Bot Components
Welcome page
The welcome page is the first page that is displayed when you run Bot. You can activate the license by entering the license key and the Orchestrator (server) address.
If you click on Use SaaS Server, the URL of the Brity RPA SaaS server is automatically entered.
License activation
The license activation page is displayed when the license activation is complete. You can view the license type, Bot ID, and the valid period of the activated license on the license activation page. Click Start Brity RPA to move to the Bot service page.
For more information about license activation, see Activating the license.
Process execution history
View the processes operated by bots and the operation results.
For more information about the process execution history, see The internal link is invalid..
This page provides important logs about bot operations. You can view the current status and error messages.
On this page, you can view basic installation information about Bot, including the client ID, Bot version, and the installation path.
On this page, you can view Bot information or change the Bot settings.
For more information about the Bot settings, see Configuring Bot settings.
Activating the license
To activate a Bot license, complete the following steps:
Run Bot. The Bot activation page will be displayed when you run Bot for the first time.
In the License Key field, enter the license key. The license key is identical to the one used for Designer, and you need to enter it only once when you run Bot for the first time.
In the Orchestrator Address field, enter the server IP or URL and click Test Connection. "Orchestrator Server Connection successful.” will be displayed if the test connection is successful.
When the license activation is complete, view the license type, Bot ID, and the license period and click Start Brity RPA. The Bot service will start.
Viewing process execution history
View the processes operated by bots and the operation results.
Click(Process execution history).
No. | Description |
1 | Run Designer and view the execution history of activity cards on Designer screen. |
2 | Open the folder where the execution history files are stored. |
Opening a report
Click Open next to the process to view the report. The Designer will be launched, and the execution history of activity cards will be displayed on the Designer screen.
WOrk Plan Step 22
Viewing log files
Click Open folder next to the process to view the log (execution history) to open the folder where the execution history files are stored.
Designer Project view
In the folder, log files (bot_agent.log, bot_engine.log, result.rpt
) and screenshot files (*.PNG) are stored.
Checking the Log
The screen outputs the main log of bot operation. You can view the current progress and error messages.
Log Type
You can click and view the INFO, NOTICE, WARN, and ERROR type of logs.
Log Settings
You can click the Setting icon on the right side of the screen; It specifies the color for each log type, designates keywords, and select whether to use the debug log view.
No. | Description |
1 | Change the INFO log color. |
2 | Change the NOTICE log color. |
3 | Change the WARN log color. |
4 | Change the ERROR log color. |
5 | Specify keywords. |
6 | You can change the color of the specified keyword. |
7 | You can select whether to view the debug log or not. When Enabled is selected, DEBUG, TRACE log buttons are displayed on the right side of the log window. |
Log Search
Enter Ctrl+F in the log screen, and the search window is displayed; you can search by entering the search term.
No. | Description |
1 | Enter a search term. |
2 | Browse your search terms. |
3 | Previous search. |
4 | Find the next one. |
5 | Exit search bar. |
Copy, Select all, Clear all Logs
You get the option to Copy/Select all/Clear all Logs by right-clicking on the log screen.
Update Manager
Provides orchestrator server-based updates. You can update libraries/DLLs such as pre-built templates and custom libraries deployed on the server through the update manager.
Click Update Manager
2. A disconnection confirmation message will be displayed if you are connected to the server; click OK.
3. You can check the list of packages deployed to the server in the Update Manager.
4. Click on one of the lists of package. Details of the DLLs included in the update package will be displayed. 5. Click on the checkbox to activate the install button.
6. Click the Install button. A confirmation message will be displayed.
7. Click OK . The selected package will start downloading.
8. When the download is complete, the bot will exit and start updating.
9. When the update is finished, the bot will restart.
Configuring Bot settings
You can configure the Bot environment by changing the settings. Click(Settings) and view or change the settings on the Basic, Engine, System, Server, and License tabs.
Basic settings
View or change basic Bot settings, such as the language, and default folder to save projects.
Click(Settings) > Basic tab.
No. | Description |
1 | Select a language to use. (Korean and English are available.) |
2 | View the specified path and modify it if required. |
3 | Check to make sure that the specified path is available. |
4 | You can specify whether to use Attended mode when installing with Connected Bot. Use Attended mode: Same as Attended Bot. Server connection is not possible. (Connection button does not work) Not use Attended mode: The Attended Bot feature, such as a work plan, is not available. |
5 | Restore all settings to the default settings. The license information and server address will be retained after the restoration. |
6 | Save the changes. |
Engine settings
Set options related to the process execution engine.
Click(Settings) > Engine tab.
No. | Description |
1 | Select whether to include the image of the execution result in the report when a process utilizing the Chrome library has been executed. The browser screen will blink during the process execution if you select to include the image in the report. |
2 | Select whether to display the debug log in the Output viewer. |
3 | Select whether to monitor the sessions in the Output viewer. |
4 | Select whether to close all apps on the screen when the process execution is complete. |
5 | After the process execution, close all apps launched during the process execution by the activity cards that can run apps, such as the OpenApp and OpenBrowser activities. |
6 | Set exceptions for the Clean Up ALL and Clean Up NEW settings by specifying the apps that will not be closed after the process execution. Enter the app (program) name(s) without the file extension (.exe). For example, enter "” to prevent Internet Explorer and Notepad from being closed. |
7 | Set the maximum number of the process execution history items (execution results, log files, and the screenshots for the execution results) to be saved in the “History” folder under the base folder. |
Connected Bot Engine2
No. | Description |
8 | Set the maximum number of results for each step, which will be included in the execution report. In the report, most recent results for each executed step will be included. If a process executes an excessively large number of steps, adjust the setting to save the money and storage required for the project. |
9 | Set the number of full screenshot images to back up before executing each step, regardless of the maximum number of the allowed step results. Screenshots for the steps are saved in the "Screenshot" folder under the execution history log folder for each process. |
10 | Select whether to draw a bound on the target object. |
11 | Select whether to update the optimal Bot Engine to run the process automatically. |
12 | Select the maximum number of bot engines on your local PC. |
13 | Set whether to check if the value of a different type is assigned to a declared variable type during execution. |
14 | Set the default waiting time to check the page status in the Chrome library; it must be less than the pageloadtime attribute value of the Chrome library. Further, set the execution environment high for high specifications and low for low specifications. |
If you enable the Real-time Bot Engine Updates setting, the best bot engine can be automatically selected to run the process when it starts performing the process. For a detailed explanation, please refer to the 실시간 봇엔진 업데이트 section.
Connected Bot Engine3
No. | Description |
15 | Select whether to remove the automatically generated data when ChromeOpen ends when the scenario ends. The generated data is automatically cleaned up when a scenario fails or when using ChromeClose. |
16 | Select whether to use the GUIDetector model. A light model that can distinguish more targets takes 3~4 times longer. |
System settings
View or change settings related to the Bot system.
Click(Settings) > System tab.
No. | Description |
1 | Set the time to restart the bot. When the set time arrives, it wants when there is no job to run and then restart the bot. |
2 | Select whether to automatically unlock the screen at the start of an automation task. When using, the ID/PW for unlocking the screen must be registered with the orchestrator in advance. |
3 | Select the automatic logon method when Windows logon is required due to PC restart or logoff. You must set a password through [Enable automatic screen to unlock] to enable the automatic logon function. The password can also be set using the account settings menu in the portal's bot information. Once the password is saved, the automatic logon setting works regardless of whether automatic screen unlock is enabled. Depending on the windows settings or security policies, the selected automatic logon method may not work properly for some PCs. -Registry: Automatically logs on when booting through windows registry settings in the default setting. The registry method does not support automatic logon when logging off. For automatic logon upon logoff, please refer to the Credential method. -Credential: If the registry method does not work properly, try changing to the credential method. It attempts to automatically log on by engaging windows logon service. If you select credential, automatic logon is performed upon booting and after logging off. (Log on again immediately after logging off) This can be used in the environmental where the PC is automatically logged off when unused for a long time. -Manual: In an environment where both automatic logon methods are not supported, and automatic logon is required using a separate external function, select the manual type to disable the automatic logon function. -Automatic logon works when you restart the PC while the bot is running. It does not apply if you terminate the bot first and then restart the PC. |
4 | Select whether to allow the screen lock detection during the bot monitoring on the Portal. |
5 | Select whether to prevent remote inputs (mouse and keyboard inputs) while automated processes are executed. |
6 | Select whether to prevent user inputs (mouse and keyboard inputs) while automated processes are executed. |
Server Setting
View information about the Orchestrator server that certified the current license or change the server settings.
No. | Description |
1 | Connect to or disconnect from the server. The connection status will be displayed on the title bar in the top-right corner of the page. You can also change the connection status by clicking the connection status on the title bar. |
2 | View address of the Orchestrator server that certified the current license. |
3 | View port number to connect to the server. |
4 | If the Bot PC is using the proxy server settings, use the system proxy to send service requests to the Orchestrator server. Depending on the network environment, you can select Do not use if the system can make service requests directly to the server without using the proxy settings. |
5 | Set the address of the proxy server that is used to connect to the server. |
6 | Use this feature to allow Bot to maintain connection to the server at all times. It maintains the server connection regardless of the proxy settings. If you use this feature, Bot will automatically connect to the server when it is launched. You do not need to manually connect to the server by clicking the connection button. |
7 | When you connect a bot to a server using Headless mode, the server assigns only Headless Type Job to the bot. If you connect using Normal mode, the server assign job to the bot regardless of job type. Headless Job can run multiple headless Jobs at the same time, but UI Job can run only one at a time. Therefore, when the headless job is running in the bot, the UI job is not assigned and only the headless job can be assigned. And when the UI job is running in the bot, both the other UI job and headless job can not be assigned, so the other job is assigned after the running UI job is terminated. |
8 | Set to automatically reconnect to the server if the connection to the server is lost due to a network problem. Bot will automatically reconnect to the server for the set time until the connection is successful. If you enter “0,” the automatic reconnection will be continued without the time limit. (Unit: Minute) |
9 | Set the shared resources download path. |
License settings
View information about the currently activated license, deactivate the active license, or initialize the license status.
Click(Settings) > License tab.
No. | Description |
1 | View the currently activated client ID, client name, and license key, license period information. |
2 | If you reset the license, the license setting screen will be displayed so you can enter the license information again, and the license key will be initialized to the unused status on the certification server. You can use this feature to return or transfer the license. |
Click Deactivate button . A "Confirm" message box is displayed.
2. Click OK . The License Deactivation pop-up is displayed.
3. Enter your ID and password and click OK .
4. The license will be deactivated and the bot will exit.