Send SMS to 2 people with the specified phone number.
Used variables
outSMS = Variable to store the transmission result
Used properties
[Output] Variable = outSMS
Telephone = '821012345678;821087654321'
Message = 'test SendSMS'
Send a KaKaoTalk message to the specified number.
The Orchestrator server being logged in provides KaKaoTalk service and can be used.
Application procedures
Enter a variable to save the transmission results In [Output] Variable.
Enter the target phone number in the Telephone.
Enter the message to send to Message.
Card properties
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
[Output] Variable | Variable | Y | - | Y | Enter a variable to store the transfer results. |
Telephone | Text | Y | - | Y | Enter a phone number without - including the country code. Only one phone number can be sent. |
Message | Text | Y | - | Y | Enter the message you want to send. (Up to 1000 characters) |
Example of utilization
Send a KaKaoTalk message to the specified number.
Used variables
outSMS = Variable to store the transmission result
Used properties
[Output] Variable = outSMS
Telephone = '821012345678;821087654321'
Message = 'test SendSMS'
Forward messages with Konx Messenger. Unlike SendKnoxMessage in the Knox Portal library, it cannot wait for a response and can only be used for sending.
The Orchestra server you are logging into must provide the Knox Portal Message service to use it.
Application procedures
In [Output] Response field , enter a variable to store the message recipient's response message.
Enter the receiver's Knox ID in Receiver ID .
In Message field , enter the content of the message to be sent to the other party.
Card properties
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
[Output] Variable | Variable | Y | - | Y | Enter a variable to store transmission result. |
Message Type | Combo box | Y | - | Y | Indicates the response wait type of the message recipient. Unlike SendKnxoMessage in Knox Portal library, only No Wait type is displayed as it can be used only for sending. |
Receiver ID | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the recipient's Knox ID. |
Message | Text | Y | - | Y | Enter the message string to send. |
Example of utilization
Knox Portal sends a message to the specified user and receives a response.
Used variables
UserID = a variable that stores the Knox ID of the recipient to receive the message
Used properties
[Output] Variable = outResult
Response Type = No Wait
Receiver ID = userID
Message = 'sample message'
This activity card displays a message box on the screen.
For use by web designers only.
Application procedures
In the Arguments field, enter values to be displayed in the message box.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-settings | Description |
N | Arguments | Text | N | - | N | Enter the value to be displayed in the message box. |
Example of utilization
Through the queue you can check the date delivered.
Used variables
queue = variable to use the selected queue
queue_result = variable to store the data received from the queue
isFile = variable to determine whether the data received from the queue is a file or a string
Used properties
Arguments = queue_result.data
The value output to the MessageBox works only in the test execution mode in the web designer. It can be used for debugging when writing scenarios.