Activity cards dedicated to headless projects include:
This activity card opens a new Excel document in headless mode.
Application procedures
In the [Output] Excel field, specify the variable to store the execution result. Activity cards utilize the value assigned to the variable for editing Excel documents.
Card properties
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
[Output] Excel | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable to assign the open Excel document. |
Invisible | Toggle button | N | - | Y | Specify whether to display the Excel document on the screen when it is open. |
Example of utilization
Open a new Excel file in headless mode.
Used variables
RESULT = Variable to assign the Excel document opened in headless mode
Used properties
[Output] Excel =
Invisible = N
Related/Similar activities
HeadlessOpenExcel, SetHeadlessExcel
This activity card opens an Excel file in headless mode.
Application procedures
In the Path field, enter the path and file name of the Excel document to open in headless mode.
In the [Output] Excel field, specify the variable to store the execution result. (Default: RESULT). The value assigned to the variable is utilized by activity cards for editing Excel documents.
Card properties
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
[Output] Excel | Variable | Y | - | Y | Specify the variable to assign the open Excel document. (Default: RESULT) |
Path | Text | N | - | N | Enter the path and file name of the Excel file to open. |
Invisible | Toggle button | Y | - | N | Specify whether to display the Excel document on the screen when it is open. |
ReadOnly | Toggle button | Y | - | Y | Specify whether to open the Excel document as read-only. |
UsePassword | Toggle button | N | Select whether to use a password. |
Example of utilization
Open an Excel file in headless mode.
Used variables
RESULT = Variable to assign the Excel document opened in headless mode
Used properties
[Output] Excel =
Path = 'C:\\Resources.xlsx'
Invisible = N
ReadOnly = N
UsePassword = N
Related/Similar activities
HeadlessNewExcel, SetHeadlessExcel
This activity card activates an inactive Excel file in headless mode.
Application procedures
Ensure that the Excel document to activate has been opened.
In the File Name field, enter the name of the Excel file to activate.
Card properties
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
FileName | Text | Y | - | N | Enter the name of the Excel file to activate. |
Example of utilization
Activate an Excel document named “Schedule for the Last Week October” In headless mode.
Used properties
FileName = 'Schedule for the Last Week October’
Related/Similar activities
This activity card calls and executes the processes that have been distributed to the server.
Application procedures
The processes to execute must be distributed to the server in advance and added as “remote processes” under the process flow.
In the [Output] Result field, enter the variable to store the result of the execution.
Set the Process property to select the ID of the process to execute.
Card properties
Properties | Type | Required | Unit | Auto-setting | Description |
[Output] Result | Variable | Y | - | N | Specify a variable to assign the operation result information. |
[Input] Execution Bot | Variable | N | - | N | Specify this option only if the process will be executed by the same bot that executed the previous process. Enter the result variable (Result) of the previous process. |
[CONDITIONS] Process | Combination box | Y | - | N | Select the ID of the process to execute from the combination box. In the combination box, processes under the process flow are displayed. |
[SIMULATION RESULT] Status | Combination box | N | - | Y | Select the value to use as the “status” value of the returned result. - SUCCESS: Successful - FAIL: Failed - SUSPENDED: Job has been forcibly terminated by user. |
[SIMULATION RESULT] Error | Text | N | - | N | Enter the value to use as the “error” value of the returned result. |
[SIMULATION RESULT] ExpireTime(Sec) | Number | N | Second | Y | Enter the time for generating the simulated event in seconds. |
[SIMULATION RESULT] Result | Text | N | - | N | Enter the value inside “{}” to use as the “result” value of the returned result. |
Example of utilization
Among the remote processes under the headless project, call and execute the “MyProcess” process.
Used variables
RESULT: Variable to store the execution result
Used properties
[Output] Result =
ProcessId = 'MyProcess'