You can control the system using the features provided by the System library.
Create and delete files, run and close files, create, copy, paste, and delete directories, and create linkages to the database to control the system operation.
The features provided by the System library are as follows:
File control: CreateFile, ExecuteFile, CloseFile, CopyFile, DeleteFile, IsFileExist, GetFileList, MoveFile, RenameFile, Zip, UnZip, IsFileLock, WaitFileUnlock, WaitFileCreation, WaitFileDelete
Directory control: CreateDirectory, IsDirectoryExist, CopyDirectory, DelectDirectory, GetDirectoryList, GetSpecialFolder
Text file control: ReadTextFile, WriteTextFile
Input box and message box display: InputBox, MessageBox
Editing features: GetClipboard, SetClipboard, ClipboardToFile, Screenshot(Alt+PrtSc), Copy(Ctrl+C), Cut(Ctrl+X), Paste(Ctrl+V), SelectAll(Ctrl+A)
Program execution: ExecuteCmd
Calculation of elapsed time: TimeStamp
Registry-related features: GetRegistryValue, SetRegistryValue
DB-related features: DBConnection, GetDBData, UpdateDBData, SendDBCommand
Use Designer or File Explorer to refer to the samples of the System library.
• On Designer: Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System
• On File Explorer: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Brity RPA Designer\samples\System
[System sample project names and related activity cards]
• DBLibrary
: DBConnection, GetDBData, UpdateDBData, SendDBCommand
• Edit Registry
: GetRegistryValue, SetRegistryValue
• Manage Directory
: CopyDrectory, CreateDirectory, DeleteDirectory, GetDrectoryList, IsDirectoryExist
• Manage File
: CloseFile, CopyFile, CreateFile, DeleteFile, ExecuteFile, GetFileList, IsFileExist, IsFileLock, MoveFile, ReadTextFile, Rename, WaitFileCreation, WaitFileDelete, WaitFileUnlock, WriteTextFile, ZipUnzip
• Utilize Clipboard
: ClipboardToFile, GetClipboard, SetClipboard
• Other Samples
: Copy(Ctrl+C), Cut(Ctrl+X), ExecuteCmd, GetSpecialFolder, InputBox, MessageBox, Paste(Ctrl+V), Screenshot(Alt+PrtSc), SelectAll(Ctrl+A), TimeStamp
Common Properties
Common Properties
Configure settings related to commands.
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Command | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the command to execute. |
Arguments | Text | N | - | N | Enter the argument necessary for the execution command. |
Encoding | Combination box | N | - | N | Select the text encoding method. ※ Encoding types - Default, Unicode, BigEndianUnicode, ASCII, UTF8, UTF32, UTF7 |
Text | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the string to be entered in a text document. |
DataFormat | Combination box | Y | ms | Y | Select Text or Image for the data type to save the clipboard content. |
BeforeDelay(ms) | Number | N | ms | Y | Enter the delay time before executing an event. (1 second = 1,000 milliseconds) |
AfterDelay(ms) | Number | N | - | Y | Enter the delay time after executing an event. (1 second = 1,000 milliseconds) |
Path | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the path of the target file. |
Input | Text | Y | - | N | Enter value to save on the clipboard. |
ScrFilePath | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the path for the source file. |
DescFilePath | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the path for the new file. |
ScrDirPath | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the path for the source directory. |
DestDirPath | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the path for a new directory. |
NewName | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the new filename. |
Overwrite | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Select whether to overwrite the file if a file with the same name already exists. |
MakeDirectory | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Select whether to decompress after creating a folder called ‘compressed file name’ under the target folder to be decompressed. |
Timeout(Sec) | Number | Y | sec | Y | Enter the delay time until the event ends. |
Timeout(ms) | Number | Y | ms | Y | Enter the delay time until the event ends. |
File Size(KB) | Number | Y | KB | N | Set the minimum size for the target file. When the file size becomes equal to or larger than the set size, it will be regarded that the file has been created. |
FullScreen | Toggle button | N | - | N | Select whether to capture the entire screen. |
BaseKey | Combination box | N | - | Y | Select the registry root key. ※ Root key types - ClassesRoot, CurrentUser, LocalMachines, Users, CurrentConfig |
KeyName | Text | Y | - | N | Enter name of the registry key. |
ValueName | Text | Y | - | N | Enter registry key value. |
Value | Text | Y | - | N | Enter registry data value. |
SourceType | Combination box | Y | - | N | Select TABLE or VIEW as the data source type. |
Source | Combination box | N | - | N | Select the data source. |
MaxMegaBytes | Number | Y | Byte | N | Set the size limit when compressing. |
DirectoryOrFile | Button | N | - | Y | Select whether to compress Directory or File. |
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
On Error | Combination box | N | - | N | Specify an action to carry out when an error occurs at the time of execution. - If not specified: Output errors and exit the task. - --Ignore--: Ignore the error. - --Retry--: Try the activity one more time. - --Goto--: Try the scenario for the specified time if the activity fails. - _Event: Select an event created within the project. |
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
DESCRIPTION | Text | N | - | N | Enter the description for the activity card. The description entered in the DESCRIPTION field is used as the description of the activity. A representative value will be displayed in the absence of the DESCRIPTION input. |
This activity card creates a file in the specified path.
Application procedures
You can only create text format files, such as the TXT, XML, or HTML files. You cannot create file formats that require specific apps, such as Excel or Word.
In the Path field, enter the path and file name to create a file.
Set the OverWrite property to select whether to overwrite any existing file with the same name in the path.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Create a Notepad file named “IPA Test.txt” in the specified path and delete it.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage File > P_CreateFile_Test
Used variables
Used properties
Path = 'C:\\IPA Test.txt'
OverWrite = On
Related/Similar activities
This activity card executes the specified file.
Application procedures
The app specified in the system is launched according to the extension of the specified file, and the PID of the launched app is returned.
in the [Output] Output field, enter the variable to store the PID of the launched app.
In the Timeout field, enter the delay time until the target file is opened.
In the Path field, enter the path and file name to run a file.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Create a Notepad file named “IPA Test.txt” in the specified path and open it.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage File > P_ExecuteFile_Test
Used variables
Used properties
Timeout(Sec) = 10
Path = 'C:\\IPA Test.txt'
Related/Similar activities
This activity card closes a file that is currently executed.
Application procedures
Execute a file with the ExecuteFile activity card and close the executed file using the PID that has been returned.
In the [Input] PID field, enter the PID of the file to close.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Input] PID | Variable | Y | - | N | Enter the PID of the file to close. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Create a Notepad file named “IPA Test.txt” in the specified path, open it, and close it.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage File > P_CloseFile_Test
Used variables
createFile = Variable to assign the executed Notepad file.
Used properties
[Input] PID =
Related/Similar activities
This activity card copies the specified file.
Application procedures
In the SrcFilePath field, enter the path and file name of the source file to copy.
In the DescFilePath field, enter the new path and file name to save the copied file.
Set the Overwrite property to select whether to overwrite any existing file with the same name in the path.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Create a Notepad file named “IPA Test.txt” in the specified path. Then, copy it and save it in the newly specified path as “IPA Test_Copy.txt.”
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage File > P_CopyFile_Test
Used variables
Used properties
SrcFilePath = 'C:\\IPA Test.txt'
DescFilePath = 'C:\\IPA Test_Copy.txt'
Related/Similar activities
CreateFile, CloseFile, DeleteFile
This activity card deletes the specified file.
Application procedures
In the Path field, enter the path and file name to delete.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Delete the Notepad file named “IPA Test.txt” in the specified path.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage File > P_DeleteFile_Test
Used variables
Used properties
Path = 'C:\\IPA Test.txt'
Related/Similar activities
CreateFile, CloseFile, CopyFile
This activity card checks whether the specified file exists.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Output field, enter the variable to store the value of a verification result.
In the Path field, enter the path and file name of the Excel document to verify the existence.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Output | Variable | Y | - | Y | “True” is returned if the matching file exists. “False” is returned otherwise. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Verify if the Notepad file, “IPA Test.txt,” exists and output the verification result in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage File > P_IsFileExist_Test
Used variables
isExist = Variable to store the verification result
Used properties
[Output] Output =
Path = 'C:\\IPA Test.txt'
Related/Similar activities
This activity card reads a text file and fetches the text string.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Output field, enter the variable to store the read text.
Set the Encoding property to select the text encoding type.
In the Path field, enter the path and file name to read.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Output | Variable | Y | - | Y | Enter the variable to store the text string that is read from the file. (Default: RESULT) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Read the text in the Notepad file, “IPA Test.txt,” and save it to the “readTextFile” variable. The text read from the file can be utilized for subsequent processes.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage File > P_ReadTextFile_Test
Used variables
readTextFile = Variable to store the read value
Used properties
[Output] Output =
Encoding = Default
Path = 'C:\\IPA Test.txt'
Related/Similar activities
This activity card writes a text string in a text file and saves it.
Application procedures
Set the Encoding property to select the text encoding type.
In the Text field, enter the text string to write.
In the Path field, enter the path and file name of the file to write the text string in.
Set the Overwrite property to select whether to overwrite any existing file with the same name in the path.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Create a Notepad file named “IPA Test.txt” in the specified path and open it. Then, enter the text, “WriteTextFile Test,” in the file and close the file. The text written in the file can be utilized for subsequent processes.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage File > P_WriteTextFile_Test
Used variables
Used properties
Encoding = Default
Text = 'WriteTextFile Test'
Path = 'C:\\IPA Test.txt'
Overwrite = On
Related/Similar activities
This activity card creates a new directory in the specified path.
Application procedures
In the Path field, enter the path to create a new directory.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Create a new directory, “C:\\IPA Test.”
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage Directory > P_CreateDirectory_Test
Used variables
Used properties
Path = 'C:\\IPA Test'
Related/Similar activities
This activity card verifies whether the specified directory exists.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Output field, enter the variable to store the value of a verification result.
In the Path field, enter the path to verify the existence.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Output | Variable | Y | - | Y | “True” is returned if the matching directory exists. “False” is returned otherwise. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Verify if the “C:\\IPA Test” directory exists and output the verification result in a message box. If the directory exists, it can be utilized for subsequent processes.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage Directory > P_IsDirectoryExist_Test
Used variables
isDirExist = Variable to store the verification result
Used properties
Output =
Path = 'C:\\IPA Test'
Related/Similar activities
This activity card copies the specified directory.
Application procedures
In the SrcDirPath field, enter the path for the source directory to copy.
In the DescDirPath field, enter a new path to save the copied directory.
Set the Overwrite property to select whether to overwrite any existing directory with the same name in the specified path.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Copy a directory created in the specified path and save it to the new path.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage Directory > P_CopyDirectory_Test
Used variables
Used properties
SrcFilePath = 'C:\\IPA Test\\CopyDir_Test1' (First CopyDirectory)
DescFilePath = 'C:\\IPA Test\\CopyDir_Test2' (First CopyDirectory)
SrcFilePath = 'C:\\IPA Test\\CopyDir_Test1\\' (Second CopyDirectory)
DescFilePath = 'C:\\IPA Test\\CopyDir_Test2' (Second CopyDirectory)
Related/Similar activities
CreateFile, CloseFile, DeleteFile
This activity card deletes the specified directory.
Application procedures
In the Path field, enter the path for the directory to delete.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Delete the specified directory, “C:\\IPA Test\\DeleteDir_Test2.”
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage Directory > P_DeleteDirectory_Test
Used variables
Used properties
Path = 'C:\\IPA Test\\DeleteDir_Test2'
Related/Similar activities
CreateDirectory, CopyDirectory
This activity card fetches the file list of a specified directory.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Output field, enter the variable to store the fetched file list.
In the Path field, enter the path for the directory to fetch the file list.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Output | One-dimensional array | String | A list of file paths within the selected "Path" is returned. | ['C:\\Users\\Desktop\\Brity RPA BOT.lnk', 'C:\\Users\\Desktop\\Brity RPA Designer.lnk'] |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Fetch the list of files in the “C:\\” directory and output it in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage File > P_GetFileList_Test
Used variables
getFileList = Variable to store the fetched file list
Used properties
[Output] Output =
Path = 'C:\\'
Related/Similar activities
This activity card fetches the sub-directory list of a specified directory.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Output field, enter the variable to store the fetched directory list.
In the Path field, enter the path for the parent directory to fetch the directory list.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Output | One-dimensional array | String | A list of subfolder paths of the selected "Path" is returned. | ['C:\\Program Files', 'C:\\Program Files (x86)'] |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Fetch the list of subordinate directories under the “C:\\” directory and output it in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage Directory > P_GetDirectoryList_Test
Used variables
getDirectoryList = Variable to store the fetched subordinate directory list
Used properties
[Output] Output =
Path = 'C:\\'
Related/Similar activities
This activity card displays an input box on the screen for a user input.
Application procedures
This activity card is available only in Designer.
In the [Output] Variable field, enter the variable to store the input value.
In the DefaultValue field, enter the value to display in the input box.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Variable | Variable | Y | - | Y | Enter the variable to store the input value. (Default: RESULT) |
N | DefaultValue | Text | N | - | N | Enter the value to display on the InputBox within single quotation marks. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Create a Notepad file named “IPA Test.txt” in the specified path and store the text input by the user in the “this.inputBox” variable. On Designer, this activity card receives text input by the user to utilize it for subsequent processes.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Other Samples > P_InputBox_Test
Used variables
inputBox = Variable that stores the value that will be displayed in the input field of the input box (Default: 'inputBox_Test')
Used properties
[Output] Variable =
DefaultValue =
The InputBox activity card can be run only in Designer. However, this feature can be used for debugging a scenario.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card displays a message box on the screen.
Application procedures
This activity card is available only in Designer.
In the Arguments field, enter the value to display in the message box.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Arguments | Text | N | - | Y | Enter value to be displayed in the message box. (Default: RESULT) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Output the text string (variable) input received with the InputBox activity card in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Other Samples > P_MessageBox_Test
Used variables
inputBox = Variable that stores the value that will be displayed in the input field of the input box (Default: null)
Used properties
Arguments =
Outputs using the MessageBox activity card are available only in Designer. However, this feature can be used for debugging a scenario.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card fetches the value saved in the system clipboard.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Output field, enter the variable to store the value fetched from the clipboard.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Output | Variable | Y | - | Y | Enter the variable to store the value read from the clipboard. (Default: RESULT) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
On the Google website, fetch the specific boundary data of the Google logo image obtained by utilizing the GetImageBounds activity card and save it on the clipboard. This activity card fetches the value stored on the clipboard for subsequent processes.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Utilize Clipboard > P_GetClipboard_Test
Used variables
browser_id = Variable to assign the launched browser
setClip = Variable to assign the fetched boundary data
getClip = Variable to store the value read from the clipboard
Used properties
[Output] Output =
Related/Similar activities
This activity card saves the input value to the system clipboard.
Application procedures
The saved value can be used for the pasting feature because this activity card works identically to the “Ctrl+C” shortcut combination on the keyboard.
In the Input field, enter the value to store on the clipboard.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Copy the text on the specific location of the Paint app screen on the clipboard, and then paste it in Notepad. This activity card fetches the value stored on the clipboard for subsequent processes.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Utilize Clipboard > P_SetClipboard_Test
Used variables
setClip = Variable to store the fetched text value
paint_id = Variable to assign the launched Painter app
notepad_id = Variable to specify the launched Notepad app
Used properties
Input =
Related/Similar activities
This activity card saves the image or text content on the clipboard as a file.
Application procedures
In the DataFormat field, select the data type to store on the clipboard.
In the Path field, enter the path and file name to save the content on the clipboard.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Store the content of the Notepad app screen on the clipboard and save it in the specified file format.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Utilize Clipboard > P_ClipboardToFile_Test
Used variables
process_id = Variable to specify the launched Notepad app
getClip = Variable to store the value read from the clipboard
setClip = Variable to store the fetched text
filename = Variable that stores the path input to save the content on the clipboard 'C:\\IPATest_ClipboardToFile.txt')
Used properties
DataFormat = TXT
Path =
Related/Similar activities
This activity card fetches the paths for the default system folders provided by Windows.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Output field, enter the variable to store the fetched path for the system folder.
Set the FolderType property to select the system folder type.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Output | String | - | The imported system folder path is returned. | 'C:\Users\SDS\Desktop\' |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | FolderType | Combination box | Y | - | Y | Select system folder format. ※ Folder types - MyDocuments, ApplicationData, Desktop, Temp, InternetCache, StartMenu, ProgramFiles, Windows, System |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Read a system folder path and return it as the value for the “RESULT” variable. Then, save the content on the clipboard as a file (RESULT+test_RPA.txt) in the specified path.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Other Samples > P_GetSpecialFolder_Test
Used variables
getClip = Variable to store the value read from the clipboard
setClip = Variable to store the fetched text
Used properties
FolderType = Desktop
The default Windows system folders are used.
Related/Similar activities
GetFileList, GetDirectoryList, GetClipboard, GetRegistryValue
This activity card captures the screen that is currently focused on.
Application procedures
Ensure that the screen to capture has been focused.
Use other activity cards (OpenApp, ChromeOpen, etc.) to compose a screen to capture.
In the BeforeDelay(ms) and AfterDelay(ms) fields, enter the delay time before and after the screen capture event.
In the Path field, enter the path and file name to save the captured screen.
Set the FullScreen property to specify whether to capture the entire screen.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Capture the launched Notepad app screen (Screenshot / Alt+PrtSc) and save the captured image as “C:\IPA ScreenShotTest.png.”
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Other Samples > P_ScreenShot_Test
Used variables
RESULT = Variable to assign the launched Notepad app
Used properties
BeforeDelay(ms) = 1000
AfterDelay(ms) = 2000
Path = 'C:\\IPA ScreenShotTest.png'
FullScreen = On
Related/Similar activities
This activity card copies the specified file. This feature works identically to the “Ctrl+C” shortcut combination on the keyboard.
Application procedures
Ensure that specific text or files have been focused on.
On the screen set the focus on specific text or files.
In the BeforeDelay(ms) and AfterDelay(ms) fields, enter the delay time before and after the “copy” event.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Open a new Notepad document and enter “Ctrl+C Test.” Then, copy the text (Ctrl+C) and paste it (Ctrl+V) on the app screen.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Other Samples > P_Copy_Ctrl_C_Test
Used variables
exefile = Variable to assign the launched Notepad app
Used properties
BeforeDelay(ms) = 0
AfterDelay(ms) = 0
Related/Similar activities
SelectAll(CTRL+A), Paste(CTRL+V), Cut(CTRL+X)
This activity card cuts the target text or files that are currently focused on. This feature works identically to the “Ctrl+X” shortcut combination on the keyboard.
Application procedures
Ensure that specific text or files have been focused on.
On the screen, set the focus on specific text or files.
In the BeforeDelay(ms) and AfterDelay(ms) fields, enter the delay time before and after the “cut” event.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Open a new Notepad document and enter “Ctrl+X Test.” Then, select all text (Ctrl+A), cut the selection (Ctrl+X), and paste it (Ctrl+V) on the app screen.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Other Samples > P_Cut_Ctrl_X_Test
Used variables
exefile = Variable to assign the launched Notepad app
Used properties
BeforeDelay(ms) = 0
AfterDelay(ms) = 0
Related/Similar activities
SelectAll(CTRL+A), Paste(CTRL+V), Cut(CTRL+C)
This activity card pastes the data to a window that is currently focused on. This feature works identically to the “Ctrl+V” shortcut combination on the keyboard.
Application procedures
Ensure that the target window has been focused on.
Set the focus on the target window.
In the BeforeDelay(ms) and AfterDelay(ms) fields, enter the delay time before and after the “paste” event.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Open a new Notepad document and enter “Ctrl+V Test.” Then, select all text (Ctrl+A), cut the selection (Ctrl+X), and paste it (Ctrl+V) on the app screen.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Other Samples > P_Paste_Ctrl_V_Test
Used variables
Used properties
BeforeDelay(ms) = 0
AfterDelay(ms) = 0
Related/Similar activities
SelectAll(CTRL+A), Copy(CTRL+C), Cut(CTRL+X)
This activity selects all entries in a window that is currently focused on. This feature works identically to the “Ctrl+A” shortcut combination on the keyboard.
Application procedures
Ensure that the target window has been focused on.
Set the focus on the target window.
In the BeforeDelay(ms) and AfterDelay(ms) fields, enter the delay time before and after the “select all” event.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Open a new Notepad document and enter “Ctrl+V Test.” Then, select all text (Ctrl+A), cut the selection (Ctrl+X), and paste it (Ctrl+V) on the app screen.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Other Samples > P_SelectAll_Ctrl_A_Test
Used variables
Used properties
BeforeDelay(ms) = 0
AfterDelay(ms) = 0
Related/Similar activities
Paste(CTRL+V), Copy(CTRL+C), Cut(CTRL+X)
This activity card executes a program command in the background and returns the execution result. This feature will not be visible when it is executed.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Output field, enter the variable to store the execution result of the target program.
In the Command field, enter the command to execute.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Execute the "dir
” command in the background. Then, return the result to the “cmdVar1” variable and output it in a message box. The returned value becomes the standard output string generated when carrying out a command.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Other Samples > P_ExecuteCmd_Test
Used variables
cmdVar1 = Variable to store the execution result of the command
Used properties
[Output] Output =
Command = 'cmd'
Arguments = '/c dir'
The resulting value may not be returned if not enough time has been specified for the “Timeout (ms)” property.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card returns the elapsed time from the specified time to the current time in milliseconds.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Output field, enter the variable to store the elapsed time.
In the BaseTime field, enter the time to start calculating the elapsed time.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Output | String | - | The elapsed time from "BaseTime" is returned. | '1012' |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | BaseTime | Text | Y | - | Y | Enter the start time to calculate elapsed time. (Default: 0) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Open the Notepad app and perform text input and cut and paste the text. Then, output the elapsed time in a message box. This feature can be used to process elapsed time.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Other Samples > P_TimeStamp_Test
Used variables
openApp1 = Variable to assign the launched Notepad app
baseTime = Variable that stores the start time to calculate the elapsed time (Default: 0)
elapsedTime = Variable to store the elapsed time
Used properties
[Output] Output =
BaseTime =
Related/Similar activities
This activity card fetches the key value of the specified registry path.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Output field, enter the variable to store the registry key value.
Set the BaseKey property to select the registry root key.
In the KeyName field, enter the registry name.
In the ValueName field, enter the registry key value.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Output | Object | It is determined by the value of the selected registry.예) string, DWORD, QWORD, ... | Returns the value of the selected registry path.※ Path: the value of (ValueName) in (BaseKey)\(KeyName) | 'C:\Program Files\7-Zip\123\' |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Read the registry value at the specified path, return it to the “getRegistryValue” variable, and then output it in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Edit Registry > P_GetRegistryValue_Test
Used variables
getRegistryValue = Variable to store the fetched registry key value
Used properties
[Output] Output =
BaseKey = CurrentConfig
KeyName = 'Software\\Fonts'
ValueName = 'Path'
Related/Similar activities
This activity card enters a key value in the specified registry path.
Application procedures
Set the BaseKey property to select the registry root key.
Set the ValueKind property to select the registry key type.
In the KeyName field, enter the registry name.
In the ValueName field, enter the registry key value.
In the Value field, enter the registry data value.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | ValueKind | Combination box | N | - | Y | Select a registry key type. ※ Key types - String, ExpendString, Binary, DWord, MultiString, QWord |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Enter the registry key value in the specified registry path.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Edit Registry > P_SetRegistryValue_Test
Used variables
Used properties
BaseKey = CurrentConfig
ValueKind = String
KeyName = 'Software\\Fonts'
ValueName = 'Path'
Value = 'C:\\Program Files\\7-Zip\\123\\'
Related/Similar activities
This activity card moves a file to another directory.
Application procedures
In the SrcFilePath field, enter the path and file name of the source file to move.
In the DescFilePath field, enter a new path to save the moved file.
Set the Overwrite property to select whether to overwrite any existing file with the same name in the path.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Create a folder and a file, move the file to the specified folder, and delete the source folder.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage File > P_MoveFile_Test
Used variables
Used properties
SrcFilePath = 'C:\\IPA Test.txt'
DescFilePath = 'C:\\MoveFileDesc\\IPA Test.txt'
Overwrite = True
Related/Similar activities
CopyFile, DeleteFile, CloseFile
This activity card renames the specified file.
Application procedures
In the NewName field, enter the new name for the file.
In the SrcFilePath field, enter the path and file name of the target file to rename.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Create a new file and rename the file.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage File > P_Rename_Test
Used variables
Used properties
NewName = 'IPA Test_Rename.txt'
SrcFilePath = 'C:\\IPA Test.txt'
Related/Similar activities
This activity card creates a connection to a database, such as MsSQL or Oracle.
Application procedures
The ODBC driver must be installed for the connect to a database.
In the [Output] DataSource field, enter the variable to store the data source information.
In the [Output] Connection field, enter the variable to store the connection information.
Set the DSN property to select a DSN to connect.
Set the SourceType property to select the data source type.
Set the Source property to select the data source.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Connection | Variable | Y | - | N | Enter the variable to store the connection information. |
N | [Output] DataSource | Variable | Y | - | N | Enter the variable to store the data source information. |
N | DSN | Combination box | Y | - | N | Select the DNS to connect to. ※ DSN types - Excel Files, MS Access Database |
N | UID | Text | N | - | N | Enter the user ID. |
N | PWD | Other | N | - | N | Enter the password. |
Y | [DATASOURCE] SourceType | Combination box | Y | - | N | Select the data source type. ※ Data source types - TABLE, VIEW |
Y | [DATASOURCE] Source | Combination box | Y | - | N | Select the data source. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Connect to a database and store the connection information and the data source information in variables.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > DBLibrary > MSSQL
Used variables
sourceinfo = Variable to store the data source information
connection = Variable to store the connection information
Used properties
[Output] DataSource =
[Output] Connection =
DSN = MS Access Database
UID = 'ibscity'
PWD = ****** (Secure)
SourceType = TABLE
Related/Similar activities
GetDBData, UpdateDBData, SendDBCommand
This activity card fetches data within the specific field of the connected DB.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Output field, enter the variable to store the fetched field data.
In the [Input] Connection field, enter the variable for the connection information of the database to connect.
In the [Input] DataSource field, enter the variable for the data source of the connected database.
Set the UseSource property to specify whether to use the data source.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Output | Variable | Y | - | N | Specify the variable to store the fetched field data. |
N | [Input] DataSource | Variable | Y | - | N | Specify the data source variable for the DB to be fetched. |
N | [Input] Connection | Variable | Y | - | N | Specify the variable for the connection information of the connected DB. |
N | UseSource | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to use the data source. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Fetch the data in the specific field of the connected DB and store it in a variable.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > DBLibrary > MSSQL
Used variables
data = Variable to store the fetched field data
sourceinfo = Variable that stores the data source information
connection = Variable that stores the connection information
Used properties
[Output] Output =
[Input] Connection =
[Output] DataSource =
UseSource = On
Related/Similar activities
DBConnection, UpdateDBData, SendDBCommand
This activity card updates specific field of the connected DB.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Output field, enter the variable to store the result of the data update.
In the [Input] Input field, enter the target field to update.
In the [Input] Connection field, enter the variable for the connection information of the database to update.
In the [Input] DataSource field, enter the variable for the data source of the database to update.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Output | Variable | Y | - | N | Enter the variable to store the result of field data update. |
N | [Input] Input | Variable | Y | - | N | Enter the target field to update. |
N | [Input] Connection | Variable | Y | - | N | Enter the variable for the connection information of the database to update. |
N | [Input] DataSource | Variable | Y | - | N | Enter the variable for the data source of the database to update. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Update the specific field of the connected database with new data.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > DBLibrary > MSSQL
Used variables
data = Variable that stores the field data
connection = Variable that stores the connection information
sourceinfo = Variable that stores the data source information
data2 = Variable to store the result of field data update
Used properties
[Output] Output =
[Input] DataSource =
[Input] Connection =
[Input] Input =
Related/Similar activities
DBConnection, GetDBData, SendDBCommand
This activity card executes a specific query on the connected database.
Application procedures
Ensure that the connection to the database has been established using the DBConnection activity card.
In the [Output] Output field, enter the variable to store the result of the executed query.
In the [Input] Connection field, enter the variable for the database to connect.
In the Command field, enter the query command that will be executed on the connected database.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Output | Variable | Y | - | N | Enter the variable to store the result of executed query. |
N | [Input] Connection | Variable | Y | - | N | Select DB to execute query. |
N | Command | Text | Y | - | N | Enter a command to execute query within single quotation marks. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Execute a query to view the table information on the connected database. Then, store the searched result in the “data3” and output it in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > DBLibrary > MSSQL
Used variables
data = Variable that stores the field data
connection = Variable that stores the connection information
sourceinfo = Variable that stores the data source information
data3 = Variable to store the result of executed query
Used properties
[Output] Output =
[Input] Connection =
Command = 'SELECT*FROM AA'
Related/Similar activities
DBConnection, GetDBData, UpdateDBData
This activity card compresses a specified folder or file.
Application procedures
In the SrcFilePath field, enter the path of the file to compress.
In the SrcDirPath field, enter the source folder to compress.
In the DestDirPath field, enter the path to save the compressed file.
Set the DirectoryOrFile property whether the compressed target is a folder or a file
If the compression target is a file, set whether to include the parent directory name in the IncludeDirectoryPath property
Set the MaxMegaBytes property to specify the size limit for the file compression.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Compress the “C:\\IPA_SAMPLE” folder.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage File > P_ZipUnZip_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Folder Compression]
SrcDirPath = 'C\\IPA_SAMPLE'
DestDirPath = 'C:\\'
MaxMegaBytes = 100
DirectoryOrFile = Directory
Overwrite = On
[File Compression]
SrcFilePath = 'C\\SampleTest.pdf'
DestDirPath = 'C:\\'
MaxMegaBytes = 100
DirectoryOrFile = File
IncludeDirectoryPath = Off
Overwrite = On
Related/Similar activities
This activity card decompresses the specific compressed file.
Application procedures
In the SrcDirPath field, enter the path for the compressed file to decompress.
In the DestDirPath field, enter the target path to decompress the compressed file.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Decompress the “IPA_SAMPLE.zip” file in the “C:\\” directory into the “C:\\IPA_SAMPLE” directory.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage File > P_ZipUnZip_Test
Used variables
Used properties
SrcDirPath = 'C\\IPA_SAMPLE.zip'
DestDirPath = 'C:\\IPA_SAMPLE'
Overwrite = True
MakeDirectory = True
Related/Similar activities
This activity card verifies whether the specified file is currently locked after being executed in another process.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Output field, enter the variable to store the result of the lock status verification.
In the Path field, enter the path for the file to verify the lock (execution) status.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Output | Variable | Y | - | Y | Enter the variable to store the result of the lock (execution) status verification. (Default: RESULT) “True” is returned if the file is currently being executed. “False” is returned otherwise. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Create a new Excel file, verify if the file is currently being executed, and then output the verification result in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage File > IsFileLock_Test
Used variables
hExcel = Variable to assign the opened Excel document
Used properties
[Output] Output =
Path = 'C:\\1.xlsx'
Related/Similar activities
This activity card waits for the specified, currently running file to close.
Application procedures
In the Timeout(Sec) field, enter the delay time to wait.
In the Path field, enter the path and name of the file to wait for the closing.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Output | Variable | Y | - | Y | “True” is returned if the file that matches the conditions set with the COMMAND properties is closed. “False” is returned otherwise. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Create a new Excel file, and open the file, and wait for the specified time until the file is closed. Then, verify if the file has been closed and output the result in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage File > P_WaitFileUnlock_Test
Used variables
excel: Variable to assign the opened Excel document
Used properties
[Output] Output =
Timeout(Sec) = 10
Path = 'C:\\BrityWorksTestExcel.xlsx'
Related/Similar activities
WaitFileCreation, WaitFileDelete
This activity card waits until the specified file is created.
Application procedures
In the Timeout(Sec) field, enter the delay time to wait.
In the Path field, enter the path and name of the file to wait for the creation.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Output | Variable | Y | - | Y | “True” is returned if the file that matches the conditions set with the COMMAND properties is created. “False” is returned otherwise. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Wait for the specified time until the new Excel file is created. Then, verify if the file has been created and output the result in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage File > P_WaitFileCreation_Test
Used variables
excel: Variable to assign the opened Excel document
Used properties
[Output] Output =
Timeout(Sec) = 5
File Size(KB) = 0
Path = 'C:\\BrityWorksTestExcel.xlsx'
Related/Similar activities
WaitFileUnlock, WaitFileDelete
This activity card waits until the specified file is deleted.
Application procedures
In the Timeout(Sec) field, enter the delay time to wait.
In the Path field, enter the path and name of the file to wait for the deletion.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Output | Variable | Y | - | Y | “True” is returned if the file that matches the conditions set with the COMMAND properties is deleted. “False” is returned otherwise. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Wait for the specified time until the new Excel file is deleted. Then, verify if the file has been deleted and output the result in a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Manage File > P_WaitFileDelete_Test
Used variables
Used properties
Timeout(Sec) = 10
Path = 'C:\\BrityWorksTestExcel.xlsx'
Related/Similar activities
WaitFileCreation, WaitFileUnLock
This activity card gets the Windows generic credentials.
Application procedures
In the Target Credential field, enter the name of your Windows common credentials.
In the Property Name field, select the property name for the target credential on.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | unit | Auto-Setting | Description |
N | [Output] Output | Variable | Y | - | Y | Enter a variable to store Windows credential information. |
N | Target Credential | String | Y | - | - | Enter a name for the Windows Common Credential. |
N | Property Name | Toggle button | Y | - | Y | Select the property name (Username, Password) to read. |
Y | MORE OPTIONS | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Y | DESCRIPTION | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Reads the email with the specified Windows credential information (user name, password) and prints the result to the message box.
Sample file
메뉴 > 도움말 > 샘플 > Sample > System > Credential > P_GetWindowsCredential_Test
Used variables
username : Windows 일반 자격 증명의 사용자명을 저장할 변수
pwd : Windows 일반 자격 증명의 암호를 저장할 변수
Used properties
Target Credential = 'MyMail'
Property Name = Username
Related/Similar activities
IsWindowsCredentialExist, SetWindowsCredential, GetWindowsCredential, RemoveWindowsCredential
This activity card registers windows common credentials.
Application procedures
In the Target Credential field, enter the name of your Windows common credential.
In the Username field, enter the username for the target identity.
In the Password field, enter the password for the target credential.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-Setting | Description |
N | Target Credential | String | Y | - | - | Enter a name for the Windows Common Credential. |
N | Username | String | Y | - | - | Enter the user name of the credentials. |
N | Password | String | Y | - | Y | Enter the password for the credentials. |
Y | MORE OPTIONS | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Y | DESCRIPTION | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Registers the specified Windows credential information (user name, password) to the system.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Credential > P_SetWindowsCredential_Test
Used variables
target: A variable to store the name of a Windows common credential
username: A variable to store the user name of the Windows normal credential
Used properties
Target Credential = this.target
Username = this.username
Password = 'xxxxxx'
Related/Similar activities
RemoveWindowsCredential, IsWindowsCredentialExist, GetWindowsCredentialList, GetWindowsCredential
This activity card verifies that windows common credentials exists.
Application procedures
In the [Output] field, enter the variable that stores whether Windows credential information exists in Output.
In the Target Credential field, enter the name of your Windows common credential.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Output | String | Y | - | Y | Enter a variable for storing whether Windows credential information exists. |
N | Target Credential | String | Y | - | - | Enter a name for the Windows Common Credential. |
Y | MORE OPTIONS | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Y | DESCRIPTION | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Reads whether the specified Windows credentials exist on the system and outputs them to a message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Credential > P_IsWindowsCredentialExist_Test
Used variables
RESULT: A variable that stores whether Windows credentials exist or not
Used properties
Output = RESULT
Target Credential = 'test'
Related/Similar activities
GetWindowsCredentialList, RemoveWindowsCredential, GetWindowsCredential, SetWindowsCredential
This activity card gets a list of Windows common credentials.
Application procedures
In the Output field, enter a variable to store the list of Windows credentials.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Output | Variable | Y | - | Y | Enter a variable to store the list of Windows credentials. |
Y | MORE OPTIONS | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Y | DESCRIPTION | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Read the list of Windows credential information and output it to the message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Credential > P_GetWindowsCredentialList_Test
Used variables
RESULT: Variable to store the list of Windows generic credentials
Used properties
Output = RESULT
Related/Similar activities
GetWindowsCredential, RemoveWindowsCredential, SetWindowsCredential
This activity card deletes the Windows Common Credentials.
Application procedures
In the Target Credential field, enter the name of the Windows credential you want to delete.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Target Credential | String | Y | - | - | Enter the name of the Windows common credential you want to delete. |
Y | MORE OPTIONS | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Y | DESCRIPTION | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Example of utilization
Registers the two specified Windows credentials and prints the list to a message box. Delete one of the two registered Windows credentials, Hannah, and then print the list to the message box.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > System > Credential > P_RemoveWindowsCredential_Test
Used properties
Target Credential = 'test2'
Related/Similar activities
GetWindowsCredentialList, SetWindowsCredential, IsWindowsCredentialExist
Encrypt a plain string or file. If it is already encrypted, no further encryption is performed. Encrypting a file can take several minutes or more, depending on the size of the file.
Application procedures
In the DataType field, select the type of data you want to encrypt.
In the Crypto Password field, enter the password you want to use for encryption. You must use the same password for decryption.
In the String field, enter a generic string you want to encrypt. Use when DataType is String.
In the FilePath field, enter the path to the original file you want to encrypt. Use when DataType is File.
Enter the destination file path in the Target FilePath field to save the encrypted result. Use when DataType is File.
Encryption rules
Source Data Type | Source data | Result | Comments |
String | Null | An error occurred | |
'' | Encrypted strings | ||
Plain strings | Encrypted strings | ||
Encrypted strings | Encrypted strings | Same as the original data | |
File | Null | An error occurred | |
'' | An error occurred | ||
Common file paths | Encrypted file path | ||
Encrypted file path | Encrypted file path | The contents of the result file and the source file are the same |
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Output | Variable | Y | - | Y | Enter the variable to store the encrypted result value. If DataType is String, it returns an encrypted string. If DataType is File, it returns the encrypted resulting file path. |
N | DataType | ComboBox | N | - | Y | Select the type of data to be encrypted. - String, File |
N | Crypto Password | String | Y | - | N | Enter the password to be used for encryption. It is used for decryption. It must be between 4 and 64 characters long. |
N | String | String | Y | - | N | Enter the generic string you want to encrypt. Appears if DataType is String. |
N | FilePath | String | Y | - | N | Enter the generic source file path that you want to encrypt. Appears if DataType is File. |
N | Target FilePath | String | Y | - | N | Enter the destination file path to save the encrypted results. If the original file path is the same, it will be overwritten automatically. Appears if DataType is File. |
Y | MORE OPTIONS | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Y | DESCRIPTION | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
If the DataType property is File, you can specify the source and destination files equally, and the source file will be replaced with an encrypted file.
Example of utilization
Encrypts the specified generic string and general file and displays the result as a user message box.
Sample file
Menu > Learning > Running Samples > Samples > System > System_Crypto
Used variables
encrypted: Variables to store encrypted results
decrypted: Variables to store decrypted results
Used properties
DataType = 'String' or 'File'
String = 'hello'
FilePath = 'c:\\normal.txt'
Target FilePath = 'c:\\normal.txt.e'
연관/유사 액티비티
Decrypt an encrypted string or file. If it has already been decrypted, no further decryption is performed. Decrypting a file can take several minutes or more, depending on the file size.
Application procedures
In the DataType field, select the type of data you want to decrypt
In the Crypto Password field, enter the password you want to use for decryption. You must use the same password for encryption.
In the String field, enter a regular string you want to decrypt. Use when DataType is String.
In the FilePath field, enter the path to the original file you want to decrypt. Use when DataType is File.
Enter the target file path to save the decrypted result in the Target FilePath field. Use when DataType is File.
복호화 규칙
Source Data Type | Source data | Result | Comments |
String | Null | An error occurred | |
'' | '' | ||
Plain strings | Plain strings | Same as the original data | |
Encrypted strings | Decrypted string | ||
File | Null | An error occurred | |
'' | An error occurred | ||
Common file paths | Common file paths | The contents of the result file and the source file are the same | |
Encrypted file path | Decrypted file path |
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Output | Variable | Y | - | Y | Enter a variable to store the decrypted result value. If DataType is String, it returns a decrypted string. If DataType is File, it returns the decrypted resulting file path. |
N | DataType | ComboBox | N | - | Y | Select the type of data to decrypt - String, File |
N | Crypto Password | String | Y | - | N | Enter the password to be used for decryption. It must be the same password used for encryption. It must be between 4 and 64 characters long. |
N | String | String | Y | - | N | Enter the generic string you want to decrypt. Appears if DataType is String. |
N | FilePath | String | Y | - | N | Enter the encrypted source file path to decrypt. Appears if DataType is File. |
N | Target FilePath | String | Y | - | N | Enter the destination file path to save the decrypted results. If the original file path is the same, it will be overwritten automatically. Appears if DataType is File. |
Y | MORE OPTIONS | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
Y | DESCRIPTION | - | - | - | - | Common property of the System library. |
If the DataType property is File, you can specify the source and destination files equally, and the source file will be replaced with the decrypted file.
Example of utilization
Decrypts the specified encrypted string and file, and displays the result as a user message box.
Sample file
메뉴 > 학습 > 샘플 실행하기 > samples > System > System_Crypto
Used variables
encrypted : 암호화 된 결과를 저장할 변수
decrypted : 복호화 된 결과를 저장할 변수
Used properties
DataType = 'String' or 'File'
String = this.encrypted
FilePath = this.encrypted
Target FilePath = 'c:\\normal.d.txt'
연관/유사 액티비티