You can control Chrome screen using the features provided by the Chrome library. The Chrome Extension identifies the UI objects on the Chrome browser and finds the target UI specified by the user to perform the specified actions.
The features provided by the Chrome library are as follows:
UI object recognition features: ChromeWaitAppear, ChromeWaitDisappear, ChromeFind, ChromeIsExist, ChromeImageFind
Mouse action features: ChromeClick
Keyboard action features: ChromeSetText
Feature for launching the browser, accessing URLs, and closing the browser: ChromeOpen, ChromeClose, ChromeNavigate
Checkbox-related features: ChromeSetCheckState, ChromeGetCheckState
Data fetching features: ChromeGetData, ChromeGetTableData, ChromeGetListData
Credential-related feature: ChromeCredentialSetText
Other features: ChromeSelectListItem, ChromeScreenshot, ChromeRunAction
You can click here to install Brity RPA Extension.
The Chrome library may not operate as intended if the target app has been developed with a non-standard development method.
If you need to manually install Brity RPA Extension offline, see the following document.
Use Designer or File Explorer to refer to the samples of the Chrome library.
• On Designer: Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Chrome
• On File Explorer: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Brity RPA Designer\samples\Chrome
[Chrome sample project names and related activity cards]
• Chrome
: ChromeSetCheckState, ChromeGetCheckState, ChromeClick, ChromeCredentialSetText, ChromeFind, ChromeGetData, ChromeGetListData, ChromeGetTableData, ChromeImageFind, ChromeIsExist, ChromeNavigate, ChromeOpen, ChromeClose, ChromeRunAction, ChromeScreenshot, ChromeSelectListItem, ChromeSetText, ChromeWaitAppear, ChromeWaitDisappear
Common Properties
Common Properties
You can set properties related to the target (UI object).
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
URL | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the URL to connect to after the browser is launched within single quotation marks. (Default: 'about:blank’ [empty browser screen]) |
Maximize | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to maximize the browse window when launching Chrome. (Default: On) |
PageUrl | String | N | - | Y | Enter the web page URL at the time of recording the object. |
IframeSrc | String | N | - | Y | Enter the IFrame source property if the specified object is inside the IFrame. |
Iframe Index | String | N | - | Y | If there is no result or two or more frames are retrieved by searching for frames with the Iframe Src property, the frame is searched with the value of the Iframe Index property. If one frame is retrieved with the Iframe Src property, the Iframe index property is not used. |
ExecuteQuery | String | Y | - | Y | Enter the XPath or selector to locate the object when executed. |
ElementPath | String | N | - | Y | The upper-level path (parent) of the specified object. When activated, it will be applied to the ExecuteQuery activity in combination with one of the activated properties, such as the Index, ID, ClassName, TextContent, InputType, ImgSrc, and Href properties. |
Image | Image | N | - | Y | The surrounding screen images are displayed based on the position of the specified object. |
The “LATEST_BROWSER” stands for the most recently used browser in the Chrome library.
Only the executions performed with the ChromeOpen activity will be counted.
TARGET - ExecuteQuery
You can edit the content of the ExecuteQuery.
1The ExecuteQuery that will be used when activities are executed.
2Shows how many ExecuteQuery instances exist on the page, and which is the order of the ExecuteQuery item that is currently displayed on the HTML View.
3On the page, search for the next and previous instances of the ExecuteQuery activity card.
4Content of the page during the recording.
5TAGs from the selected object at the time of recording to the top-most level.
6Select whether to reflect the TAG to the ExecuteQuery.
7Shows the properties that belong to the selected TAG. You can edit the content and enable or disable properties to reflect the changes to the ExecuteQuery.
8Automatically generate an ExecuteQuery for the object selected at the time of recording.
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
PageLoadTimeout | Number | N | Second | Y | Enter the maximum waiting time (seconds) for the page loading. |
Query Type | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Select the method (XPath or Selector) you use to find the object. (Default: XPath) |
Multiple | Toggle button | N | - | Y | If there are many found objects, select whether to enter them in Output. (Default: false) For True, enter all found objects into the variables entered in Output. For False, enter only one of the first objects you find into the variable entered in Output. |
On Error | Combination box | N | - | N | Specify an action to carry out when an error occurs at the time of execution. - If not specified: Output errors and exit the task. - --Ignore--: Ignore the error. - --Retry--: Try the activity one more time. - --GoTo--: Try the scenario for the specified time if the activity fails. - _Event: Select an event created within the project. |
GotoStep Relative Position | Number | N | - | N | Select the activity you want to move based on that activity. After checking the activity number through Ctrl+F, enter the values [Activity Number] - [Target Activity Number]. (Default: 0) |
GotoStep Retry Count | Combo box | N | - | N | If that activity fails, repeat the move a specified number of times. (Default: 1) |
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
DESCRIPTION | Text | N | - | N | Enter the description for the activity card. The description entered in the DESCRIPTION field is used as the description of the activity. A representative value will be displayed in the absence of the DESCRIPTION input. |
This activity card launches the Chrome browser. It accesses the URL specified in the URL property. The specified ID ([Output] Browser) can be used with the ChromeClose activity card.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Browser field, enter the browser ID. (Default: RESULT)
In the URL field, enter the URL to access. Without additional input, an empty browser will be opened.
In the Properties window, specify other required properties.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable to save the ID of the launched Chrome browser. (Default: RESULT) |
N | Browser Type | Combo box | N | - | Y | Select the browser type. ※ Browser type Chrome, Edge |
N | Headless Mode | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to execute Chrome in headless mode. (Default: Off) |
N | Browser Path | String | N | - | N |
N | Download Path | String | N | - | N | Enter the download path to use when downloading files while performing a scenario. If blank, use the download path set in the Chrome browser installed in the environment being run. |
N | Included Extensions | Combo box | N | - | N | Select the Chrome Extension to use when running Chrome. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. |
Example of utilization
Open the Daum website, wait for one second, and then close Chrome.
Sample file
예제 파일
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Chrome > P_ChromeOpen_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Output] Browser =
URL = 'daum.net'
Maximize = On
The specified ID ([Output] Browser) can be used with the ChromeClose activity card. (However, it cannot be used with the CloseApp activity card.)
If the Download Path of ChromeOpen is not set, the download path set in the Chrome browser installed in the environment in which the scenario is performed is set as the default.
If the Download Path is not set, the path may be different when creating and executing a scenario.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card closes the specified Chrome browser.
Application procedures
In the [Input] Browser field, enter the variable that stores the ID of the Chrome browser to close.(Default: LATEST_BROWSER)
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser.(Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. |
Example of utilization
Open the Daum website, wait for one second, and then close Chrome.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Chrome > P_ChromeOpen_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Output] Browser:
Related/Similar activities
This activity card navigates to the input URL on the specified Chrome browser.
Application procedures
In the [Input] Browser field, enter the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER)
In the URL field, enter the URL to access. Without additional input, an empty browser will be opened.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser.(Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. |
Example of utilization
Open the Daum website with Chrome and wait until the Daum logo image is displayed. Display "Navigation in progress" in a message box and access the Naver website. Wait for the Naver logo image to be displayed and close the Chrome browser.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Chrome > P_ChromeNavigate_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Input] Browser:
URL: 'naver.com'
Related/Similar activities
This activity card waits for the specified time until the specified object is displayed.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the target object in the Chrome browser.
In the Properties window, specify other required properties.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Result | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable to store the result of target object appearance. (Default: RESULT) “True” is returned if the target object is found within the specified time. “False” is returned otherwise. |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. |
Example of utilization
Open the Daum website with Chrome and wait for 10 seconds until the login field is displayed. If the login field is not displayed, output "It's not a login page." in a message box. Then, click the Login button and wait for 10 seconds until the login field is displayed. If the login field is displayed, output "Successfully navigated to the login page." in a message box and close the Chrome browser.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Chrome > P_ChromeWaitAppear_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Output] Result:
[Input] Browser:
PageLoadTimeout: 10
Related/Similar activities
ChromeWaitDisappear, ChromeIsExist
This activity card waits for the specified time until the specified object disappears.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the target object in the Chrome browser.
In the Properties window, specify other required properties.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Result | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable to store the result of target object appearance. (Default: RESULT) “True” is returned if the target object is found within the specified time. “False” is returned otherwise. |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. |
Example of utilization
Open the Daum website with Chrome, click Sign up, and wait for 10 seconds until the “Sign up” button disappears. If the “Sign up” button disappears, output "Successfully navigated to the sign-up page." in a message box and close the Chrome browser.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Chrome > P_ChromeWaitDisappear_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Output] Result:
[Input] Browser:
PageLoadTimeout: 10
Related/Similar activities
ChromeWaitAppear, ChromeIsExist
This activity card returns a specified object on a specified page.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the target object in the Chrome browser.
In the Properties window, specify other required properties.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Element | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable to store the specified object. (Default: RESULT) |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser.(Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. |
Example of utilization
Open the Daum website (www.daum.net) with Chrome and search for the Cafe object. Click the searched Cafe object. Wait until the Cafe object is displayed, and then close the Chrome browser.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Chrome > P_ChromeFind_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Output] Element:
[Input] Browser:
Objects on web pages without the URL cannot be properly recognized.
Related/Similar activities
ChromeImageFind, ChromeRunAction
This activity card returns an object that matches the specified image on the specified page.
Application procedures
Ensure that the browser screen scale has been set to 100%.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
In the [Output] Element field, enter the variable to store the searched object.
In the [Input] Browser field, enter the variable that stores the ID of the Chrome browser to search. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER)
In the Properties window, specify other required properties.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Element | Variable | Y | - | N | Specify the variable to store the object. (Default: RESULT) |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
N | SnapShot | Image | Y | - | Y | The specified object image is automatically input. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. |
Example of utilization
Open the Daum website (www.daum.net) with Chrome and search for the Mail/News/Maps image. Click the returned object, wait until the Cafe object is displayed, and then close the Chrome browser. Then, open the Daum website again, search for the object with the ChromeFind activity card, and store the boundary data of the object in the bound variable. Use the boundary data to specify the area to search for the image and search for the Mail/New/Maps image. Click the returned object, wait until the Cafe object is displayed, and then close the Chrome browser.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Chrome > P_ChromeImageFind_Test
Used variables
bound: Variable to store the boundary data of the searched object.
Used properties
[Output] Element:
[Input] Browser:
Objects on web pages without the URL cannot be properly recognized.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card verifies if the specified object exists on the specified page.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the target object in the Chrome browser.
In the [Output] Result field, enter the variable to store the searched object.
In the [Input] Browser field, enter the variable that stores the ID of the Chrome browser to search. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER)
In the Properties window, specify other required properties.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Result | Variable | Y | - | Y | Enter the variable to store the verification result for whether the target object exists. (Default: RESULT) |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. |
Example of utilization
Open the Daum page and verify if the login object exists. If the login object exists, output “Login button exists.” in a message box. If the “login” object does not exist, output “Login button does not exists.” in a message box. Then, close the Chrome browser.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Chrome > P_ChromeIsExist_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Output] Result:
[Input] Browser:
Related/Similar activities
ChromeWaitAppear, ChromeWaitDisappear
This activity card clicks the specified object on the specified page.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the target object in the Chrome browser.
In the [Input] Browser field, enter the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER)
In the Properties window, specify other required properties.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. |
Example of utilization
Open the Daum website with Chrome and click the Search button. Then, on the navigated page, wait until the Search button is displayed and close the Chrome browser.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Chrome > P_ChromeClick_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Input] Browser:
Objects on web pages without the URL cannot be properly recognized.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card searches for a Select-type object (DropDown) input and selects it. Objects without the “Select” tag cannot be selected.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the target object in the Chrome browser.
In the [Input] Browser field, enter the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER)
In the Text field, enter the text to select from the specified object.
In the Properties window, specify other required properties.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
Y | [TARGET] Text | String | Y | - | N | Enter the text to select from the specified object. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. |
Example of utilization
Open the Amazon website with Chrome and output "Changing the category to Books." in a message box. Then, select "Books" for the search category and close the Chrome browser.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Chrome > P_ChromeSelectListItem_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Input] Browser:
Text: 'Books'
Only objects created with the Select tag can be specified as the target object.
This activity card fetches the data value of a specified object.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the target object in the Chrome browser.
In the [Output] Data field, enter the variable to store the fetched data.
In the [Input] Browser field, enter the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER)
Set the DataType property to select the type of data to fetch.
In the Properties window, specify other required properties.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Data | String | - | The imported object information is returned. | 'https://mail.daum.net/' |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser.(Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
N | DataType | Combo box | N | - | Y | Specify the data type to return for the object. (Default: Text) The displayed data type is the type that exists in the selected object. ※ Data type - Text, Element, href, class, data-tiara-layer, data-tiara-action-name |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. |
Example of utilization
Open the Daum website (www.daum.net) with Chrome and store the text value of the Cafe object in the RESULT variable. In a message box, output the returned text value in the text property in the “value: + RESULT” format. Then, store the value of the Mail object in the RESULT variable. In a message box, output the returned text value in the “value: + RESULT” format and close the Chrome browser.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Chrome > P_ChromeGetData_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Output] Data:
[Input] Browser:
Related/Similar activities
This activity card enters text input to a specified object.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the target object in the Chrome browser.
In the [Input] Browser field, enter the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER)
In the Input Text field, enter a text.
Set the ClearAll property to select whether to delete the existing text before entering text in the object.
Set the Done(Enter) property to select whether to press the Enter key after entering text in the object.
In the Properties window, specify other required properties.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser.(Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
N | Input Text | String | Y | - | N | Specify the text to input to the object. (Default: RESULT) To avoid exposing the text string of a password, select the "Secure" tab. |
N | ClearAll | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to delete the existing text before entering text in the object. (Default: On) If this property disabled (Off), the specified text will be added to the existing text. |
N | Done(Enter) | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to press the Enter key after entering text in the object. (Default: Off) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. |
Example of utilization
Open the Daum website with Chrome and enter Test in the search field object. Clicks the Search button and close the Chrome browser.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Chrome > P_ChromeSetText_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Input] Browser:
Input Text: 'Test'
ClearAll: On
Done(Enter): Off
Objects on web pages without the URL cannot be properly recognized.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card assigns pre-specified credential-type data to an object. The procedures are identical to those for the ChromeSetText activity card except that a credential resource is used.
Application procedures
Only a credential resource can be used as input data.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the target object in the Chrome browser.
In the [Input] Browser field, enter the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER)
In the Input Text field, select a credential-type shared resource.
Set the Done(Enter) property to select whether to press the Enter key after entering text in the object.
In the Properties window, specify other required properties.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser.(Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
N | Done(Enter) | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to press the Enter key after entering text in the object. (Default: Off) |
N | Input Text | String | Y | - | N | Specify the credential-type resource to input to the object. (The resource must be registered to the server in advance.) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. |
Example of utilization
Open the Naver login page with Chrome and enter the shared resource data in the password field. Output "Entered the password specified in the shared resource." in a message box and close the Chrome browser.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Chrome > P_ChromeCredentialSetText_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Input] Browser =
Done(Enter) = Off
Input Text =
(shared resource)
Objects on web pages without the URL cannot be properly recognized.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card saves the screenshot of a specified page as a file.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Result field, enter the variable to store the path for the screenshot.
In the [Input] Browser field, enter the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER)
In the FilePath field, enter the complete path for the screenshot file.
In the Properties window, specify other required properties.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | String | - | The file path where the screenshot is saved is returned. Path : (FilePath)\\Screenshot_yyyyMMddHHmmss.png | 'C:\\Screenshot_20210708170805.png' |
Card output properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the ID variable for the executed Chrome. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
N | FilePath | Variable | Y | - | N | Specify the complete path to store the screenshot. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. |
Example of utilization
Open the Daum website with Chrome, save the screenshot file in "C:\\", and store the path in the RESULT variable. Output "Saved the screenshot in the specified path ([FilePath])." in a message box and close the Chrome browser.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Chrome > P_ChromeScreenshot_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Input] Browser =
[Output] Result =
FilePath = 'C:\\'
This activity card cannot properly recognize web pages without the URL.
This activity card performs a specified action using a specified object.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Result field, specify the variable to store the execution result of an event.
In the [Input] Browser field, enter the variable that stores the ID of the Chrome browser that will generate or search for an event. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER)
In the [Input] Element field, enter the variable for the target object that will trigger the event.
Set the Command property to select the event (operation method).
In the Properties window, specify other required properties.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Output] Result | Variable | Y | - | Y | Enter the variable to store the execution result of the event. (Default: RESULT) Some of the commands, such as “Click” and “MovetoElement,” may not return the execution result. |
N | [Input] Element | Variable | Y | - | N | Enter the variable for the target object that will trigger an event. |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
N | Command | Combination box | Y | - | Y | Select the event to execute (operation method). (Default: Click) See Remarks below for the events that can be executed. |
N | Data Type | Combination box | N | - | Y | This option is provided for the GetData command to specify the type of data to retrieve. |
N | Script | String | N | - | N | This option is provided for the ExecuteScript command to specify the script to execute. |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. |
Example of utilization
Open the Daum website in Chrome, search for the Log in with Daum ID object, and store the result it in the RESULT variable. Click the object stored in the RESULT variable. (Because Click does not have any execution result, the result will not be stored in the variable specified in the [Output] Result field.) Then, wait for five seconds and close the Chrome browser.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Chrome > P_ChromeRunAction_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Output] Result =
[Input] Element =
[Input] Browser =
Command = Click
The variable in the [Output] Element fields of the ChromeFind and ChromeImageFind activity cards must be specified as the values of the [Input] Element fields.
Click: Click object.
MoveToElement: Performs an action similar to hovering of mouse pointer. (The pointer does not actually move.)
GetData: Returns the data value of a specified object.
GetBound: Returns the X and Y coordinates and the Width and Height information of the object.
GetParentElement: Returns the parent object information of the object.
GetChildElement: Returns the first child object information of the object.
GetNextElement: Returns the information of the next object from the specified object.
GetPreviousElement: Returns the information of the previous object from the specified object.
ExecuteScript: Runs the written script.
Related/Similar activities
ChromeFind, ChromeImageFind, ChromeClick, ChromeGetData
This activity card selects or unselects a checkbox. Depending on the implementation method, objects that look like checkboxes may not be checkboxes. Therefore, such objects will not be selected by this activity card. Also, objects on web pages without the URL cannot be properly recognized.
Application procedures
Ensure that checkbox objects have been selected as the target objects.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the target object in the Chrome browser.
In the [Input] Browser field, specify the variable that stores the ID of the Chrome browser to select the checkbox. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER)
Set the Command property to select either “Checked (select checkbox)” or “Unchecked (unselect checkbox).”
In the Properties window, specify other required properties.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser.(Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
N | [Target] Command | Combo box | N | - | Y | Sets the checkbox to Checked or Unchecked (Default: Checked). |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. |
Example of utilization
Open the Daum login page with Chrome, store the "Keep me logged in" checkbox status in the RESULT variable, and output "The current checkbox status is [RESULT]." in a message box. Then, set the “Keep me logged in” checkbox to “Checked” and store the status in the RESULT variable. After that, output "The current checkbox status is [RESULT]." in a message box and close the Chrome browser.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Chrome > P_ChromeCheckState_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Input] Browser:
Command: Checked
Objects on web pages without the URL cannot be properly recognized.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card fetches the status information of a specified checkbox as a text string. The status information can be classified into three types: “Checked,” “UnChecked,” and “Unknown.”
Application procedures
Ensure that a checkbox objects has been selected as the target objects.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the target object in the Chrome browser.
In the [Output] Result field, specify the variable to store the checkbox status information.
In the [Input] Browser field, specify the variable that stores the ID of the Chrome browser to fetch the checkbox status information. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER)
In the Properties window, specify other required properties.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Result | String | - | Returns the status information of the checkbox. ※ The result value consists of 3 types: "Checked", "UnChecked", and "Indeterminate". | "Checked" |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the ID variable for the executed Chrome. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. |
Example of utilization
Open the Daum login page with Chrome, store the "Keep me logged in" checkbox status in the RESULT variable, and output "The current checkbox status is [RESULT]." in a message box. Then, set the “Keep me logged in” checkbox to “Checked” and store the status in the “RESULT” variable. After that, output "The current checkbox status is [RESULT]." in a message box and close the Chrome browser.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Chrome > P_ChromeCheckState_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Output] Result:
[Input] Browser:
Objects on web pages without the URL cannot be properly recognized.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card fetches data from a specified target in a specified data type, in the form of a two-dimensional array (table).
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the target object in the Chrome browser.
In the [Output] Data field, specify the variable to store the object information.
In the [Input] Browser field, specify the variable that stores the ID of the Chrome browser to fetch the object information. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER)
In the Properties window, specify other required properties.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Data | 2D Array | Object or String | Returns the imported object information. ※ The elements of the array are determined by the DataType . | If Data Type is 'Name', 0 : Company | Contact | Country 1 : Alfreds Fultterkiste | Maria Anders | Germany 2: Moctezuma Shopping Center | Francis Chang | Mexico |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
N | Data Type | Combo Box | N | - | Y | Specifies the data type to return. (Default: Text) ※ Data type type - Text, Element |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. |
Example of utilization
Open the "https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_tables.asp" website with Chrome and store the text values in the table cell objects in the RESULT variable. Output the values in the “RESULT” variable in a message box and close the Chrome browser.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Chrome > P_ChromeGetTableData_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Output] Data:
[Input] Browser:
Related/Similar activities
This activity card fetches data from a specified target in a specified data type, in the form of a one-dimensional array (list).
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the target object in the Chrome browser.
In the [Output] Data field, specify the variable to store the object information.
In the [Input] Browser field, specify the variable that stores the ID of the Chrome browser to fetch the object information. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER)
In the Properties window, specify other required properties.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Additional comments | Description | Example |
Data | One-dimensional array | Object or String | Returns the imported object information. ※ The elements of the array are determined by the DataType . | If Data Type is 'Name', 0: Germany 1: Mexico 2: Austria |
Card input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
N | Data Type | Combo Box | N | - | Y | Specifies the data type to return. (Default: Text) ※ Data type type - Text, Element |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. |
Example of utilization
Open the "https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_tables.asp" website with Chrome and store the text values in the table cell objects in the “RESULT” variable. Output the fifth value in the “RESULT” variable in a message box and close the Chrome browser.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Sample > Sample > Chrome > P_ChromeGetListData_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Output] Data:
[Input] Browser:
Related/Similar activities
During recording, similar UI objects are found and displayed on the screen based on multiple objects specified by the user during recording. Objects specified by the user are displayed in blue and can be excluded by clicking again. It does not necessarily output the specified objects, but similar UI objects found through the specified objects. Gets in the form of a one-dimensional array with the specified data type.
The pop-up screen provides a brief description and functions to cancel, initialize, and complete the recording.
Cancel : Cancel recording.
Reset : Release all selected objects and return to the initial state.
Completion: Complete the recording and set the information that can bring the displayed objects to Activity.
You can select multiple objects as above by holding down Shift while selecting objects on the object selection screen. After designating the desired objects, release Shift to display a pop-up screen. Click 'Done' on the pop-up screen.
Clicked Object : 'Samsung SDS America|Enterprise IT Solutions', 'SAMSUNG SDS|iF WORLD DESIGN GUIDE'
Selected Object : 'Samsung SDS America|Enterprise IT Solutions', 'SAMSUNG SDS|iF WORLD DESIGN GUIDE', 'SamsungSDS(@samsung.sds) Instagram photos and videos', 'Samsung SDS signs partnership with US software firm ...'
The clicked object and the selected object may be different.
Application procedures
Double-click No Target on the activity card .
Specify the target object in the Chrome browser.
In the [Output] Result, enter a variable to store object information.
In the [Input] Browser field, specify the variable that stores the ID of the Chrome browser to fetch the object information. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER)
In the Properties window, specify other required properties. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER)
Specify the desired value for other properties.
Card output properties
Property | Type | Auto-setting | Description | Example result |
Data | One-dimensional array | Object or String | Returns the imported object information. ※ The elements of the array are determined by the DataType . | If Data Type is 'Name', 0: Germany 1: Mexico 2: Austria |
Card input properties
Common | Property | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specifies the variable that stores the ID of the launched Chrome browser. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
N | DataType | Combo box | N | - | Y | Specifies the data type to return. (Default: Text)※ Data type type- Text, Element |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of the Chrome library. |
Example of utilization
With chrome https://www.google.com/search?q=%EC%82%BC%EC%84%B1%EC%97%90%EC%8A%A4%EB%94%94%EC%97 %90%EC%8A%A4&rlz=1C1OKWM_enKR882KR882&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjepurXrdXzAhXpgP0HHX1CBhMQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1058 Open text value of table RE(table page), text value of object (REP) in table page, open text value of RELTR object (table page) Outputs the value of the RESULT variable to a message box and closes the Chrome browser.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Samples > Sample > Chrome > Chrome > P_ChromeGetMultipleElements_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Output] Data : RESULT
[Input] Browser : LATEST_BROWSER
DataType : Text
Related/Similar activities
This activity card creates the objects modified by the user within the area specified by the user as each activity. Select Form and input values to objects existing inside the Form.
Form selection mode : Select the Form containing the objects you want to input. Displays editable objects inside the Form through the blue dotted line.
Value input mode : When Form is selected (clicked) in the Form selection mode, the blue dotted line is displayed in bold and it is switched to the value input mode. At this time, click the 'Done' button on the pop-up screen after entering and correcting the values.
Supportable Activity Types:
In the case of a Form that does not have a blue dotted line inside, it does not work even if it is selected (clicked).
ChromeFormBlock can record in collapsed state.
On the pop-up screen, a brief description and functions to cancel and complete the recording are provided.
Cancel : Cancel recording.
Completion : Recording is completed and each Activity is created for the objects whose values have changed among the displayed objects.
In Form selection mode, move the mouse to navigate through the Form where the desired objects are displayed with blue dotted lines. When all desired objects are displayed, click to select Form.
In the value input mode, input and modify values for the objects indicated by the blue dotted line.
At this time, the input or modified objects are created as Activity suitable for each type.
Application procedure
Double-click the block's Record.
If a blue dotted line is displayed for the desired objects by moving the mouse, specify (click) the corresponding Form.
Perform an action (such as text input) for each area marked with a blue dotted line inside the Form object.
When all actions are complete, click the 'Done' button in the pop-up.
Card input properties
Common | Property | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | Title | String | N | - | Y | Enter a title. (Default: Untitled) |
Example of utilization
Open the page https://nid.naver.com/nidlogin.login?mode=form&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.naver.com with Chrome, enter your ID, password, keep logged in, IP Security, and enter your Chrome browser to quit.
Sample file
Menu > Help > Samples > Sample > Chrome > Chrome > P_ChromeFormBlock_Test
Used variables
Used properties
Related/Similar activities
Select or unselect the specified radio button. Depending on how the page is implemented, it may appear as a radio button but may not be selected, and a page without a URL will usually not be able to read the object.
Application Procedure
Specify the radio button type.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the desired object in Chrome or Edge browser.
In the [Input] field, enter a variable that stores the ID of the Chrome browser for which you want to select the radio button. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER)
In the Command field, select Checked or Unchecked.
Specify the values for the attributes.
Card properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-settings | Description |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specifies a variable that stores the ID of the Chrome or Edge browser that was launched. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
N | [TARGET] Command | Combo Box | N | - | Y | Select whether the radio button is checked or unchecked. (Default: Checked) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of Chrome library. |
Sample file
Menu > Help > Samples > Sample > Chrome > Chrome > P_ChromeCheckStateRadioButton_Test
Used variables
Used properties
A page without a URL cannot recognize objects usually.
Related/Similar activities
This activity card retrieves the status information of the specified radio button as a string. There are three types of status: 'Checked', 'UnChecked', and 'Unknown'.
Application procedure
Select the radio button type.
Double-click No Target on the activity card.
Specify the desired object in Chrome or Edge browser.
In the [Output] field, enter a variable to store the radio button state information.
In the [Input] field, enter a variable that stores the ID of the Chrome browser to retrieve the radio button status information. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER)
Specify the values you want for the rest of the attributes.
Card Output properties
Property | Type | Auto-setting | Description | Example results |
Result | String | - | Returns the status information of the radio button. ※ The result consists of three types: "Checked", "UnChecked", and "Indeterminate". | "Checked" |
Card Input properties
Common | Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
N | [Input] Browser | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the ID variable of the Chrome or Edge that was launched. (Default: LATEST_BROWSER) |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of Chrome library. | |
Y | - | - | - | - | Common property of Chrome library. |
Sample file
Menu > Help > Samples > Sample > Chrome > Chrome > P_ChromeCheckStateRadioButton_Test
Used variables
Used properties
[Output] Result : RESULT
[Input] Browser : LATEST_BROWSER
A page without a URL cannot recognize objects usually.
Related/Similar activities